it's not that you can eat 10,000 calories of butter and not gain fat if you do that you will gain fat the good news is nobody does that the point is that if you get the quality of calories right your brain and hormones and gut are designed to automatically balance calories for you just like they automatically balance blood pressure they automatically balance blood sugar and body temperature and hydration and every other life-sustaining function so if you get calorie quality right calorie quantity will take care of itself effortlessly what if everything we were taught about health and fitness was wrong that the right way to lose weight is to eat more and exercise less my next guest is here to answer that very question he is the author of the New York Times best-selling book the calorie myth host of the same show podcast ladies and gentlemen please welcome Jonathan bailar hey what's up Clark thanks so much for having me good to have you man good to have you I was before this like all shows you know you got to do some research guide your research shop then and I had the best time researching you man you have some energy and you just look like you're having a good time when you're giving talks yeah I am I am having a good time but when you when you're literally spending your life in your time and I you know I work with a wonderful team that that helps immensely saving people's lives because that's really what we're seeing with this new science it's hard not to get excited man so it's good stuff do you have any like narration experience because you have that kind of like voiceover voice when you're doing talking and videos and stuff I have been public speaking professionally for probably 15 years or so so that has something to do with it I also my parents involved me in drama and theater when I was younger so I've been on a stage since I was four years old yeah that's probably it sounded sounded like a voiceover I was expecting you know just the images and then you come on and a match is over oh all right this guy's the real deal but I mean this is a health podcast not it not a drama podcast although that would be fun so the calorie myth when someone comes up to you at a party and they're like doing the cocktail questions what do you do how do you respond with your work and and everything to that question I generally say that I'm a health entrepreneur that's the easiest way to put it I mean I did write a book called the calorie myth but that book was really just the distillation of over 15 years of research and collaboration with top doctors at the Harvard Medical School Johns Hopkins UCLA as well as my work at Microsoft helping to develop the Nike+ Kinect training as well as the Xbox fitness offering to basically say everything at least everything that the mainstream knows about eating and exercise is what science thought was true in the 1960s but as you can imagine such as like computers and planes and phones like things have changed since the 1960s a little bit but unlike computers planes and phones when it comes to the new information around eating and exercise the new technologies around eating and exercise that hasn't made its way to the general public so my company in my personal mission is to provide tools and services and programs to get it's not about a diet it's not about paleo it's not about low-carb it's not about organic it's about what has the clinical science proven to be healthy now and how can you eat that every day in an enjoyable way yeah it's kind of like some people are operating under the same information would be equivalent to like using a burner flip phone today's world that's not even got the smart technology integrated you know people change their phone I just got my new phone I changed that every six months and we don't really do that with information they stick around a long time and so is that what you're doing you're trying to upgrade the new operating system of the mainstream diet out there that's exactly right the I would take it one step further though and say the burner flip phone is actually not far back enough we're talking we're talking to the phone with the rotary dial on it that's what we're talking about because cuz literally right when we look at for example the leader in the weight loss space company called Weight Watchers which was founded in the 1960s based on a premise that we just need to eat less and sort of shame our way into fitness and that's what most people still think they just think oh if this has less than four hundred calories in it it's good for me and if this err and that's just wrong so so we're not just at flip phones we're at like cups with string and we need to update that so what are you suggesting people updated to when you're talking about you know throw out the flip burner cordless phone the Weight Watchers model calorie model how do you what do you recommend they start adopting the key underlying all of my recommendations in my research what my company does is not that calories don't exist but that a calorie isn't a calorie and that calories aren't the whole equation so when we say sane or sane solution that is an acronym for the four factors that actually determine the quality of a calorie so the S stands for satiety the a stands for aggression the instance for nutrition the e stands for efficiency so what we've actually done is we've created a patented technology that instead of just saying let's look at a food and see how much energy it provides we say let's look at a food and pro and and see what the quality of it is based on these four scientifically proven and objective measures and that tells us really what science has shown us is healthy and it tends to coincide with common sense and n history which is great so things like non starchy vegetables nutritious protein whole food fats low sugar fruits and while people might say oh well that sounds like you know what this diet says or what that diet says well the big thing that we bring to the table is proof that it's right rather than just like oh that sounds neat and it's what you know people did in the past so that's what we should do now no we should do something because it's been proven right clinically so it sounds like from what I gathered researching before this you're talking a lot of people emphasis have emphasis on the quantity of calories you know how many four hundred eat X amount to lose weight X amount to gain muscle you're talking more about the quality of them with those four factors that's exactly right because what happens and this is a very important point it's not that you can eat 10,000 calories of butter and not gain fat if you do that you will gain fat the good news is nobody does that the point is that if you get the quality of calories right your brain and hormones and gut are designed to automatically balance calories for you just like they automatically balance blood pressure they automatically balance blood sugar and body temperature and hydration and every other life-sustaining function so if you get calorie quality right calorie quantity will take care of itself effortlessly and then someone listening right now who's struggled with like weight and all that this weight loss would kind of be a byproduct of getting all that stuff in order correct big I think that's exactly right I mean the American Medical Association itself has acknowledged that obesity is now characterized as a disease it's not because you're lazy it's not a moral failing it's much more analogous to diabetes and when we eat the right quality of calories what