Video Description:
Typically, when you think fried chicken, you don’t think of paleo. However, this almond coconut crusted fried chicken is a paleo chicken recipe that is perfect for cooking with ghee. In this video, Rachel shows you how to prepare this delicious coconut fried chicken!
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2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 egg
1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
1/8 tsp. cayenne or chili pepper
1 pinch sea salt
2 pinches garlic powder
Ground-up almonds
Shredded coconut
1/2 inch PrimalFat Coconut Ghee
1) Crack egg into bowl and mix with Dijon mustard, cayenne/chili pepper, sea salt and garlic powder. Whisk together.
2) Coat the chicken in the batter you just made on both sides, completely covering the chicken.
3) Take equal parts ground-up almonds and shredded coconut, with another pinch of sea salt, and mix it all together.
4) Spread the coconut/almond mix, and dredge it over all sides of the chicken.
5) Take at least 1/2 inch of the ghee and place it in a pan that has already been preheated to medium-high heat.
6) Place the chicken in the pan, making sure you hear the chicken sizzle as it comes into contact with the oil. Let cook for about 2-3 minutes on each side of the chicken, waiting until it is a nice golden color before flipping.
Prep time: 7 minutes
If, after the seven minutes, the middle part of the chicken is still a little cold and not all the way cooked through, place chicken in an oven heated at about 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about five minutes.