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Thursday, October 29, 2020


Paleo Resurrection Biscuits for Easter Sunday breakfast

hi this is Elizabeth Heinz from our pin little family calm and this is Kate Hines from our paleo family calm this is Luke I'm from our paleo family calm and if you watch some really old videos you've probably seen them but they have cooked with me for a while but today we have something special we don't have instant pot we are making resurrection biscuits which we made these when the kids were really little with that kind of dough that comes like in the can and a refrigerated section of the grocery store but we can't eat those anymore but some people keep asking for them so I have worked on a recipe and this kind of a strange recipe because we have this dough that we cook in the pinion and it's going to take us all working together really fast to make those and then we'll kind of tell the resurrection story through our biscuits okay are you ready to get started yep alright so the first thing we're going to do is we have to melt some things together so we're going to note our shaft which is a half a cup of palm shortening and okay so this recipe is paleo because we're using all paleo approved ingredients mm-hmm until we get to the butter there's a little step of butter and you can substitute coconut oil you can substitute more palm shortening but because these guys who are going to be eating can eat some dairy we're gonna actually use some butter for that but aside from that it's completely paleo approved recipes okay so this I'm going to turn up to about medium if it starts to go too fast we'll slow that down okay what's next we put in the palm shortening it's filtered water okay so we have a quarter of a cup actually that's a little bit more they don't some of that out hey what are you supposed to do with your measuring cup when you're in you're measuring it on the ground make sure it's level oh my goodness has a lot more than a quarter of a cup isn't it a third of a cup yeah somebody must have had their old lady eyes on when she measured okay so that's a quarter of a cup of water so we have our palm shortening in our water and then we're going to put maple syrup in there this says organic pizza sauce but it's not I get my maple syrup from Pennsylvania and gallon jugs and so I keep that out in the garage refrigerator look when you dump that in and like wipe it all out while I clean this up whoops memory should you use the spatula let me know especially where your finger either one yeah see that's gonna end up just making a mess so don't be afraid to get your fingers in there okay okay get it all out and then you can lick your finger if you're good okay so we want this to come up to a simmer look what you get out that green flap thing okay and we also have to put what's next Cecil yes we also have to put our salt in which is a half a teaspoon of sea salt so that goes in and we're done with that so if you can scoop that to the side okay you want crack the eggs you crack them into this okay so that's starting to go can you stir it Luke you're actually you know what let's do this belly is kind of whisk it together Katie's been taking a cooking class there's a camp in town that offers classes in scores and she's going to cooking class in the fall in the spring and so she's getting really good with some of her cooking skills okay so that's definitely bubbling which is good and our next step is we're going to add in this Chafee oka starch now if you follow me at all you know I mostly baked with almond flour and arrowroot but this particular kind of dough works really well with tapioca so we're going to use tapioca okay that's definitely simmering so I'm going to pour this in and all in and we we take that and we just have to kind of beat it eat it eat it eat it and mix this in you can dump it in the sink yeah we're done with it let's go ahead and turn this off and I'm going to take it off the heat and sometimes not all the liquid is absorbed at this point and it just looks like a great big mess yeah if it looks kind of yucky doesn't it we practiced this yesterday and it tastes really good but I'm swapping it all over the place it's a mess at this point but don't worry we have more to do but this is why we have to work fast because we're going to put eggs in there and the dough can't really sit for a long time and yep we don't want our eggs to scramble so Kate actually when you get a fork and just kind of beat those eggs up a little bit this is just kind of stringy and yucky but I promise it's done okay so get that in the sink okay so are you ready do you want to mix do you want to pour you have to mix superfast without slapping it around okay all right so get ready to mix it doesn't work here comes the pain I just added in two teaspoons of coconut sugar good yep keep going let's make sure we put everything in so at this point we just added a little coconut flour 1/3 of a cup we've added the two eggs let me jump in just a second and the coconut sugar and at this point it will start to come together as a job but you know I'm working with me hard it's nice and yellow because my eggs had nice yellow yolks can't you give that a stir for a minute see how tough it is I always think that there's vanilla and the recipe but there's not it's tough isn't it again you can know when I'm in swimming some cinnamon key stories during the supposed to be a full teaspoon and it was okay but this away will loop stirs yeah okay so we could work with this dough right now accepting this really hot so I wanted to all for just a minute so I'm going to take it out of this pan and I'm going to dump it onto the parchment just so I can start to cool a little bit and then we'll talk to you about the the resurrection part of it so this is how you can in a fun and young way teach your kids the Easter story with food you scrape this down here there we go we actually made a savory version of this one my sign up with garlic and onions in it and we used them as little hamburger buns they were really yummy okay okay do y'all remember the story yes you do why don't what do we say but what's the story so I'm just flattening this that's why she kind of you know the biscuit is the tomb for Jesus's body to go in and you get a the oven is the two I think no no no no it's a business can tuna and then the microwave is the three days but it doesn't go in the microwave then it goes in the oven oven I remember putting in money maybe dad I don't know he never permanently later and then you looked up marshmallow and then the marshmallows Jesus and then when you take it out of the oven the marshmallow will be on okay okay okay right right right okay that's portion are no I'm just going to with a pizza cutter because that way I can do it kind of evenly sort it evenly do a super great job I mean careful because this is really sharp I just want to kind of sort of have our our portions laid out okay so let's talk about the marshmallows you guys helped me make the marshmallows what are they made out of so our militant gelatin sugar what kind of sugar sugar maple sugar is the soft ball okay so it was a combination of maple syrup honey and there's one more you were what it was coconut sugar okay so try this sort of Betty picture okay yes the marshmallow so this is