How To Make Mango Turmeric Tonic (Periscope Video) - All Paleo Diet Recipes

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


How To Make Mango Turmeric Tonic (Periscope Video)

hi everybody good morning I'm gonna tap this oh hello Tana and Alicia and all these other people coming on and let me there hello good morning this is my kitchen um and this morning I'm gonna do a really quick scope on how I make my cookie old husband a turmeric tonic oh look hello Katie Oh see this is perfect so after watching a bunch of scopes its flipped but have you updated your periscope after lean because I'm filming it in landscape and so what should happen is if you guys are looking at it in portrait mode my widescreen video should be on the top and you guys should be able to read all of the comments on the bottom without a blocking anything in the screen yes going you need to update your app doc so anyway this is super easy and the reason we were doing this is and I'm sure dr. Jolene Brighton can also can tell us more about this because she is a doctor and I'm just a drug dealer but basically turmeric is supposed to be a really great anti-inflammatory superfood and my creaky husband has been complaining about neck and shoulder pain for a while and so oh your connection is sketchy I gotta see it's so nice to see you guys this is super simple um I've been making this every morning for him he says it makes them feel better I don't know if it's placebo if it is that's okay too so all I do is I get um like about a cup of frozen mangoes I like frozen because it's already cut up and it's cold so it'll keep the resulting juice cold you don't have to add ice um I've got some fresh turmeric root here and so this is about it two and a half inch piece and you can see that it's bright orange it kind of looks like a finger see doc says is not a placebo it actually works and so I like to peel it off I just use a vegetable peeler I'm not super happy about it because it's all gonna be blended up in a blender and you know um I thought this was gonna be more ginger because ginger is really sharp and spicy but it actually is kind of charity it smells kind of like a good that's why you need the mango yeah it's good for its anti-inflammatory I think they're actually studies that show that it works as good as NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and then I throw in a little ginger so this is about a one-inch piece this is a piece that was in my freezer I took the skin off so I do about a two two and a half inch piece of turmeric and then about one inch piece of ginger and I pop those in apparently turmeric the the absorption is better if you add some fresh black pepper you know not really like them like a smoothie smoothie it's like a health drink I just buy these on Amazon I like them they're stainless steel I used to have glass ones but then those would break really easily actually they don't break easily but then when they do it's a big mess um and so we like these stainless steel straws and I can stick them in the dishwasher too I'm gonna put in about quarter lime earth this is a quarter of a lemon that I'm gonna squeeze the juice in I bought it at Sedonas which is a local grocery store here but I've also seen it at Whole Foods but it was a lot more expensive Whole Foods but I think the difference was the ones from Whole Foods are actually born in California and then the turmeric root I got from Sedonas I think is from Mexico so I'm just gonna squeeze out and I really like these because you can really squeeze out a lot of juice yeah I think so I think they're fresh is supposed to be better um in terms of its bioactivity but I don't know what the I think you can Google what the conversion is um so then I add about six ounces Oh baby I know who 3b is he's a good friend of mine okay they have a little brush that comes with it so I quickly brush it and then I stick it upright on one of the little things in my dishwasher I don't know if it really does get clean but I assume it does and my kids haven't gotten sick so I think they're okay okay so you guys can add honey if you want um but I don't and Henry doesn't like things super sweet and then already a cup of mango in here there's a lot of fruit here and eventually I'll put a recipe on my blog I just haven't yet um but I thought I'd show you guys because a lot of people have been asking what I've been making initially I didn't add the mango and I was adding some honey and then I would strain it because it was more of like a a juice consistency but I think once you put in the mango um you don't need to strain it and you know all the fiber and the ginger and stuff is good for you tada doing it try it honey sure it's not sweet and it is kind of spicy tasting but um how is it good all right so I can recap really quickly what's in there I put in a cup of frozen mango one cup frozen mango six ounces of coconut water a two inch piece of peeled turmeric root that I cut up a one inch piece of ginger that I could have I cracked in some black pepper to help with the absorption of the turmeric and then I put in the juice from a quarter of a lemon or half a lime Oh see your aspiration I don't know which one chance so if you guys see that um stuff is going by and I'm running powder turmeric okay I think so but you need to check on the conversion because I think powder turmeric is pretty strong tasting but it'd be good if you have the flu maybe but I won't actually take like anti-inflammatories when I have the flu but I mean I don't think there's any bad stuff in there so it wouldn't hurt you oh people are saying hi to the double O's yeah any substitute if not eating fruit um well I have made it before with some honey I don't know if you're not doing food means you're not doing honey and in that case I might strain it because then you get a lot of the fiber from the ginger and the turmeric and if you don't have a really great blender like if you don't have a really powerful blender you may want to blend it strain it and then blend in the mangoes after because I think oh here and Reid's letting me try wow that actually changed you know pretty good taste like a mango smoothie it tastes like a mango separation mango smoothie that's kind of spicy but it's not as sweet as like a mango lassi it's not a mango lassi it's not like a smoothie you buy at the store but I think you know you feel better already my honey yeah so you can see it alright that's it Oh so I'm gonna be posting these so on periscope you guys can watch these frightening 24 hours and then I also have them saved on catch which is ka tch dot m e / nom nom paleo and I'm also gonna be uploading this on to my youtube channel if you guys would like that where they'll be forever but the quality won't be great and will be kind of rambling because it's just like this but if you guys want to I've already uploaded three videos on my youtube channel and it's I think if you search michelle tam on youtube or if you google nom nom paleo you'll find it but I'm under Michelle Tam and then I have a little channel called periscope videos and that's it have a great day and I will see you guys I don't know when the next time I make something I'll hop on anyway I'll talk to you later bye .

Video Description:

I've been making this anti-inflammatory spicy and tangy drink every morning for my hubby because he's old and creaky. Watch me blitz it up while I answer questions from folks who watched my live broadcast on Periscope!

Ingredients to serve 1:
1 cup frozen mango cubes
1 2-inch piece of fresh turmeric root, peeled and coarsely chopped
1 1-inch piece of fresh ginger root, peeled and coarsely chopped
¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
6 ounces coconut water
1 teaspoon honey (optional)
juice from ¼ lemon or ½ lime

Directions: Blend until smooth!

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Video by Michelle Tam & Henry Fong

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