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Saturday, February 13, 2021


5 Minute Ab Workout to Tone Your Abs

hey guys clever paleo grubs and today we're going to be doing a five-minute ab workout routine with five exercises each of one minute and this work that's going to really help you tighten up your core and burn some calories so we're gonna get started in ten seconds let's just get a bit of a warm-up going get your heart rate up and I'm going to be starting with the spider plant in five four three two one alright guys start in a push-up position and reach your knees to your elbows just like this we're gonna be doing this for one minute you wanna make sure you keep your tongue tight and your bum down don't go doing this keep your bum down now we've got 40 seconds left keep squeezing that tummy really reach for your elbow alright guys a half way keep it up this is gonna work out your core as well as your obliques all right guys 15 seconds left keep it up all right five four three two what now we're going to go two side crunches lie down on the ground knees to one side and lift I'm going to do 30 seconds on this side and then 30 seconds on the other side really want to squeeze those oblique muscles ten seconds left five four three two one switch sides same thing hands by ears crunch upwards you tell me tight obliques tight ten seconds left keep going guys alright and we're gonna go into reverse crunch elbows to prop yourself up start with knees and chest and release out make sure you keeping your tummy tight and your quads pleased this is going to work your lower ab muscles as well as your upper abs keep it up guys 35 seconds left make sure your legs goes down as far as possible your knees all the way and you chest and come all the way down do not let your back arch this can really cause injuries just give you tummy time and your legs squeezed alright guys now we're going into toe reach gonna lay them flat on your back with your legs up feet flat and reach for your toes let's go this is a great exercise for the lower abs but you really hard to target all right guys a hot flag right jumps high as possible keep this leg straight it's hard to talk through this exercise 20 seconds to go all right guys now we're going into plank step out so I jump into plank I'll just tell me really tight and stop step out we've got one step one minute yup keep your bum down foot is straight squeeze those ABS so in five seconds left make sure you don't drop you back but keep it straight 20 seconds left 10 seconds left 5 4 3 2 1 all right guys oh well done so guys that's your 5 minutes up I hope you can feel like a whole coal burning just like me you know what if you do this at least three four times a week you're definitely gonna see a difference in your belly area all right guys sign you got four paragraphs .

Video Description:

Do this simple 5 minute ab workout every other day to tighten and strengthen your core.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


11 Moves to Improve Hip Mobility

my name is Brian schwabe I'm a board-certified clinical specialist in sports physical therapy in today's paleo hacks video I'm going to talk about eleven ways that you can improve hip mobility lack of hip mobility is commonly caused by increased sitting and poor squatting mechanics improving hip mobility is important to help prevent low back and knee injuries first move is a glute foam roll exercise to perform this go ahead and put a foam roller down and sit on it depending on which side you start with go ahead and lean to that side so that you can focus on one side of your gluts from there find that tight tender tissue and you know you're on the right spot when it hurts from there hold up to 60 seconds if you want to make this more advanced and a deeper part of your glute go ahead and turn your leg in and again roll to your side and hold for that tight tender spot for 60 seconds the next move is called the TfL ball roll out the TfL is located right below your hip bone and connects into the IT band to perform this go ahead and lie on your side the way you're gonna find the TfL is you're gonna take one of your hands and find your hip bone and then bring the rest of your hands right below that hip bone so that you're pushing right into the muscles to find the TfL specifically turn your leg in and out and beneath that hand you'll feel a muscle pop into your hand as you turn your foot in and out that's where the ball goes put the ball there and turn on your side so that all your body pressures on it you know you're on the right spot when it hurts go ahead and lie on your shoulder for more comfort hold for up to 60 seconds the next move is a hip flexor stretch to perform this take a foam roller and get into a half kneeling position your back leg is the leg that you'll be stretching keep your core engaged that your lumbar spine is in the neutral position lean forward and go ahead and wait until you feel a stretch on the front of your hip to make this stretch a stronger stretch go ahead and tighten up your gluteal muscle on the side that you're stretching hold for up to 60 seconds the next two moves are hip adductor stretches which are your groin muscles to perform these moves go ahead and get on your hands and knees the first one you're gonna do in a hip flex position so to do that go ahead and get into your hands in these position extend one of your legs out to the side okay rock back onto your ankles until you feel a stretch through here this is stretching your groin muscles in a hip flex position the next move is in a hip extended position go ahead and lean forward but again keep your leg out to the side until you feel a groin stretch hold for up to 60 seconds on both of these the next move is the cat camel position go ahead and get into a quadruped ed position on your hands and knees from here all you want to do is go ahead and arch your back fully and flex it back and forth repeat 10 to 15 times the next move is to work the joint capsule to perform this you're gonna get on your hands and knees extend one of your legs backwards and cross the other one in this is the side that you're working from there all I want you to do is rock backwards and forward you may feel a stretch in the back of your hip perform 10 to 15 repetitions at one time on both sides the next move is called supine nians to perform this go ahead and lie down in a supine position keep your feet further than shoulder width and hip width apart from there what I want you to do is bring your knees in and out nice and slow performing 10 to 15 repetitions at one time the next move is called standing leg swings to perform this go ahead and put your hands on a foam roller or some type of surface for balance what you're gonna do is you're gonna take one step back and allow one your legs to swing in and out 10 to 15 times per side be sure not to move at the ankle but instead of just the hip the last two hip mobility exercises are hamstring stretches in both an up and down position and a rotational position to perform this go ahead and place your leg up on a chair keep your core tight and slightly arch your back until you feel a stretch down the back of your thigh from there hold for 60 seconds to perform the same stretch in a different position go ahead and just turn your body toward that leg again hold for up to 60 seconds you may feel the stretch in a different position when you rotate your body .

