There are so many diet
and food options out there. I have a PhD in Nutrition
and it's even confusing for me to keep up with it all. What's real and what is just the hype
and what did the study support?
There are so many different kinds
of eating and diets out there. There's the paleo and--
oh, yeah the keto, there's vegan, oh, macrobiotic. You get the point.
There is just a lot. The list goes on and on and on. There are so many
different diets out there. Who can keep track?
So, which is best?
What is better for you?
Is the one diet really, really better
for you out there than another. Hello from New Jersey, Eleanor.
Good to see you.
How do you pick the diet program
that is best for you and what if we could take
the best of each of these diets and then build our own super diet. Hint, Hint.
That's what I'm going to do for you. But, more on that later. Hi, everyone.
It's Dr. Nancy.
Thank you so much
for joining my show. Today's live, today's show
is all about popular diets, the most popular diets. Today's show is the first in a series
that I'm going to be doing on popular diet plans
where I take a deeper dive, a non-biased view into
the big diet plans of today. The good and the bad. Today, we are going to look at
the popular-- paleo.
The paleolithic diet.
paleo diet. I'm going to take you through
the paleo diet. What I don't like about it,
what I do like about it and I'm going to answer
your paleo questions the best I can. The best of the best.
That's right, Joe. Good afternoon, Victor.
Hey, Natalie.
Alright. I'm going to share
a sample of a paleo meal plan that also fits with
my anti-inflammatory diet philosophy and I'm going to go through
the associated health benefits as well. Plus, I'm going to show you how to make
some of my favorite, simple but super delicious
paleo-inspired snacks. They're right behind me. So, get super excited.
So, what are we waiting for?
Let's get started. Hey, Lisa.
Good to see you as well. Okay. Paleo. The paleo diet.
The paleo diet, what is it?
Is a diet plan devised based on
the food similar to what might have been eaten
during the Paleolithic era which dates from approximately
2.5 million to 10,000 years ago. There's no quiz on this,
just a good food for thought, good to know. It's basically a caveman diet,
well, almost. A paleo diet typically includes--
What does it include?
Does anyone out here--out here. Does anyone out there
eat a paleo diet or follow a paleolithic diet?
You can indicate
by giving me a thumbs up then you can kind of give
your little tidbits of information as we're going through the show.
So, what does it include?
What does a paleo diet include?
It includes meats and fish
and fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole food sources
that in the past could be obtained
by hunting and gathering. A paleo diet limits foods,
limits foods, okay. Limits foods that became common
when farming emerged about 10,000 years ago
including dairy products. This is my charade for dairy. Moo cow.
Okay, dairy products.
Legumes, beans and grains. So, the purpose,
the purpose of the paleo diet is to return back to a way of eating
that's more like what our ancestors ate. The theory behind the paleo diet
is that the human body, in its current form,
is genetically mismatched to the modern diet,
to what we're eating now, that emerge from agriculture, modern-day
agriculture and farming practices. An idea known
as the discordance hypothesis. Discordance hypothesis.
Although, it's impossible to know
exactly what our early human brothers, sisters, mothers ate,
our ancestors ate in different parts of the world,
we do know that their diet consisted of whole foods that were caught,
that they caught themselves, that they raised themselves,
that they found or grew themselves. Very self-empowered people
are our ancestors. Yes, that was a time
before the processed foods and fast foods and the door dashes. That all didn't exist,
it was back then, alright. So, by following a whole food,
whole food-based diet and leading physically active lives
of hunting and gathering, they had much more rates
of almost little lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes,
heart disease, there were much more likely to die
in a battle with a wild animal.
I just want to throw out
saber-toothed tiger. I don't know. Wild animal or even a dinosaur than from the effects
of heart disease or diabetes. While there are many different offshoots
of adaptations of the paleo diet, in general, paleo diets follow a diet
based on whole unprocessed paleo foods and they include,
here I go with my finger again, grass-fed meat. So, what are some grass-fed meats?
Beef and lamb,
chicken, turkey, pork.
