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Friday, October 23, 2020


Blueberry Lemon Muffin Recipe | YouTube LIVE | Gluten Free + Paleo

um Facebook YouTube and Instagram hello happy Saturday it's Danny speeds here with my daughter Katie speeds from clean and delicious and today we are guys we're going to show you a Mother's Day recipe that we're thinking of making for Mother's Day you could add this to a brunch recipe or you could just keep it real simple serve it with a little fruit salad and some coffee and you guys are ready to go so Katie do you remember the name of the recipe we're making today Hey ahh paleo paleo blueberry lemon muffins paleo blueberry lemon muffins so guys as always as you're tuned in say hello let me know who's watching and where you're watching from and we're going to jump right into this very simple recipe now it is a paleo recipe so we're not using any whole wheat flour the kind of flour we're going to be using today is coconut flour and coconut flour is very light it's high in fiber and it's very absorbent so when you work with coconut flour you'll notice that you use a little bit of flour with a lot of liquid so in this case Katie what are we using today a lot of a lot of eggs right because that's going to help to bind the muffins so Katie is going to start cracking some eggs for us and we're going to be using 6 whole eggs ok so crack them in there and then let me get you a bowl to put the shells in then you can put your shells right in here okay so do you have any tips maybe about cracking eggs that you've learned along the way there YouTube can you hear us when you crack eggs don't like when you're done cracking and so you should go and wash your hands and a tip is to just do a little bit and then just get your cheese thumbs up there open up and actually kind of with these so they don't show us right she'll use the eggs the shells right so that's right guys so whenever you're working with raw eggs when you're done you want to give your hands a rinse so we're gonna be using 6 whole eggs for this recipe for people who are interested in using egg whites you can swap out you would go to egg whites for every egg or you could go half and half okay got that done okay so you too can you hear us I'm not here getting to seen anybody comments or anything no okay would you have to press any buttons no no just want make sure they hear alright if you guys on YouTube if you can hear us say hello Facebook who's tuning in let me know okay that's fine so once you've got perfect the six eggs in the bowl Katie you're gonna run off and go rinse your hands you can go to the bathroom we do that and come right back okay and first I'm gonna give those a nice little beating in the in the in the ball she just want to whisk it together and basically we're just doing that so we can get the eggs and the egg whites all mixed together and I don't think I mentioned it but the oven should be a 350 degrees okay cuz that's what these are gonna cook at 350 degrees for about 35 minutes okay so once I've got the eggs all be in and ready to go I got to tell you guys these like coconut flour recipes are some of the easy some of the easiest recipes to do could you really just dump in mixers they're very forgiving okay next up we've got would you want to tell something ahead also if you are clamoring it also here mixing it and you have some of the little goopy um yellow losers not the yolk stuff the yolk right here as you can see um you can just turn your bowl around as you're using right now it's facing you so my hand open go smashing it and let me just keep your hands clean yeah keep your hands clean okay so to the eggs I'm gonna add a quarter cup of apple sauce and I've also tried this recipe with yogurt guys both work okay so if you do they're very yummy they both are very yummy so if you like dairy you could do yogurt otherwise I'm doing applesauce then I've got a half a cup of melted coconut oil okay now you could also do butter here I would recommend doing pastured butter that's exactly half a cup you got it I which are going to notice about this recipe which is different than most muffin recipes is that this does not have any refined flours and it's going to be lower on the sugars right normally muffins have a lot of refined carbs and a lot of sugar in them this is more protein and healthy fat based right so it's good for blood sugar levels and I find it to be very satisfying I find that it keeps getting IQ Graner Judas Graham right grandmas working on her blood sugar um I find it to be very they're very satisfying okay so Laura always blogs hello Laura hello Laura always vlogs on YouTube thanks for tuning in ok next up we've got a teaspoon of vanilla okay don't do it on the board though oh yeah okay umm which honestly I'm out of so I'm skipping the vanilla so that just goes to show you that the recipe is very forgiving and for our sweetener can you tell them what this is we are using no sphere so quarter cup of maple syrup if you didn't have maple syrup you could also do honey but we're just using a quarter cup that's all it takes for the for all 12 muffins so again not a ton of sugar not a lot of sweetener and no refined sugars which is beautiful um and then we've got our coconut oil I mean coconut flour so if you're not familiar with coconut five you've never worked with it this is what it looks like it's very fine and you're gonna see it's very absorbent so it's gonna thicken up this little bit is gonna thicken up Mike is more crazy okay got it ooh boy okay stepping off to fix my mic go ahead and stir keep it low and just get it all in the bowl and while she's stirring I'm going to add in 1/4 teaspoon of kosher salt and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda go ahead and sprinkle that in could you do this with almond flour thee so you know yes but you would have to make some adjustments because almond flour isn't quite as absorbent as the coconut flour so you might have to just adjust the amount of eggs to flour a little bit so I couldn't tell you exactly what that would be but I don't think it would be too different if I were you what I would do is maybe start with like one or two less eggs start with a half a cup of almond flour and then just kind of notice the Bauder and you need a little more liquid you need more flour and then add in that way but I think you could definitely get it done okay so I'm going to just give this a big base stir and then you'll take over again okay so we just want to get it going to get the clumps out of there and you'll see that that the batter is kind of like this beautiful golden color if you wanted to speed the job up you could pull out a hand mixer but I got to tell you I would much rather do less dishes and mix more by hand okay so go ahead you keep going now I want to give you another tip on this guy we're doing oh my gosh you know what we didn't do one of the most important parts the lemon zest let me get my lemon so um so there's six there's six eggs in there keep stirring girl just a little recap the people all right let's do the lemon zest really quick because it's has to get in there could you if you didn't like lemon you could skip it but I really feel like the lemon and the blueberries are what makes this a muffin it's so springy it's perfect for this time of year when the berries are fresh and coming out so remember guys whenever you're doing a lemon zest what you want to get off is this bright outer lemon Oh skin but you see where it turns white we do not want that that's called the pit then that is bitter we want the lemon zest the skin where all the oils are that fresh bright lemon flavor and a little goes a long way so I use like a about a tablespoon for this recipe and I always wash my lemon before I just it okay a lot of times we don't think to wash our lemons because we're using the juice but in this case you want to wash it and if you can do organic go organic because do this give the skin is what tends to hold catch a lot of the so want to know what this makes releases paleo well because it's free of greens it doesn't have its grain free and it's free of refined sugars it just uses a little bit of maple syrup just sweeten it okay so that lemon zest is going in and Witney along with a big fat heaping half a cup of fresh blueberries that we washed and dried you want to try to get the blueberries dry because if you put them in their wet you know I put good Katy caught a stem that we missed nice so guys recipes like this are perfect if you want to get your kids cooking in the kitchen because they're very forgiving they're very like dump and go as you can see Katy could do almost every single step that's involved so it's a great recipe especially with mother's days coming if you want to cope with your kids or have them feel a little empowered in the kitchen it's a great place to start right Kay yes absolutely so this I will tell you very important you have got to really grease the cookie sheet I mean the the muffin pan because these muffins will stick so you have to give it a good grease you could either take a digitizes here we had a big problem right we had a bit of a problem with our other muffins because some of them did a pretty they broke on the bottom because I did it I did it quick we're fine that one is okay but I greased them really fast so you have to make sure that they're well oiled so you could do this with a little bit of butter you could do it a little bit of coconut oil or you could do some cooking spray but you just have to make sure that you're doing a very thorough job okay so I'm gonna give these a quick spray Daphna one satoshi can order one of these muffins for a coffee more absolutely Daphne how we gonna get that team I would love that alright once we've got these all spread down what I like to get the muffins in there is this had applesauce on it let me give it a quick rinse can you see show them how it's thickened up do you see how the coconut oil is so absorbent and how the dough if the batter has really thickened up and it gets thicker kind of as it sits because the coconut oil absorbs you know how are you while your kids are waiting Wow you spray the pan they can also take the fork or whatever you have and make fire it's like iron you can make fun shapes there you go always looking for a party around here those K from South Africa says hello hello thank you for joining us can you freeze these yeah absolutely these are great to freeze and you know what they're great I personally love I love this flavor for breakfast they're great you want try one but I love them like crumbled on top of some plain Greek yogurt so you do a scoop and then into the pan you go and so what we do you go ahead and keep working on that what I do is you go through them all you try to get an even amount in each Cup if you have any left over you go back and even it out then you're going to put these in the oven at 350 degrees for 35 minutes or until they're cooked through now once they come out you want to let them cool completely and then if you've never worked with coconut flour before I just want to show you okay so here's a finished muffin right you see what it looks like um coconut flour is very light and fluffy like can you see it's almost I almost want to say it's a little spongy I know that probably doesn't sound like the most appetizing term but it's really yummy it's very light it doesn't have the same weight as wheat flour so if you don't like wheat flour if