hey what's going on guys I am here with Mike liberto and we're gonna be talking about some paleo on some how to lose fat and so Mike how you doing I'm doing great how are you I'm doing great as well so tell me a little bit about yourself so that the viewers get to know you a little bit Mike Oh outstanding well first off thank you so much for having me on on your podcast it's a pretty rare opportunity and I'm very appreciative but my name is mike also known as cash with a que on mog nation which is a community of gamers and basically you know I have had a lot of run-ins with just not being very not being very healthy not feeling very good over over the years my body just wasn't feeling the way it should and by trade I'm I'm a fire captain and so you know I do have a responsibility to have a good healthy lifestyle and about the time my daughter was born I guess we're looking about 2004 I had a physical and during that physical the doctor told me that you know hey your cholesterol is high and my cholesterol was up around 240 and at the time I was weighing in at about 220 and I really scared me it put a quite the scare into me just about you know having high cholesterol not being around for my daughter and I decided to make a huge life change so I decided to completely change the way that I eat I decided to completely change the way that I kept up my physical fitness and you know proud to say just by making some changes that I'm sure we're going to be talking about I have gone from a weight of about 220 I'm down right now to a very lean 190 195 and my cholesterol has been in the 160s for you no good seven eight years now so you know is it basically became a lifestyle for me and making those changes did require a little of a scare on my part but right now at age 37 I feel stronger more fit and healthier than I ever have in my life so I'm very happy to talk about it and share with other folks that's that's fantastic and just to give a little more background on Mike you you played star wars the old republic for a while and that's how your imagination got started writin modnation we were talking a little earlier is a basically community for older more mature individuals to get together and play all these games right absolutely we I really got involved into the pre-launch community with star wars the old republic and I'm a giant star wars fan so I followed that game religiously from the time it was a it was introduced really to the internet and we created the Old Republic dad's which was it was game specific to star wars the old republic but it was a church still exists and it's thriving still but the older public dad's was a a guild for hardworking parents working professionals folks that didn't really have the time to commit two games and didn't want to have the the guilt of not being able to show up on raids and and so on and so forth so we created this this community where you kind of you can come and come as you will and once folks started cycling out of Star Wars ill Republican into other games we started realizing that we did not want to be away from the core group of friends that we had created over those couple of years so we ended up creating along with some other podcasting communities older public radio with the podcasters over there we decided to create a gaming community which which had a multi-game focus so we created the mog nation and its massively online games nation and basically we are a multi gaming community for hard-working parents professionals people who don't have the time to play and people who want to bounce games if you want to go play this game go play it you want to go play this game you know don't have the guilt of having to leave your guild say goodbye you know get back on the internet try to find another gill trying to integrate into another community have to do that anymore that's what mog nation is all about and we we sense of also launched several podcasts on our sites and you can find us at mog dash nation com we're on engine I really highly recommend going over to I've taken a look at it and it's a really professionally well done and it's because I had tried to run like a healthy gamer community earlier but between all of my different responsibilities I just could not devote the time to make it successful and I think modnation because there were a lot of people interested in having a community of you know mature smart players who weren't necessarily hardcore who were easy to get along with who had real lives like them and they were interested in that healthy and community but I just like I said I didn't have the time to keep it going strong like I needed to so I really think mog nation is a really great option i'm going to go over to the forms and check it out and start posting on there so i really recommend if you guys if that idea resonates with you to go over and check that out so let's let's get right on into paleo tell me Mike like what you posted a really cool picture on the facebook a few days ago tell me about that meal what was that meal I'm not exactly sure which one it is and the only reason being is because I post a lot of me which one it was the grass fed steak with the like the paleo dressing and I don't I look like sweet potato fries or something on the side yeah really good I'll put it oh yes yeah for you guys yeah that is that's one of one of my signature meals that I that I make at the firehouse I work with a couple of other very very healthy folks and that's one of the signature meals that will make