They also include fish and seafood,
salmon and trout, haddock, shrimp, shellfish,
wild-caught if available, eggs, choose free-range pasture
or omega-3 enriched eggs, vegetables including the broccolis
and the kales of the world, onions, carrots, beets,
just to name a few. Fruits, apples, bananas,
oranges, pears, avocado, strawberries, blueberries
and much more. All of these are in
the anti-inflammatory diet, by the way. Root vegetables, potatoes
and sweet potatoes, yams, turnips. Nuts and seeds, okay.
Almonds, macadamia nuts,
walnuts, hazelnuts, lots of nuts, sunflower seeds,
pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds. Healthy fats and oils,
extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, walnut oil, avocado oil,
super great and others. Salt and spices, sea
salt, turmeric, garlic, rosemary,
herbs, all of those. Sounds pretty good so far, right?
Okay, most of the diet is really very similar
to the anti-inflammatory diet and for those of you familiar with it,
and here are the foods to avoid. What should you avoid
if you are a paleo eater?
Avoid these certain things that were
developed after the onset of farming.
And was not part
of the original hunter-gatherer diet. The paleo books say to avoid
these certain foods and ingredients and I must say that I absolutely agree. They are sugar and high fructose
corn syrup drink, soft drinks, fruit juices,
table sugar, candies, all of Halloween
except for the apples, pastries, ice cream,
grains and flours. You should avoid grains and flours
including the breads, the pastas, the wheat,
the spelt, rye, barley. All of Italy is like,
"But how do we go paleo?
" Alright, legumes, beans and lentils?
Have you ever been
through a CrossFit gym, everyone's on a paleo diet and then you
take out a bag of green peas or beans.
They're like, "What are you doing?
You're ruining--" Okay.
Dairy. Avoid dairy. Adam says, "Bagels are life." Adam, you must not be
on the paleo diet, alright. Avoid dairy, most dairy,
especially low-fat dairy. Some versions of paleo, however,
do include full-fat dairy like butter and cheese
but on the most part, dairy is a no-no.
Vegetable oils, avoid vegetable oils
including soybean oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed, corn,
grapeseed, safflower oil and others. Trans fats, trans fat.
That just doesn't sound good. Trans fats found in margarine
and various processed foods, packaged foods, lots of things,
even breads and crackers, most of them,
unless specified otherwise, have the partially hydrogenated
which is like the worst kind. You want to stay away
from those oils as well. Okay, artificial sweeteners,
aspartame, sucralose, that's like the Splenda,
the saccharin.
Use natural sweeteners
including raw honey, Manuka honey, maple syrup
instead. Highly processed foods. You want to avoid that as well. Highly processed foods
especially labeled diet or low-fat or fat-free,
anything with additives and preservatives, you want to avoid that. And, a general paleo guideline is simply,
if it looks like its process or made in a factory,
then don't eat it.
So, here's a look at
what you might eat during a typical day
in the life of someone eating a paleo. For breakfast,
someone will maybe have boiled salmon and cantaloupe. I am just stating what they eat,
I don't agree with everything because food combining,
cantaloupe with anything is like, "Ha." But, someone typically eating
a paleo diet would have a broiled salmon and cantaloupe
for breakfast. For lunch, someone might graze
on grilled chicken and salad like romaine with carrots
and cucumber, walnuts and lemon juice dressing. And then, for dinner,
salmon hits it again.
Salmon with maybe something like
steamed broccoli or mixed greens, avocados, onions, almond seeds,
lemon dressing, strawberries for dessert perhaps. Oh, snacks. Someone on a paleo diet-- What do you guys eat for snacks
if you are following a paleo diet?
Put them in the comments
because I'm always curious. But, maybe an orange, carrot sticks
or celery sticks, something like that. Alright, not with hummus though.
That's a no-no.
It is very important
to point out that the paleo diet isn't
like the Flintstones where you may be eating
only massive amounts of-- I have a really cute picture
that I want to show you but you're not eating
massive amounts of meat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Now, that's called the beef diet. Have you heard of that diet?
Where you eat nothing but like hamburgers
for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's really interesting. But, here are cavemen eating meat
for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I just thought it was really cute. So, the common misconception
about the paleo diet, what are some?
