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Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Paleo Keto zucchini chocolate muffins

hi welcome back to my kitchen um kateri's joining me again today hello and um dressed as a unicorn of course because she lives as a unicorn um today we're going to make you one of our family favorites it's zucchini chocolate muffins so these are healthy enough to have for breakfast which we do do and um you can even make them into a dessert i even can prank a boy you want it i pranked the boys oh she did prank the boys with them once so just to make things easier on you all we have everything set up and ready to go um so we're gonna start with um two zucchinis shredded i use organic of course um it's finely shredded as you can i put them in a food processor so um it kind of chops up anything that's left anyway um we're gonna go ahead and throw in our monk fruit i did one and three quarter cup of monk fruit i mixed the golden and the white i like the golden because it's a little richer flavor we're going to add eight eggs i'm going to add 3 4 cup of melted grass-fed butter um i don't do dairy typically there are a few exceptions one is grass-fed and it's on occasion it's not a regular occurrence um and also uh there's a few like aged grass-fed cheeses i can tolerate and they just don't make me feel very good what about normal butter you can if you want to i personally do not use anything other than grass fed um now speaking of dairy free um this is a recipe kind of derived from my my mom zucchini bread but some will use sour cream i don't use sour cream it makes me horribly sick so instead i used coconut cream one cup and it's the thick part on the top of the can so it's good to buy a coconut milk not light put it in the refrigerator overnight they'll separate and the top part that's hardened is the cream so you want a cup of that and then add two to three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to get it kind of like a buttermilk sour taste okay we're gonna add that so it even kind of curdles a little bit just don't look at it if you don't like it all right so that's our wet ingredients we're gonna blend those in the meantime kateri's going to take one and a half cups of almond flour we have a quarter cup of flax meal we have a half cup oh wait that was wrong there's a quarter cup of psyllium husk and then one cup of flaxseed meal okay and then baking powder colored ice cream it does doesn't it you're gonna hold on to all that together i'm actually gonna add the cocoa powder into this so this is one cup of cacao powder i use organic pro powder lots of great health benefits on this i'll post more information on that so i'm gonna add all this together gonna be loud for just a second bear with us just let everything marry and then pie we're gonna do high for about 20 seconds okay now we're gonna add get really full here we're gonna add all this the dry ingredients together normally i would have used a little bit bigger container a little bit better but this is fine the food processor will do it all and we are pushing our capacity limit oh that's right do a teaspoon of sea salt there we go we are pushing our limit here all right once it all looks blended which it does and it is really cool we are going to add eyeball it but i do one to two cups of chocolate chips these are yes lilies you're right it has to be lilies and at least in our house right because they don't add sugar it's sweetened with stevia um much better option there's no um does it cause any insulin spike or glycemic response so it looks like you're baking a cake i know we can eat it just like that right cover that and we're going to pulse a couple times to let it mix through because we don't want all the chips to one more ready and good everything should be mixed through still got some chips on um top what we'll do is we'll pick two to three um tablespoons oh wait a second vanilla i eyeball it about two right teaspoons we're gonna all right like we said before but ain't messy it's not fun um so we're going to scoop that in you're going to have that i've been preheated to 350 and um i use convection so if you use convection between 15 and 20 minutes you want to start checking it and see if that knife comes out clean otherwise it's going to be about 25 to 30 minutes in the oven on a regular oven set to 350. um and then uh once they're done you can serve them as is like i said we have them for breakfast or i'll have another video and show you our frosting for dessert all right check back with us in a little bit um we'll show a picture of the end result enjoy .

Video Description:

Paleo Keto zucchini chocolate muffins Are so decadent and “the m word”. Kid and gym rat approved! Nutrient rich and clean, whole foods!
