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Friday, December 18, 2020



when you know how to manipulate the variables right it is a particularly with older clients it is a slam-dunk to get them really amazingly strong and it's so much fun we bring in a brand new 20 something-year-old off the street and you set them out in their machines you go back and you look at our a three year old client and it's like we're really doing something here you know I don't know if any of y'all remembered one of the family practice stocks here yet really severe COPD and he actually came in in respiratory failure and did not want to be put on a ventilator and I convinced him to be put on a ventilator and what he feared the most happen he stayed on the ventilator for over two weeks before he was able to be gotten off but the silver lining on that cloud is afterwards he ended up coming to the facility and he went from being oxygen bound wheelchair-bound COPD to strong and functional and ambulatory went on not one but two cruises with his wife and did not bring a wheelchair along on the trip was able to go and see all the sites where did mr. Davis go there's a tour the pyramid somewhere I don't know if it was Mexico or Egypt but yeah but he was the only one on the tour group to walk up the steps to the top of the pyramid 83 year old everyone else was you know stopped one-third the way up couldn't make it he went all the way to the top looked around saw the sights came down you know that's that's what's possible and that's it's not just that it's our birthright it's that's what we're meant to be we're not meant we're meant to be like the one Shea horse we're meant to go like this and then when we get a really extreme advanced stage just go we're not meant to go and then cruise along forever at this very low level of functioning on 20 different medications that's not our birthright is not what we're meant to be we're meant to be really strong and functional and have an appropriate body composition and thrive and that's the saddest thing is and what we try to get across in this book is that the process of achieving that is extraordinarily simple straightforward and that you don't have to devote your life to getting meaningful results out of your diet or your exercise I mean you can actually enjoy yourself being the anon salesman now I can honestly tell you this isn't for everyone okay and I like it that way for those of you don't know my main gig is I'm an emergency physician and I spend a large chunk of my professional life seeing a lot of people that don't assume any responsibility for their health and that come to me in the eleventh hour when everything is going down the drain and want me to save them and when I ask them to be an active participant in that activity they don't want any part of it and that's maddening what I love about my business is there is a controlled environment we do one thing at a time we do it well and we do it for people that come in and pay us money to push them really hard and do something severely uncomfortable in order to affect self improvement and that's a very rare person that we are very proud to be associated with .

Video Description:

In this installment of the "Body By Science" video series, Dr. Doug McGuff explains some of the advantages of proper strength training that are covered in the book, as well the reasons why proper high-intensity training may not be for everyone.