and it's basically it's a kale salad with grilled vegetables and then we top it with some grilled steak which is usually grass-fed we like to go very organic and grass-fed so we're we're keeping the bad hormones and additives out of our meats and then we top that off with what I what I like to call my paleo or good fat dressing which basically is its roasted peppers it's olive oil avocado garlic I usually I like stuff's really spicy so I usually put either hubner or a couple of fresh jalapenos in there yeah yeah and then a handful of nuts and basically you just blend it all up and you've a little bit of salt to taste and you get you get your your dose of good fats for your meal that's I'm gonna do that tonight I have some pork chops that I'm going to cut up and fry those like a little bit of a stir fry type deal and I have this bag of what is it's like cabbage some sort of cabbage type salad I think I'll put that put the pork chops on top of their sliced up along with that paleo dressing eyes and avocados I think I'll put some fresh onion in there maybe I change it up a little bit and some sriracha sauce and maybe a little bit of a coconut oil as well just to add a little bit of extra fat because I'm trying to get some good calories in right now and I mean that that idea i saw that picture and it blew my mind yeah those are those are and you know with me too is I'm all about presentation that's just kind of its kind of ingrained into me so it's especially with the with the firehouse lifestyle you always got to try and put food on the table that really looks palatable and people want to see so that's really where I started taking a picture of my meals another way was just to remind myself of what I can make so I probably have a good you know hundred hundred and fifty photos of different meals that I've either prepared or had prepared for me at the firehouse so i can remember those particular meals and I can make them and then I constantly keep a different variety going to Wow because that is one thing that's been very difficult when you're on a certain type of a diet it gets kind of tough you know you end up sometimes eating the same thing over and over again and I really like to mix it up because I you know I think one night if you have one type of vegetable and one type of meat the next night you should have a different type of meat with a different
type of vegetable just so you're getting different nutrients and you're always switching it up your body so that your you're not only getting the right kind of nutrients but you're getting a good variety too right I agree and I guess let's let's interject real quick and talk about the basic premise of paleo of someone's unfamiliar with it from I've been reading a few books i read the paleo solution glad it was a good book but he I didn't like his writing style it was he called he used the word Buttercup like 17 different times in the book that got to be really annoying but it was good information and now I'm reading what is it the primal blueprint by Marxist on he's the guy that writes marks daily apple com that's a really good site on just primal eating and paleo eating but so from what I've gathered the basic premise of paleo is that we evolved as humans as hunter-gatherers and we've only had agriculture for the last 10,000 years and before that we didn't have access to all of these processed grains that we have now so agriculture introduced the idea of cultivating grains and so the grains we turn into things like pasta and bread and flour and the reason grains are bad from what I've been reading is that grains have evolved with a defense mechanism that actually irritates our gut and that's one of the reasons why a lot of people are coming up with celiacs disease right now is they cannot stand they can't tolerate that gluten in the grain and from the books it seems like even if you're not as you don't have celiacs disease most people still do not tolerate grain as well as you know the foods that we evolved eating for hundreds of thousands of years like the just the vegetables and the meats and the nuts and the eggs so that's a whole idea behind paleo eating's that were going back to our ancestral roots and eating foods that our bodies were evolved to eat so that we can be healthier I I lost my train of thought what do you who do you have to add to that oh I think you nailed it that was that was an awesome representation of exactly what of what paleo is and and the biggest thing with paleo is cutting out that grain and you're absolutely right you know genetically the way that these grains are grown they are they're grown to to be a deterrent to predators that may eat them so those you know those same things that are within the and it's basically it's got phytic acid saponin xin it's got lectins in it and those particular things are incredibly difficult to digest not only the fact that it can cause hyperglycemia which will cause you to to have that insulin spikes oh you know just imagine when you go to subway for lunch and you know certainly not taking anything away from subway at all because they actually make some pretty healthy stuff there but you know if you have just that big bun you get that big 12 inch or six inch bun and you put that in your mouth about two o'clock or so I mean tell me if I'm wrong you end up getting very tired you know you're looking for that five hour energy or you know whatever you need well the reason for that is because because you're going you know your your insulin is