Yes, meats and fish
are a staple of the diet but they are not the only focus
of the paleo diet. paleo recommends that you include
a 50/50 meat to plant caloric ratio. So, if you have this plate,
you want to make sure that half of it is plants
and then the other half-- the paleo people,
people of paleo. They want to have 50/50, okay.
So, half of this is plants
and half of this is meat. Your plate--I do want to say,
considering the caloric density of meats, however,
and vegetables, your plate should
maybe migrate to 75%, 25%. So, 75%, the majority of this plate
is going to be plant-based, all of your really anti-inflammatory
vegetables. And then, 25%,
right around here, 1/4, it's going to be
your animal-based foods. That's a really good way
to kind of structure your plates.
Another thing
I like about paleo diet is that it emphasizes
drinking of water. Cheers! …of water. Nothing like a Brita. Okay. So, drinking your water,
really, really important especially if you are being
really physically active every day.
Hello, Peter.
How are you?
Good to see you on my show today. Okay, so, is the paleo
an effective diet for health?
Where are the studies?
We want to see some studies. A number of randomized clinical trials have compared the paleo diet
to other eating plants. Overall, these trials suggest
that a paleo diet may provide some real benefits
compared to other diets and here are some benefits. Weight loss, great.
Have you ever seen someone
that just shed in a ton of weight?
You're like,
"What did you do?
" "Well, I went on
the paleo diet." I'm like, "Wow." It's very, very-- I cannot find the word. Compelling!
It's very compelling. Alright, so, weight loss. One of the greatest benefits, okay,
compared to the other diets. Another is improved
glucose tolerance.
Better what?
Better blood pressure. Great. Better blood pressure
because you're not-- you're not making your body
all inflamed with the processed foods
and the sugars. Low triglycerides,
that's a good thing. Really, really good thing.
Stable blood glucose. Stable blood glucose levels. However, the research I reviewed
also recommended longer trials with larger groups of people
randomly assigned to different diets and that's more needed to understand
the long term overall health benefits and also the possible risks
of paleo diet. Yes, we need more studies
over a longer period of time with more different people in different
regions to truly, truly understand if it's effective
for a longer period of time. Some of the great benefits
I see in paleo diet include-- Benefits?
Tell me about the benefits.
It's a clean diet without additives,
preservatives or chemicals found in processed foods. That's a big bonus,
that's great. You may see improved satiate--
my goodness. And, feeling full over long periods
of time especially between meals due to the higher intake
of protein and fats. Protein, in particular,
helps limit cravings.
Protein limits the cravings,
especially, late night cravings if you eat protein throughout the day. Really, it's proven. There are also great
anti-inflammatory benefits from the plant nutrients you get
from the variety of fruits and vegetables and oils and nuts
and seeds consumed in the paleo diet. In fact, I've really got to give kudos
to this specific diet, other than a few things
like the strong emphasis on red meat and pork products,
most of the foods known to cause inflammation
are the red meat and pork products. But, a lot of the inflammatory
foods are [exiting] out of the paleo diet
which is really nice.
They just go ahead
and write in the descriptions in the very, very beginning
before you start and they say,
"Don't eat this, don't eat this," and then,
they do the work for you. You just got to follow it. Including refined carbohydrates,
they take that out as well. They take out the processed meats,
the trans fats, the refined sugars. Plus, again, the paleo diet is rich,
remember, it's super, super abundant
in several of the foods that we know to be the best natural
anti-inflammatory foods including green leafy vegetables,
the salmon.
This is my piece of salmon. I froze it so I can show it to you
over and over again. The salmon, the fatty fish,
the olive oil and avocados. And, I don't know if you can see
but I have all of these beautiful foods right behind me,
all of the things that I'm talking about. These fruits and vegetables
are high in antioxidants and they are really beneficial for your
entire body to lower the inflammation.