Danielle walkers from against all grain is her marshmallow recipe from her celebrations cookbook and loose right we cooked the sugars to the soft ball stage and then we had the gelatin in water and then we slowly pour it in the sugar of a hot hot sugar and it was dark brown because we have honey in coconut sugar maple syrup which are all brown and then it became this really will you grab those lip or wash my hands Jones everybody fluffy flash brown yeah yeah so we have our homemade marshmallows baby okay so okay we need another fork all right so we have eight you can make you smaller if you wanted but I think they work better a little bit bigger so I'm just gonna spray this is just all econo oil and a spray want to spray eight of these one 7:8 will pour a little bit of water in the ones we didn't use and then okay so Jesus died on the cross right and then once he was dead the ladies came who came but not his mom and they came and they would have wrapped his body in spices or was it Joseph it came joseph of arimathea came because he had the tomb right you know the women asked for the body yeah yes to embalm him which was what they did at that time okay so let me show you the trick doesn't always work but when you're working with something sticky I'm instead of like reaching your hand sometimes just some water will work to keep you from being sticky so just tap your fingers in there and then kind of Pat those out a little bit so we had eight someone that picked my eight best marshmallows so after we made the marshmallows we poured them out into a was a big half sheet pan so ours came out pretty flat either she didn't say in her instructions or I just skipped it in the instructions but I think if I made the Martian once again I would make them in like an 8 by 8 pan so they'd be nice and and high so I came out kind of flat so I cut them to try to be as square as possible let me pick eight good ones six seven eight and they're good for smacking outside my husband last night because they're sugar and gelatin and this of vital this is the vital proteins grass-fed meat gelatin gels and this you can buy a canister of it was like forty five to fifty dollars is really expensive and I knew I didn't eat a lot for this and I actually use a different kind of gelatin for or collagen for what I put in my coffee and tea and stuff but Danielle recommended this brand specifically so these are little individual serving size packets and you can use their ton in here and it was a lot cheaper to buy it this way so vital proteins beef collagen is what I used for the marshmallows okay so Jesus body what this is his body right was of the oils melted or solidified okay so Jesus body gets embalmed right in the oil which in our case is butter and then the spices which is a mixture of maple sugar coconut sugar and cinnamon you could use all maple sugar you could use all coconut sugar I don't like the flavor of coconut sugar as much which is why I used a combination of maple and I just a second please and I didn't use all maple because I ran out ok so then see some people say this is the tomb and some people say just you know they wrapped his body in cloth right so either way we're wrapping Jesus up so that this is you're saying this is the tomb yeah okay so do your best to to seal it it's very likely that your marshmallow is gonna leak out and and if it does it does it's okay but just try to steal to get your hands a little bit wet and then you put it in one of the muffin cups that you greased okay bomb some Jesus you need to do it - yeah so the kids I think like cooking right Luke is a Boy Scout he has his cooking merit badge already yeah can't your bracelet thing isgetting in there and Kate's been doing like I said this cooking class but I think they don't love getting their hands dirty just I didn't you do okay all right see I think he used to be kind of grossed out by getting anything on their hands so did you take no no no no it is it one that was greased it wasn't greased you got to make sure you put it in one that is greased and look so so no don't take any you just can smush it around okay look now he's in there now okay now look can you tell which one is greased okay yes it is mine can you fix my fingers yes you guys get it started and then I can help put them back together so when you work with a regular bread dough it's not going to happen like this because it's got gluten and gluten is glue this protein so it helps to hold everything together what is happening with yours did you put two marshmallows in there no okay so our oven is on 350 and it's hot I heard it beeped so look how I'm just I'm laying it down there and I'm kind of pinching it up as I go okay should I wash my hands nobody you should work on ceilings come up you're capable of doing it the less is better so look like I just started pinched and it's together and then now just leave it they don't mess with it a whole bunch last one these take about 30 minutes in there because what did the soldiers do they ordered it what did they put in front of a big rock they put a big rock in front and they stood there and guarded it because they thought that there's sneaky Jesus followers we're gonna come and steal his body because when they do they didn't just make that up okay let's watch your hands so now going away okay so we're gonna steal the stone for three days or thirty minutes okay so we're going to clean up and we'll show you the magic that happens everybody go case of thirty minutes of our Jesus in the tomb with a stone in front and what happened is he's not there writing so these just have come out so they're super hot but I want you to see if you have those little silicone like muffin cups those will be great for this because the marshmallow is gonna leak out of a lot of them and be very sticky and so it would make it easier like it leaked our that once I'll leave that went in there for a second that's just that cinnamony marshmallowy yummy goodness there's nothing you Kia about that it's actually delicious but I hope you can see watch this so they're baked we had that Jesus wrapped up in there and look he's not Vader the cloth is there the spices are there but he's not there he's risen okay so happy Easter everybody this is a great recipe this basic bread dough I'll have it posted on the website they'll be called resurrection biscuits but you can instead of putting a marshmallow inside you can just roll the the dough into little balls have you ever been to like a really good Italian restaurant and get garlic knots or oh yeah they're so good like you're breathing fire because there's so much garlic on them but this dough is perfect for that fresh garlic you can use powder to go with whatever it's really yummy yeah I would have you guys taste this but I know it's gonna burn your tongue but they work perfectly as resurrection biscuits so getting the kitchen to make this treat with your family or some neighbor kids and it's a yummy treat and it's a fun way to show the Easter story right so happy Easter everybody we hope you have a great time celebrating our risen Savior and I'll see you back here next time probably with more instant pot recipes instant pot yeah yeah okay you .

Video Description:

Elizabeth and the kids make Paleo Resurrection Biscuits, telling the Easter story with a fun treat!