spiking at that particular time and it causes you to have that crash well by eliminating that grain from your diet you can quickly see how how your energy level will change and one of the biggest problems that I in particular have with what the with what our own government recommends that we have if you look at the food pyramid now they still recommend that the basis of your of your intake according that food pyramid is grains right and and now I mean I certainly don't want to turn this into a into a conspiracy theorist topic or conspiracies there's a conversation but you know grains happen to be one of our leading exports that happened it happens to be one of the driving factors behind our industry in America and of course they want to make that money they want to sell you know the corns all that stuff that you know including grains pastas all the stuff that that we produce they want to sell it I totally understand that but I just think that they more interest in making money and sustaining the economy than they do with your health and you know I think a lot of folks are getting educated to that fact now in that cutting out of grains and the glutens and prot the processing that goes behind that thought process is healthier for you it's better for you and you know that there are folks out there that have ailments you know abdominal type of ailments were when they just cut out grains alone makes a world of difference for them ro um well let me add right now the the study that was used to kind of get our get our food pyramid the one we have now in place was a seven countries study and if you guys want to google that later they're basically what this guy did was he study all these different countries and he according to his seven countries study that heart disease was linked to saturated fat and uh you know a high grain diet would help that supposedly but the criticism for the seven countries study is that he threw out the results of 22 other countries that completely disproved his theory like was like Mediterranean countries that eat high saturated fat and they don't have you know high rates of cardiovascular disease France they eat they also have high intakes in saturated fat and they also don't have cardiovascular disease so the I you know what I'm trying to say is that a lot of the things that are the common wisdom for what's good for us are based on flawed science when you actually look at at the studies and is this you know don't take my word for it you'll google that and do some research on it and yeah like what you were saying I've been 23 days completely paleo right now so that means no I haven't had any bread no pasta no flour no rice just completely paleo and I've been feeling fantastic I've been getting up at five in the morning I've been able to put in about four hours of work on the healthy gamer website then I go in and I have a tax accounting job than I go and I do that and then I come home I worked out and then I am able to work some more and I don't have that crash of energy I used to like over the winter i noticed i was eating I wasn't eating paleo at all i was having lots of grains and i had i had terrible depression i just had didn't have energy and it was I had a lot of mind where I would just all I want to do was sit in bed and watch TV or watch a movie and since since going from pletely paleo I that is completely gone as soon as I get home I'm productive and that for me has been the biggest benefit of cutting out these grains if you could see the smile on my face right now would make you laugh that I just I love to watch folks that can that can seriously take the turn and educate themselves on it and then give it a shot and that's the biggest thing I mean it you know correct me if I'm wrong the biggest thing is actually getting in there and doing it but the second you do and you make that commitment you notice a difference immediately and it brings a smile to my face because it is it's very difficult to do to present this to somebody because grains are so excuse the pun they are so ingrained in us and long I mean our is it is it not it is so ingrained in us it is in everything gluten is in everything that you'll buy and I actually heard something that that helped me out when I started my my paleo lifestyle I heard that when you go shopping stick to the outsides of the store because if you start to if you start to integrate into the middle of the store everything in the center of the store that's on the shelves that is not the fresh fare is highly processed there's a lot of preservative probably some form of gluten in it it you know stuff that's in a jar and it really makes a lot of sense if you are able to stick to the outside of the store where you have your meat section your fruits and vegetab