For those of you
that may not know the health consequences of carrying
too much inflammation in your body, it's very important to know
that too much inflammation in your body can increase the risk
of so many problems including type-2 diabetes,
heart disease, joint pain and much more. But, eating a diet rich
in anti-inflammatory foods, particularly, omega-3 fatty acids
helps protect against excess inflammation. It all comes down
to my trusty equation of health and if you don't know it yet, I want you to practice this mantra
or this equation to you inside your head or out loud. "Less inflammation in
plus more inflammation out equals a healthier, happier you." Really important to kind of embed that
into the forefront of your thoughts when you are choosing foods to eat,
choosing foods to prepare your family, the daily things that you do
every day that could cause more inflammation in your body, you want to take that
out of your body so that you keep all the good stuff in. And, you bring in good, non-inflammatory
properties into your body so that you can be a healthier
and happier person.
So, most of the paleo diet
can play an important role in fighting inflammation, period. Studies have shown that highly
processed foods and carbohydrates can promote whole body inflammation,
you don't want that, by increasing the number
of free radicals in the body. And, you know
what free radicals do. Free radicals make you feel
like this: Mr. or Ms.
Inflammation. Inflammatory person,
we don't want to be that person, that's a boo. We don't want that. We also know that healthy fats,
healthy fats and particularly omega-3 fatty acids
play a critical role in decreasing the level of inflammation
throughout the body and added support
with a great curcumin supplement daily like Smarter Curcumin,
this is going to help tremendously. You got inflammation,
you got aches and pains, you have brain fog,
you have GI issues, Curcumin is going to be
your best bet to fight the free radical damage
and inflammation.
Its fast-acting, I take it daily,
it's awesome. It's not just awesome,
it's necessary. Compare this with our current
modern-day Western diet and it's loaded with processed foods, compare the paleo diet
with the Western diet, it's loaded with sugars
and trans fats and omega-6s and omega-9 fatty acids
that are just unhealthy. Ni hao, Guy,
speaking Chinese to me. So, how does paleo differ
from other common diets?
The difference is-- We talked about the benefits
and now we're going to talk about the differences of paleo diets
versus all the other ones out there. The primary difference
between the paleo, the paleo diet and other healthy diets
is the absence, the absence of whole grains
and legumes in the paleo diet which I believe are good sources
of fiber and vitamins and other nutrients that you need. So, people following the paleo diet
will need to ensure they are getting the fiber,
those nutrients from the plant-based sources
in their diet. This is the one thing that I don't
completely agree about the paleo diet. Whole grains and legumes
are not only healthy but they are also generally
more affordable and accessible than foods such as grass-fed animals
and organic fruits and vegetables.
And, as a result,
some people might find the paleo diet too expensive to maintain
for extended period of time. The paleo diet guidelines
generally suggest eating no more than three meals per day
but I'm a snacker and if you are anything like me,
we eat our emotions-- I'm just joking, I'm half kidding. Okay, if you're anything like me,
when I get hungry, I get hangry if I don't prepare, right?
So, there are paleo-friendly snacks
that are simple and easily portable and these include baby carrots
or celery and hard-boiled eggs. Super easy to make and put into little
containers and take along with you. They're versatile.
A piece of fruit,
simple grab and go. A handful of nuts, super easy. A handful of nuts,
just make your little cornucopia, take in and put it in
a little container, grab it and go put in your car. It's a good one. They're dangerous
so portion it out, your purse, your backpack,
things like that.
Sliced apples. Got sliced apples but we're
going to add some fats to it. We're going to put nut butter,
sea butters, I have here almond butters. Almond butter,
you just take a scoop full. And then, there you go.
Just put like that
and then eat it like that. Kids love this.
This is very, very, very good. Very satisfying. Get that catastrophic crunch
if you're needing that crunch and it's a slightly sweet,
it's got fiber in it and it has pectin
which is really good for you as well. There are also great easy to make
paleo snack recipes out there, a quick internet search or just look
on this beautiful feed right here.
I know that people are taking good notes
and providing some comments about snacks that they love. If you haven't, then,
please put it in there. Snacks that you go to
that are paleo-friendly and thousands of other
great options out there. Let me share a few
of my favorite recipes. The first one is called
cauliflower popcorn.
By the way, I know a lot
of sign language and this is popcorn. I'm not just crazy. Okay, cauliflower popcorn. I know corn on paleo is a no-no
and corn is very inflammatory but I need my popcorn fix. I think that's one of my trigger foods
and my guilt food is popcorn.
