sup guys if you're new to the video obviously I am Jimmy Smith I make a ton of fantastic health and fitness videos my subscribers will tell you / jaysmith training today's topic the Paleo diet I want to get a very good in-depth look at what the Paleo diet a is because it's becoming such a big well known and people are using it to change their health so you Deb all these effects but people also jump on the bandwagon and I've got a ton of arguments of people lately that are saying oh well you know you got to use the pillowtop there's no other way to eat let's first break it down on a basic level the Paleo diet looks at what did our ancestor 8,000 of years ago our ancestors didn't eat starches they didn't drink milk they did any sugar they didn't have the disease of modern man the cancer to high blood pressures thought I'd sugars they didn't have all that so therefore that is a healthy way of eating they moderate protein carbs from some of some sweet potatoes depending who you talk to but roots tubers bulbs and fruits to point and vegetables obviously fat content was as high as you yet right butter nut butters things like that it took point certain nuts you know some nuts have some some bad oil and bad accommodations to them but Alvin's things like that nuts but here's your the Paleo diet in the wrong and this is what most of the Paleo advocates don't understand here's what most of the people just blindly found out paleo paleo the general theory I just said on the pillow dies that our ancestors either certain way and they didn't have the disease of modern man but here's others dead wrong the Paleo diet is not so easy that a caveman can do it I'm not seeing the data purge Madeline st. doesn't work I think it's great for controlling information it's great for getting your blood sugar under control it has a ton of benefits but it's the exact same way that the traditional low-carb diet errs will look at carbs that you absolutely can't have them in your diet first of all researchers looked at biomarkers of our ancestors there's no direct observation right there no one can unfreeze a caveman Captain America and say oh well here's what they had gone on their bodies it's non direct observation it's a correlation there's difference between correlation clauses in research correlation shows a fact they show one plus one equals two correlation shows that it might equal to and there's just a ton of selection bias in the Paleo world it's their observational studies that should be used to further investigate what is going on with our nutrition with our health and with the health effects of a paleo type diet the funny thing is the Paleo community as a whole you know the people that that read blogs the bloggers um they cry foul on everything observational studies everywhere else observational studies with high protein body billet based diet observational studies with a lot of sports supplements everyone's the nutrition world but all I do is in turn around and use the same observational studies to say how they're right and everybody else is wrong there's very little cause and effect science actually mom the Paleo diet and what it means for us today and how applicable is if our diet in our health so that's my big problem with it their theory is false the base of the Paleo diet is false and a lot of the big paleo people don't even realize that they use a theory of general hypothesis but it doesn't establish cause and effect just because people ate there's good people didn't drink milk doesn't mean that they didn't get cancer well our measures of testing for diseases for blood sugar high blood pressure cancer that they didn't exist back then and if they did they were nowhere near as good as they are now and they say well if our ancestors didn't eat food you know we're not adapted that's an incorrect statement the correct really saves we're not well adapted to grains and legumes and milk and dairy it's not to say that we can't do it history is fraught with examples of societies that were people how to travel whether is because the food a certain area dried up or or the weather or volcanoes are up then people couldn't live near anymore where societies had to travel and discover new foods and they were able to adapt and survive on them now grain consumption I'm not the biggest fan of but that's not because when we ingest them all of a sudden that things happen that's incorrect and that is also false what you can say is it what better way of saying is that we are not well adapted to grains but also the grains contain a lot of entry nutrients there's a lot of sure if you're looking at oatmeal you know got potatoes those are a little more natural um but this still even those greens contain various anti-nutrients that aren't healthy for our body so I think people need to take a step back and really look at what's going on with nutrition as a whole and it's funny you know I get argue to people every day that are so dedicated to paleo causing there's greater than their dedicated to a diet that's relatively healthy but their arguments are where they're trying to educate other people are a hundred percent accurate it's a know what you're talking about before you just found out so Paleo diet is more observational than it is fact it's more correlation than this cause use the general hypothesis use it for yourself look and say okay well more follow a twopenny person I got have been Gary my grades would be very restricted no sugar fruits veggies see everybody responds that are you having joint people that may be removing the milk will do it may be removing the dairy does it may be all the mucus forming stuff do you go on your throat maybe that reduces the throat inflammation that you have but look at it from that perspective don't look at it from respective of you have to do it that's right because that's the way to remove your health you can improve your blood pressure and blood sugar by just on a strict low carbohydrate diet for an extended period of time it's not like you've to all of a sudden I swear greens off forever and for the most part that's not also effective for performance that's another way that we have to look at it you're in the gym if you're training hard there are optimal times eat grains there are times you're going to need those rings to come in because quite honestly I can't get 30 40 50 grams of carbohydrate from fruit and again I'll have a lot of fructose going into my body and fructose isn't necessarily healthy but what i can do is i can get it from a healthy Bollman oatmeal um doesn't show what they operated lukhanus to help our body with the fibers content so let's just not make your one size fits all if they're all in a pan and let's pull up the pieces that we want as always guys join the facebook fanpage your seats chrome bottom facebook com size physique formula and as always visit judith tran calm later eyes .
Video Description:
What is the paleo diet? Should I use the paleo diet? What is the paleo diet and caveman diet. A paleolithic diet advised by Robb Wolf and Lorin Cordain. For ...