Video Description:

If you think hip flexibility is only important when you’re doing Zumba, think again! The muscles around our hips are the basis for most of our entire body’s mobility.

Saturday, November 21, 2020


5 Minute Chest Workout to Lift & Tone

hey guys clay here for paleo grubs and today we're going to be doing a five-minute chest workout and this is going to include five different exercises of one minute okay we're gonna really pump up those chest muscles and get those sexy arms okay so for first ten seconds let's just get a little bit of a warm-up golly just drove through the spot get your heart rate up get that pull-up flowing and that energy ready to spin okay three two one we're going to start with incline push-ups now you need a chair hold onto each side and push up okay and we were doing this a one-minute then squeeze those chest muscles you bomb down don't let it raise up like this keep it low keep going guys squeeze your core squeeze your glutes and mainly squeeze your chest okay now we're halfway through keep it up keep it up squeezing the chest muscles you've got about 20 seconds left keep going guys you want to challenge stuff get down Lola three two one alright now we're going to test squeeze it's pretty simple I want to do put your hands together into schoolies first 30 seconds if this is gonna be squeezing then we're gonna do pulses for the next day keep squeezing back straight squeeze for you squeeze home to this biceps flex her chest roaring but 10 more seconds this keep squeezing keep squeezing Troy get through the bend by now squeeze all right now pulses so jumps switch hands squeeze together but 20 seconds left keep squeezing guys you can hold it for one second release switch the arms around keep squeezing keep it up alrighty next exercise we're going into ease plank transition slow down the ground always on the ground and go up make sure keep legs out wide keep still steady and down up and down up wouldn't you 30 seconds up the hard way and then 30 seconds are the easy way 10 seconds left up and down next two seconds how about knees in the ground makes it a little bit easier down up and down squeeze those chest muscles down up keep going straight don't let you bone come up about 15 seconds ten seconds left alrighty now we've got to go into pro we're going to do 30 seconds holding and 30 seconds walking so raising hands are out wide feet on the ground I'm going to hold you for 30 seconds keep going straight ten things left all right now we're doing walking okay hands going hands go out ready let's go in and it's go out yeah and out thirty seconds of this out mean out fifteen seconds left five seconds left alright now let me just doing the average push-ups knees on the ground ready go now if this is your height I can bring you a bum up a little bit and keep going but everyone else bum down ten seconds left okay that's it guys that's your five minute chest workout hope you can feel the pain in the chest that's what you're looking for so now stretch have a glass of water maybe take a protein shake and then rest up and repeat this another maybe two or three times each week okay bye for now .

Video Description:

Do this short chest workout every 2-3 days to tone your chest. Supercharge your results with these 5 simple exercises.

Saturday, August 15, 2020


How To Improve Your Posture and Improve Your Life

good posture is more than just sitting up straight improving your posture can help you look and feel more confident and can even improve your mood memory and digestion I'm Deanna Dorman a certified personal trainer and today here are four exercises to help you improve your posture strong muscles are the foundation of any good posture these exercises will help strengthen the upper back muscles and the rear shoulders but it's also important to foam roll and lightly stretch any tight muscles that will pull you out of correct bird dogs are a great exercise to work on balance and also make your body work unilaterally or one side at a time back extensions will help correct alignment through the thoracic spine and will also strengthen the deep core muscles of the back bent over rows will help target the rhomboids and help pull your shoulders down and back rear delt flies target the back of the shoulders which are some of the most important muscles for your posture if you really want to improve your posture do all of these exercises two to three times per week if you want more exercises check out paleo hacks calm .

Video Description:

I’m sure you were always told growing to “sit up straight,” or “stop slouching”. Well, your mother and teachers weren’t wrong. However, there is much more to posture than just looking better.