les and of course sometimes on the outside is the bakery too so you got to avoid the bakery but if you were getting if you trade out getting your you're complex carbohydrates trade out getting them from grains to getting them from fruits and vegetables that's all really that that paleo is doing is it is eliminating that grain factor on your plate so if you take your plate and you imagine your plate just cut it into quarters one quarter of that is lean meats one core excuse me one half of that is fruits and vegetables mostly vegetables so you're getting all of you come fix your complex carbohydrates from from fruits and vegetables and then the last quarter your your plate is you know things like like the fats we talked about so and fats are so important especially the saturated fats like like you were just talking about Jack it's incredibly important to be able to get your saturated fats especially if you're active in any way if you're an athlete if you train regularly then getting those saturated fats in is incredibly important for your cellular metabolism and for for keeping the homeostasis within your bloodstream but uh those saturated fats include olive oils all you know big heaping handful of almonds or nuts or almond butter or ghee or grass-fed cow butter yes I said grass-fed cow butter most people like really grass-fed cow better but it's it's the purest form of animal fat that you can get and that's where you should be getting a lot of these fats is from animal fat sources and some of these concepts just blow people away when they first hear em I can't believe that that's crazy I will actually take tablespoon of butter f/k/a grass-fed cow butter and I blend it into my coffee in the morning it probably sounds disgusting but it is no different than putting in a tablespoon of half-and-half or tablespoon of heavy cream or anything else like that except it's not processed and i bet i bet that gives you a really nice boost of energy in the morning yes especially before i usually i'm an early morning workout guy so as soon as i get up in the morning i get my stuff on i get ready to go to cry fit I get my my coffee on board and that's my breakfast and that I usually have you know a cup two cups of coffee with with a good heaping tablespoon of actually I call it a heaping teaspoon of grass-fed cow butter i use the Kerrygold brand and i blend it right into my coffee and it comes out creamy and I mean you look at any of the any of the places that make you like a real nice barista made coffee that's how it looks when it comes out of blender it's it's frothy it tastes amazing and that will fuel me for a couple of hours but you know while I get my my workout done and then when I get home I can you know load up the proteins or whatever else but you know some of the concepts really would would blow you away but it's just educating yourself and reading a little bit about it and truly seeing what it will do for you trying it out don't be afraid to try it I really do agree because it on the surface it goes completely against conventional wisdom because you're you're advocating eating lots of fats you're advocating cutting out the whole grains and grains at all and you're advocating well I guess those are the two things you're mainly advocating which which the conditional wisdom says you don't you know the commercial wisdom says fat is bad it says fat makes you fat it says fat raises your cholesterol and the commercial wisdom says if you want to be healthy eat lots of whole grains and they keep pushing this whole grain whole grain thing but from what I've read whole grains really don't you know they digest almost as quickly as table sugar in and they dump almost as much insulin or on-site glucose in your body causing a high insulin response almost as much as sugar absolutely absolutely what you're basically doing is you're taking a carb that is complex and they're they're adding all kinds of sugars to it so you're really getting a mixture of a simple in a complex carb that is extremely difficult for your for your insights to process whereas you can get the same amount of the same amount of you know calcium rich the same amount of a complex carbohydrate to fuel your body into fuel the homeostasis and and at cellular metabolism and also provide tons and tons of vitamins and minerals you can get all the same in one shot by having that same amount in them in the form of fruits and vegetables absolutely and I think the biggest telling factor is that just just try it one day e to get a hundred grams of carbs from pasta the next day get a hundred grams of carbs from sweet potato what you're going to notice is when you eat the pasta you're going to feel tired afterwards you're going to want to take a nap you're going to have brain fog you're going to be hungry about two hours later because your insulin has spiked and crashed and when you eat the sweet potatoes you're gonna feel energized after a meal and that's what I keep telling people like it is not normal to be tired and want to go to sleep after you eat that is not right you're supposed to be energized food is supposed to give you energy it's not supposed to make you want to take a nap app you know I agree with that a hundred percent and here's the other spin 244 I know probably most you listening to this or gamers just like myself you truly want to wait a few love gaming frenzy eat right if you eat right and you're not eating those foods that are going to spike your insulin I guarantee you you are going to game longer and more energetic and when you're going to when you're in the middle of that rate at those critical moments your brain is going to be firing on all cylinders trust me that is so true if you can if you can cut out those those chips and cookies almonds if you want to snack eat almonds they're delicious and they're so easy and they are a combination really high quality fats proteins they have fiber they have you know low amount of carbs and I'm going to spike your insulin and i just love almonds yeah and yeah it's plenty to one of my fate mono my very favorite things is usually before the launch of a large game or some of the more popular MMOs that come out somewhere in our community there is a thread that pops up about how do you how