Cooking With That Chocolate Vegan Episode 16: Paleo ButterNut Squash Soup - All Paleo Diet Recipes

Saturday, January 9, 2021


Cooking With That Chocolate Vegan Episode 16: Paleo ButterNut Squash Soup

it's hard combination right hi guys welcome back to my channel Dec chocolate video with me Aaron well and today we're making roasted butternut squash soup I'm so excited I've never made this recipe before it's a little cold in LA so let's get to it here is the start of the show our butternut squash yay so of course you're gonna remove this yummy looking stuff the membrane smell that I shouldn't say that mouse assisting the string and the seed next you're going to go ahead and cut this bad boy up and put in your bowl as you can clearly see from what I'm doing next we're going to add to our bowl is some carrots I use two for this particular recipe now let's get two roastin why am I so excited all right now all that rose let's saute some onions and let's say it together grapeseed oil so all I did was just add some salt to these onions and let them simmer down until they were trembling I say it simmer down yes Here I am showing you also roasted garlic because roasted garlic is thing all right so my onions are done the way I like them now I'm adding some dry sage leaves and some celery seed and a couple of cloves of the roasted garlic oh my gosh I can refill this right now like I'm Reese Mellon it now let's add two cups of vegetable broth let that cook down and now it's time to add our roasted butternut squash and our carrots this is really just a lot of let it sit and marinate get soft open it again let it sit and marinate Here I am testing what I thought was soft enough to go ahead and use my hand blender I was wrong so I was noticing nothing was happening yeah it's just kind of pushing it still a little too hard stop it Erin just yeah stop all right here we go again I covered it for about 10 more minutes and now we see some action happening now this is sped up eight times guys that you can imagine I still got a little work in but this is what I get for being lazy and not just using my food processor I'm just gonna garnish the soup with chives no rhyme or reason just as pretty and I love them the finished product I'm going to give a little taste so good as amazing are all the flavor everything mixed together I think some people put raw feasel here from a try it give it anything for it the soup here you get a nice little crunch alright guys that is all I mean I have the rest all packed up ready to be distributed throughout the week I had one week so cool like I am now and all I've gotta make sure you like comment right down below it makes me happy and ask you guys make me Oh .

Video Description:

This is being uploaded on mothers day so big thanks to all the mothers out there! Especially my mom Mary Wells!
This soup was so delicious and easy to make with just a few ingredients and seasoning. Although this is typically a fall soup Atl weather has been unpredictable lately so summer one day and winter the next. I def encourage you to give it a try, if you arent paleo or doing whole 30 then croutons would really be nice with it. Ive lost 6 pounds so far and it is day 14 of 30( Im halfway there) and no cravings just harder to decide what im going to cook/eat . I have been out once since starting this challenge and the restaurant was very accommodating to my needs(shoutout to flying biscuit in brookhaven)Thank you to all my new subscibers welcome! we are family here so say hi! i love ya already. Till next time, lets eat!

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