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Monday, October 19, 2020


It's Not Gourmet Bro" Tomatillo Pork Green Chile - Paleo Cooking with Nick Massie

hey guys we got a pork shoulder roast on the board and if you watch this video you won't be bored we got this from 5280 pork out of Meeker Colorado you got to check this stuff out it's awesome and we're right now we're going to throw together the next slow cooker video it's going to be it's not gourmet pork green chili I guess we're going to get into the Test Kitchen concept what we're going to be very finite on our measurements so that you can replicate this at home if you'd like I'm gonna start by putting this bottle of super radical ridge rub on the scale 227 grams now I'm going to take the pork I have it on a piece of paleo parchment paper okay pork on paleo parchment paper there's a lot of piece and I'm going to just season the outside press that in go to the side here we want to get the side there we go so I got it seasoned on all sides I'll put the lid back on 200 grams so we know that we've used 27 grams of super radical rib rub so next step is be to take our our shoulder we'll put it in our crock right in the bottom then we'll take the rest of this Roma's s we can write on top okay 27 grams in there let me clean up my hands I'll be right back all right guys we got a guest culinary ninja in the making show me shirt but what does it say whoa high-five thanks for joining me all right so here's what I want you to do but can you take we have these are called tomatillos and I want you to take and peel the wrapper off of that can you do that for me while he's doing that I'm gonna take two onion I'm taking julienne these onions and then let's go ahead and turn our scale back on and we can find out exactly how many onions because all the onions are different sizes right so you might grab two huge ones and I have two small ones and then when you make your pork you're going to be like and that was way too onion why was it so onion 376 grams of onions going in do you feel like you could cut these in half the night don't do that okay there's a normally poppet good all right we've got the smaller knife you guys guys pairing it up so hand over the top right between the fingers pull and pull back there you go good job bud 494 grams tomatillos going to dump that in the bin now we have green chili and when I think of green chili to remind me of Carlitos burritos in Las Vegas Nevada member that play yeah so let's put these on here boom 722 grams of green chili I've just taken these out of the can and rinse them get that vinegar kind of water out of them for now all I'm going to do is tape can you put the lid on there but on just like that then we're going to put this on high for seven hours and about halfway through we'll start playing with it where we'll turn the green chilies and the tomatillos into the pork and kind of get them up underneath right now they'll cook down provide some moisture super radical red Rob will do its thing and we're done it won't be gourmet it'll just taste that way all right we'll check back when it's done Joe what do we got here bud we got a new culinary ninja that's what we got say hi Jonah no oh you're gonna turn sideways okay he's a little shy but we have our pork green chili and it's gone for seven hours about halfway through I stirred it and I added two teaspoons of salt Jonas is going to help me out by cracking a couple eggs can you crack one of those he's done this before you go I'm gonna get one a little bit harder there you go now open it good job you'll want you to dump that right in here nice good job Joe just a little salt and pepper and the take it is right on the other side okay we think of that door does it look good there we have it just one simple quick way to throw together the pork green chilli again this is 5280 natural pork I want to say thanks to Joe the culinary then just can you give me the frock and do you remember the little saying that you know that that you said and you and I stay together you could hey Bo so Joe and I here doing what we can to help you a pit keep keep fit paleo .

Video Description:

I love this video. Not because of me or because of the the flashy new Paleo Test Kitchen, but because it features "The Jo!" and "The Bro!", two dudes who make me happy. This is an amazing recipe as well and there is a cooking lesson involved, but I just love watching my boys and I hope you find them entertaining...