it doesn't work for your body which is not the case for me I just like to experiment with different ingredients this is a great flour to experiment with Cady you want to do a tester the cupcake the cupcake cup holders day what are we deciding those okay so I did you can see I did some here see this one has a cupcake holder because I did a batch we ate the rest of them medals like they steam at the bottom my husband thought they were better without the cupcake holders because he felt like ones in the cupcake holders tasted like they steamed on the bottom rather than getting like a nice golden edge so and you can definitely do it but that was our conclusion okay Leo's spoon yep we used just a quarter teaspoon quarter teaspoon of baking soda quarter teaspoon of salt now Katie did these and you did lovely but they're a little bit big which is why we didn't get all 12 out of them right so normally what I would do is just go a little bit smaller just to get 12 muffins but either way works you can make them bigger and just get less muffins right just depends how you prefer guys or you could even get those little mini muffin cups and make them that way now if you wanted to very the flavors you could also do this like are ingesting cranberries or maybe do some pecans and chocolate chips you'd like that one right only chocolate she's a chocolate girl chocolate runs in her blood ok and that's it guys so I would take these pop them in my oven 350 degrees okay I'll do that after something about the finish okay we've got the finished product and this is what we've got you want to be a test okay yeah tell me what you think okay but yeah but you can taste it broken still tastes the same holds on already decide which one we want to taste oh it's just trying not to run out the door it could be here but the ice cream man is outside he knows look he knows we live here he's slowing down in front of our house no no no good he's the muffin there's plenty of time for ice cream no no no you're not getting ice cream right all right I'll talk about if you get took a big bite you gotta take that route she's gotta take the on-camera bite you take the little bite hey what do you think about it what do you think about it not bad thing but yummy not better than ice cream but yummy they're very light they have great spring flavor that's what they make me think of the spring in the summer and it's because of the fresh berries and the lemon zest so I highly recommend trying these great for Mother's Day but great for meal prep too if you just want something like during the week with a cup of coffee or for breakfast that's convenient and delicious this is for you my friends myself normally I will put them in an airtight container and I would store them in the fridge they can also be frozen can you microwave a toast Ann yeah absolutely um they're a little delicate for a pop-up toaster but we have a toaster oven they're much easier to toast up so that would be my tip there see if I can get any more questions here is a high-protein low-fat version of these high-protein low-fat okay you could you could do I'll tell you how you could do that right now you could do that by probably replacing some of the coconut oil with a little bit more applesauce um no you can't she cannot get some ice cream right now um where do you find coconut but don't you want to finish your thought on that one that's what I would do I would so I would you could try cutting back on some of the oil and doing a little extra apple sauce or some yogurt that's would be a good place to start if you wanted to cut back on the fat anyway um okay real quick yes just give me one quick rundown of all the ingredients that are in there okay guys so everything we use today we had six don't make that noise babe we had six eggs beaten 1/4 cup of apple sauce half a cup of melted coconut oil a teaspoon of vanilla extract quarter cup of maple syrup half a cup of coconut flour half a teaspoon of salt quarter teaspoon of baking soda 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon zest and then a heaping cup of blueberries and for those of you that are into calories each muffin has about 140 calories um three and a half grams of protein 5 grams of sugar one gram of fiber seven grams of carb and 11 grams of fat can you stop the to dead weight absolutely you just do two egg whites for every egg soggy says hi hi soggy alright guys thank you so much for joining us on this lovely Saturday afternoon I will see you guys back here soon and with some more clean and deliciousness and more okay except we don't have any ice cream right now can you say goodbye try Cheers only we had a glass of wine .

Video Description:

These Grain Free Blueberry Lemon Muffins are perfect for your Mother's Day menu or for weekend meal prep!

Spouted Glass Measuring Cup:
Glass Mixing Bowls:
12 Cup Muffin Pan:

SnapChat: CleanDelicious

6 eggs, beaten
¼ cup apple sauce
½ cup melted coconut oil
1 tsp. vanilla
¼ cup maple syrup
½ cup coconut flour
½ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. baking soda
1 tbsp. lemon zest
½ cup fresh blueberries


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Whisk together the eggs, apple sauce, coconut oil, vanilla extract, and maple syrup.

Add in coconut flour, sea salt, baking soda, and lemon zest and stir until everything is well combined. Gently fold in blueberries.

Divide batter into a 12-count muffin tin that is either lined with muffin cups or sprayed with cooking spray. Pop in the oven and bake for 35 minutes. Enjoy.

Nutrients per muffin; Calories: 141; Total Fat: 11.7g; Saturated Fat: 8.8g; Cholesterol: 87mg; Carbohydrate: 7g; Dietary Fiber: 1g; Sugars: 5g; Protein: 3.4g

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