I eat a lot of it,
I can shove it in my mouth and no one can actually--
I don't know. I do love popcorn but it's a no-no. From time to time, I do enjoy
something that looks like popcorn and something that's healthy
that I don't have to feel guilty about. So, here is a great alternative. You're going to take cauliflower,
that white broccoli, cauliflower.
And, you're going to take it
and peel it into small little florets, little bite-size florets and then you're going to toss
the florets in olive oil. So, you're going to pour
olive oil all over. You're going to bake it,
you can roast it in the oven 25 minutes on 350 and then it comes out and it's
super easy and healthy and delicious. You're going to sprinkle with onion powder
or sea salt, garlic powder and you can even sprinkle it
with turmeric. So, here I have--
and you can just sprinkle it and it's so fun
and super healthy.
You just toss it
and then you can eat it. Super good. So, cauliflower popcorn. Has anyone had any of these?
So good and it's good for you. Alright.
"Is anyone giving me
any garbanzo beans roasted?
" Yes, Joel, but beans
are not friendly on the paleo diet. Weren't you listening to--
put the sound on. So, yes, the garbanzo bean
are really yummy but they're not paleo-friendly
because they don't like legumes. Okay, the next one
is avocado doubled eggs. Now, all of that Easter fun is gone, I know you guys have
some extra eggs laying around, you might find yourself just hard boiling
those eggs that are just laying around and instead of doing deviled eggs
which is caloric dense and has saturated fats
and all of that stuff.
Why don't you just
boil your eggs?
Okay, lots of boiled eggs. If you can see that.
Alright, boiled the eggs. I've taken out the yolk. I toss the yolk. Yeah, toss it and you forget it.
And then, you mash up avocado,
cilantro, garlic, salt and pepper. So, here I have some avocado
and I'm going to mash it up. Let me see if I can turn it
so that you can see. Not chocolate eggs, James. Alright, so here's cilantro.
Guinea pigs favorite foods, handy to them. So, I'm taking all
of the cilantro and I'm going to join it with
my avocado that I've mashed. I use one entire avocado. And, I'm going to use
garlic salt with-- this is garlic salt
with Himalayan salt and you just going to put that
in there. And, you're just going to
mash it up together until it becomes
evenly blended together.
How is everyone doing?
No, Darren, I am I am not single,
I'm married but thank you for asking. What does that have to do
with paleo?
Focus, Darren. Alright, okay. Do you see how it is being made
all together into this nice green,
glorious concoction. So, good for you.
This smells so, so, so good. And, if you want,
you can put pepper in it as well. So, now, you're just going
to scoop this into the whites
of the hard-boiled eggs. Here you go. And, it becomes this sweet
little avocado--isn't that cute?
And then, you make
a whole little display.
It's really nice. Super easy.
It took me 30 seconds. Alright. Now everyone knows
how to make avocado deviled eggs. Yes, Maria says,
"I'm making her hungry." Maria, I'm making myself hungry
and I'm weighing whether or not I take the bite.
I'm like, "No, don't take the bite," Because, what if a piece of celery
or cilantro gets stuck on my teeth and everyone's going to be like,
"Do you tell her?
" "No, you tell her." I don't want to be embarrassed. Okay, so, that's fun, right?
Did anyone else give
me a suggestion on what you guys love to eat?
Oh, beef jerky. That's a good one. But, beef jerky is kind of processed
unless you use a food dehydrator and you don't add any salt
or any of the--you know. Store-bought beef jerky
usually has a lot of gunk to it that is not--that is actually
very inflammatory to your body.
Another good snack
is to take turkey. So, we have romaine lettuce here
and you just take some Turkey. And now, this turkey has no salt. It has no nitrates, phosphates,
it doesn't have anything but literally it's just the meat
and it's roasted turkey and you just take it
and you put it on here. Put a bite of avocado
or put some of that avocado devilled egg spread
and then you can eat it.
It's like little tacos. That's paleo-friendly. Okay.
Are we having fun?
Are we hungry yet?
Mm-hmm. We are wrapping it up. Let's wrap it up and let's talk about
what we even learned.
If you just joined me,
I'm Dr. Nancy and we have been talking about
paleo diet. Why it's beneficial?