are you preparing for launch day or what foods are you getting for a lot you know to fuel your gaming frenzy and I am always laugh because I'm one of the very few that that will post in there and we'll post things like dried fruits you know prepared vegetable Jerky's or you know fresh meat Jerky's and almonds and all that and i'll post all that stuff and i won't post anything about energy drinks that's nothing about any of those cruddy foods and I'll usually take a few flames and then after all after I take those folks flaming me there'll be people pming me hey what else are you getting right now I actually I made a video about that before Gill was to launch I bought it like a whole bunch of avocados and bananas and I was I cooked a like a six pound pork roast in the oven and it was I was prepared hit 80 in a week yeah yeah it was it was awesome yeah you know what we should do we should do some sort of like like streaming marathon over a weekend or something and you know show the healthy foods we eat and show how energetic we are because a lot of those streamers when they stream for you know 8 to 12 hours they're they're just dead on there you see them drinking their energy drink they have no energy and no vitality and that is I I keep coming back to it but that's not how human beings are meant to live you should write you shouldn't have to constantly boost your energy through artificial means of caffeine and sugar I mean that's it from just for my own experience over these last few weeks have been really eye-opening to see how how how amazing your performance can be when you just let your body operate as its s
upposed to operate yes I totally agree and it's actually funny that you that you mentioned the the live streaming with the with a gaming marathon because last year I did the did the oh man it's blankin me um it's the gaming marathon where were your gaming for children for the children yeah the pots yes I believe it is it is in part with packs but it was a gaming marathon where were your flat donations and your pledges go straight to the Children's Hospital's and I specifically prepared a couple days ahead of time with good healthy foods because I wanted to make it the entire 24 hours and I am I am a man who loves his sleep so I can I usually can't game for for long periods of time like I used to be able to especially now with you know it's with job responsibilities and a child and the marriage it's very difficult to do right but I told my wife I go hey I'm gonna give it a shot i'm going to really try and do this so i made all paleo all healthy all natural snacks and foods and meals and I made it I made the entire 24 hours I'm granted i was tired and and yeah i'm not gonna lie i crushed a few red bulls her during those last few hours but i probably would never have been able to make that if i was powering down bread grains pasta it would have just it would have put me down quickly so you know I you may think it sounds corny but I truly think that you know just the healthy lifestyle and and having that healthy food on hand fueled that I I am totally with you there we should we should look it look into that again this year that would be fun yes it would be on sit on let's talk about well i'm going to share one of my favorite like really quick recipes that i like to do and that gives you a ton of energy is I like to just put put three or four eggs of course you you want to get free free range eggs cage-free rather eggs because era they have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in them and I take about three or four those and I just boil them so i'll be playing a game the important things to not forget that you're boiling eggs I've turned the pot black doing that eggs explode and it was awful but so I just set them to boil you know boil for 20 minutes and you have hard-boiled eggs and then I'll take an avocado and I'm just scoop it out and I have a little bit of heinz 57 sauce and I dip the eggs and avocado in that sauce and actually it tastes great and it's really quick and it's a ton of really high quality fuel and your body runs best off of fat it it's amazing how how your brain loves the fuel from fat and it just makes me feel completely revved up the same as if I just taken you know drank a whole bottle of monster but without all the negative effects of that right without the crash right absolutely yeah I agree a hundred percent that sounds amazing by the way but I definitely agree with that your body does feed off those fats and you don't even need that much of whatever fat source you're having in order for your for your appetite to feel satiated and that stuff will just start metabolism metabolizing correctly and making your body truly do what it's it's meant to do your body is a machine and it really is a fat burning machine and it's very difficult for people to understand including myself and I had the hardest time understand this until I actually saw it on myself that in order to shred fat you have to eat fat but you have to eat the right sources you can't eat the fats from you know from processed oils and stuff like that where your food is is fried in it you have to eat the fats from natural sources such as you noticed like I was talking about that that natural you know cow butter almonds avocados all those good natural sources and and your body will truly start working as you eat fat you'll burn fat it's the same thing with water you have to drink a ton of water in order to shed water it's very difficult for it was very