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Thursday, August 13, 2020


Almond Chocolate Chunk Cookies - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

okay guys here we are we got the Joe and the bro as Superman and Batman and we got burger meat tracking over here Jason burger say what's up bro what's up yeah Jason is we trained together at CrossFit blizzard he couldn't tell but he's gonna come in and kind of do a little dessert number cookies and then ice cream spread up the two videos coming up with burger we'll see if the boys can stay up that late because they're already pajama up but we're gonna be right back with some Woody's calmer paleo talking super clear target okay Theo chocolate chip cookies you don't wanna miss this look every guy so uh we're gonna start off weird you want to eat us through this what do we got um all I'm flower okay choking of that in here yep okay it's got five cups almond flour well 3/4 cup coconut oil right there yep okay need to heat this up turn it to a liquid form yeah okay I'll take care of that and you guys want to hit up what's next there we go any 3/4 cup maple syrup do you remember when we worked on gosh I don't know who got a better score did you win or was it me I cut it all up the workout was cuz I can I've only lost once so oh I don't know please to Myra hello this is to I don't know I'm sure you all right guys see this line we're gonna go to right there he's always eating I don't know and he told me the reason he lost is because you went camping for that in here we got something 78% dark chocolate how much sugars in here cheap paleo whoa eight grams in this whole thing there are 20 grams of sugar coming in this kind of hot macho guys that goes in all right now when you smash this up maybe smash it up in the container and they don't know will opener you can't start hitting that just flat there you go bud take it down there well here and you gotta push this button ah nice wad okay fill it back up alright go so I go in the oven at 350 okay I like them to be just get brown around the edges and then take them out they cook a little bit longer it's kind of a softer cookie my wife likes it okay well maybe we'll do half a half we'll get these guys in the oven and we'll check back when they're done say what do you guys say keep this paper here we are guys boom cookies are done we saw what happened our coconut oil was a little hot so it melted the chocolate and turn these a little bit Brown right yep yep but you know you can easily prevent that we're gonna go ahead and teach the boys you wanna help me scoop these off and put them on here we're gonna try to shingle them on or make them look nice like this you see that nice Jonas mr. Joe okay but like we said before these are paying the cookies that doesn't mean you can just eat them non-stop or what I recommend is making making them in batches freezing them and then just pull them out maybe one I'd say three a week how likely is that that way you might need to cut down a little bit how do you do it I enjoy having one every morning with my coffee there you go so so probably a better option than something filled with gluten and maybe some you know like soft batch Toll House until I want to stay away from that but we're just here in the paleo Test Kitchen with Berger and the boys do what we can to help you guys keep it .

Video Description:

I love cookies! Who doesn't?
I grew up eating cookies and "bars" in Minnesota and this has had a lasting effect on my sensitivity/addiction to sugar. You see, I lived in a house that didn't regularly stock sweets, so when we did have them, they were eaten voraciously until extinct. For that reason, I don't seem to have an off switch when it comes to eating sweets, or really anything for that matter.