What are the differences
between paleo and a couple of the other
popular modern-day diets here?
So, the popular paleo diet
you've been hearing about for years and it's on this huge, huge trend
is actually quite simple and has many, many positives. It is modeled after the diets
hunter and gatherers were likely to have followed
while there is not one exact way to follow the paleo diet,
there is a basic idea and that is to avoid processed foods
and focus instead on healthy whole foods. Paleo-friendly foods include
meat, fish, eggs, seeds, nuts, fruits and veggies
along with healthy fats and oils while avoiding processed foods
and avoiding the grains and the dairies in the sugar,
basically, anything that is man-made or has to be made in a factory.
The paleo diet includes
grass-fed lean meats and they recommend that you eat about 50 to 50
meat to plant caloric ratio. But, I find that that is a little too high
and since there are no processed foods, trans fats, grains or sugars
included in the paleo diet, users typically experience weight loss,
lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels are lower as well. And also, more stable
blood sugar levels. So, these are all great stuff. Okay, potatoes are--
yes, you can have potatoes but very, very little, okay.
Very little.
In addition, since the diet avoids
simple carbohydrates, processed foods and refined sugars
and includes fruits and vegetables and healthy oils
loaded with antioxidants, the paleo diet is beneficial in reducing
levels of inflammation in the body. Other benefits of the paleo diet,
well, they include eating clean by avoiding artificial flavors
and preservatives and toxins and chemicals found in processed foods,
increased iron intake and feeling satiated
or fuller for longer after eating. Thank you for giving me
all of the thumbs up. I really appreciate that,
whoever you are, thumb up giver. But, since the paleo diet also avoids
whole grains, beans and legumes, you really need to make sure
that you're eating high fiber fruits and vegetables
to ensure that you are getting enough fiber in your diet each day
if you go paleo.
Something that is a common byproduct
of paleo, I should say, is eating too much meat
too quickly. So, what happens is people
become constipated. So, if you want to avoid
being constipated and you want to have those good,
healthy bowel movements, you want to make sure
that you eat a lot of vegetables paired up with your meats, okay. You're welcome on that one. Thank you so much for watching today.
Please make sure that you like
like you are doing and share this with a family member
or five or your friends and just--
fermented foods are good, yeah. They're always good. They're all my
anti-inflammatory diet. If you guys do not have
my anti-inflammatory diet or don't know about it, there is going to be a link after the show
in the comments and it looks like this and you can look at
what I recommend for health. All health of the body,
inflammation-fighting foods, things that you should buy at the market,
things that you should avoid, a lot of it, mirrors the paleo diet so look at that.
And yes, I will
post the recipes. James, I will, yes. Yes, fruits, berries, blueberries,
absolutely. And, if you've missed any of the show,
after I'm done you are able to go back and review because we talked
about what it includes and what it tells you, suggest you
to avoid for the paleo diet, alright. So, you won't miss anything at all.
Alright, next up is the pros and cons
of the vegan diet. All Yogis are like,
"Yes, finally!" Okay, so, tomorrow
we're going to talk about the pros and the cons
of the vegan diet. This one is super interesting
so try not to miss it. That is the next part
of my popular diet series. I hope that you found this
super, super useful and interesting and if so, please give
me another thumbs up, give yourself a heart.
I really appreciate
each and every one of you taking time out of your day
to engage and to listen and to build up the knowledge
in your head and to activate your amygdala. The amygdala is the part of the brain
that goes, "Ah!" The aha moment. So, that is very, very special
and it's needed each and every day so that we grow and also feel alive. We want our amygdala
to be stroked, yeah. Alright, have a wonderful day,
you guys.
Thank you so much for watching. I'll see you next time. Bye, bye. .
Video Description:
Paleo, Vegan, Macrobiotic… there are so many different diet plans and food options out there. Today Dr. Nancy Lin, PhD holistic nutrition begins the first in her diet series. She will take a deeper, non-biased, look at the big diet plans popular today. The good, the bad and the ugly!
Today’s live with Dr. Nancy is about the Paleo diet. Learn everything you need to know about Paleo, and what the studies really show.
Learn more at