difficult for myself to get my head wrapped around that until I saw the results for myself ABS absolutely and also another thing with fat and protein is that whenever you eat your body is releasing leptin and leptin is a hormone that signals to your brain that your full and therefore you'll feel full and you'll want to stop eating and fat when you eat fat fat releases the most leptin out of any of the three macros and then protein releases more leptin than carbohydrates carbohydrates release the least amount of leptin and so that is why if you think about it like at breakfast time it is hard as hell to eat Oh a whole bunch of bacon or sausage even though they're delicious you eat them you start feeling almost sick because they're so rich but if you think you can eat you can eat pancakes all day you can have a massive stack and that's because of that leptin release in your mind and so if your if your goal is to lose fat and to lose weight and to cut down on your calories it's actually better to have a high fat high protein meal because that's going to make you feel more satiated it's going to make you feel more satiated for a longer period of time as well absolutely and if you wouldn't mind since you mentioned pancake can I share a recipe absolutely yeah ok ok I'm sure a lot of our a lot of the folks who are listening have heard of the movie called I hope they serve beer in hell right yeah chuckling yeah tucker max that's right it's great book great movie and in the movie they had a they were on the road and they had to stop for something that was called a pancake which ok ok the pancake which I have a paleo version of the pancake which and it is absolutely amazing so I'll real quickly i'll go through it they have a gluten-free pancake mix that you can get so you take that gluten-free pancake mix you WIC whip up some pancakes you have a single fried egg usually I usually fry and coconut a little bit of coconut oil and that fried egg of course would be a free range from a free-range chicken and then I have a turkey sausage patty which you make just out of a lean turkey sausage and then on top of that I'll have some nitrate free bacon will cook that up and then on top of that you put a little bit of pure maple syrup and not that not the stuff that's loaded with all the hydrogen's but the stuff that has is just straight pure maple organic maple syrup and combine it all together and you have yourself a paleo pancake which and they are absolutely insane that sounds I'm I'm gonna try that Sunday I'm gonna try that Sunday that sounds amazing oh yeah I have to forward you a picture of the last ones that we made they were very good dad I'm I am starving now I got home from the gym and you know we started doing this I haven't had time to eat my my dinner yet so I making me hungry Wow but well you know what I think this has gone on going on for a good amount of time let's I would love to have you back and talk about I love to talk about intermittent fasting talking about you know crossfit circuit training and my name is a lot of topics we could cover I would love to be more than happy to come back and like I said this is a real treat for me to I could talk about paleo diet and crossfit training all day long I agree with you and I you know thank you so much for your time and I want to encourage everybody to check out mog nation again and if you you can go to their engine site by typing mog dash nation so emojination calm and then they have a more article based site that's just mod nation com without the dash so check those out it really is a cool site for you no more mature players to connect with one another yes and thank you very much for that i very much appreciate it we were really kicking off and and our site in our community is really growing i think i checked the website today and we have just under 800 members and just spread out between all different kinds of games and just a great great community we're planning meetups we're planning on i think this year we're planning on going to dragonc
on and just some lot of different events that we're doing and you know talking amongst each other not just on on forums and stuff a lot of us end up just talking over the phone and stuff and sharing life experiences so it really is a full community and we're always always open for recruiting and bringing more people in and you know we just want to grow our family that's that's great Mike and I've enjoyed this conversation so much this I love talking about this stuff and I can tell you do too so again I really want to thank you for your time and we're gonna do this again soon thank you very much about very humbled to a bit on your show and very happy to have been able to meet you thank you so much for watching please hit subscribe if you haven't already take a second to hit like and share via your social media and then check out some of these other videos here there's a transformation a steak dinner and doing a hundred and two reps of squats with 225 pounds .
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I talked with Mike Liberto from MOG Nation about Paleo eating. Check out MOG Nation at: http://www.mog-nation.com http://thehealthygamer.com/primalblueprint
I follow the Paleo/Primal style of eating. It keeps me lean effortlessly. The BEST book on the subject: http://thehealthygamer.com/primalblueprint
Check out my website for tons more fitness, nutrition, and gaming content: http://www.thehealthygamer.com
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