we actually do is we it has nothing to do with like I've created a negative energy balance it's about you've literally changed the way your brain works you've changed the way your hormones work and you've changed the way your gut works such that your body will start to now demand the correct number of calories and to burn the correct number of calories so yes what you'll actually have happen and this is amazing car because we actually see in clinical studies what's called a spontaneous reduction of caloric intake now what that means is when you actually eat the right quality of calories without trying without being hungry without any sense of deprivation or cravings people will accidentally eat a thousand fewer calories per day hmm so could you imagine how difficult it would be to just willpower your way to eating a thousand fewer calories per day what if that just happened without you even trying wouldn't that change your life so that study was how did how did they do it they had like two groups and one of them ate more sane foods and the other group ate more standard foods and the group that ate same foods had a thousand fewer calories on average or well what was the details of that yes similar to that so there's two big classes of studies that are really interesting here one is called an ISO caloric study and isocaloric study you take two groups of people and you hold the number of calories they eat consistent and you vary the sources right so you can take for example two groups of people put them on 1600 calorie diets give one group a higher percentage of protein than the other group and see who loses more weight and according to the calorie is a calorie mythology they those studies would always be like everyone loses the same amount of weight and every study that's ever been done like that shows that that is not what happens so that in and of itself proves that a calorie is in a calorie the study we're talking about here are generally called ad libitum studies so what you do is you give to groups of people you say you can eat as much of you as you want but only from these foods and then they use very rigorous testing to say how many calories did these people eat or you can even do simpler versions of this like say give group a this breakfast and give group B this breakfast and then see how they eat throughout the day compared to a baseline and that's how they observe these results okay yes it's always fascinating when you get down to the quality and I love studies like that to Canela straight that they're not all created equal but you were talking about earlier the four things you look for in your acronym sane essay any which is satiety aggression nutrition and efficiency why did you focus on those four things the good news Clark is that I it wasn't really up to me so I have to give a one big disclaimer here and that I really am the mouthpiece for who what I would say are the actual experts right so these are hard core academic researchers that spend their time wearing lab coats not spandex on television so what I've done over the past 15 years has literally got on the phone with these folks and said look your research can save people's lives help me get it out there and of course they're very happy to do that because they're really good at research not at PR and getting in their work out into the public so what I found after examining over these these 1,300 studies was these four common denominators it wasn't up to me so what you can see if you review the literature is satiety or how quickly calories fill you up and how long they keep you full is something that researchers study and can quantify they can say objectively protein calorie for calorie is more satiating than sugar for example or the a the aggression this has to do with things like glycemic index glycemic load the hormonal response these are things studied in the research and objectively measurable like no one can argue that a piece of whole wheat bread spikes your insulin more than a Snickers bar you can measure it and it's just no debate it's just caught it's just proof so aggression is the effect of the cap of the calories of the food on your body hormonal e correct correct so like an aggressive calorie would be less desirable because it causes like an aggressive spike or hormonal response okay so like sugar would be more aggressive than butter because the insulin spike you would get from that carb is more detrimental to your body it would be more aggressive I don't want to go so far as to say detrimental because it kind of depends on the context like if you were running a marathon it would be beneficial but in general everyday life it would be detrimental yes okay but what's really important in Clarke you sort of alluded to this no people might say okay like that's that's a minimizing insulin that's the key right we'll see that the reason that the same criteria is so important is because you can't just look at satiety you can't just look at aggression you can't just look at nutrition and you can't just look at efficiency each of those only give you a piece of the puzzle you have to combine all four of them to get a holistic sustainable answer yeah and so nutrition nutrition be like vitamin content and mineral profile of the food it is it's that but held relative to the negative aspects of the food so what I mean by that is for example if you just say how many vitamins and minerals are in this then Lucky Charms great choice because it's got a lot of vitamins and minerals in it so but what we need to do with nutrition quality or nutrient density is look at the ratio of essential nutrients to things that are non essential and addictive and toxic and the thing we also look at in the same framework is we consider for example things like essential amino acids and essential fatty acids to be as essential as essential vitamins and minerals so something might have more calories in it like cod liver oil but those calories are coming from essential nutrition so that's very important okay and then the last one is efficiency what is that one all about this is least well known in the mainstream and it has to do with how easily your body can take a food and if you eat too much of it store it as fat so the easiest way to explain this is I think most people definitely if they're listening to your show understand that your body can run on to two things sugar or fat those are the two energy sources your body can use but there's three macronutrients there's carbohydrate fat and protein so you're like hmm well what up what about protein like what happens if I eat protein well if you eat protein right protein is a structural component that you're made of fat is to some extent too but it can also be used as a fuel source protein can't be used as a fuel source when you eat it it breaks down into amino acids if those aren't used as a structural component they go through your liver turn into sugar if you can't use the sugar it goes into your fat cells as triglyceride so for example protein is a very inefficient energy source because it's not an energy source so diets that have foods that are rich in protein often result in weight loss and other metabolic benefits because you're providing your body with the raw material it needs to heal itself rather than just flooding it with energy okay so with like a very very high protein diet people say oh I can I can just be more efficient I can just see protein all day and lose the weight and is where does the macro ratios come in you know proteins fats carbs percent wise do you focus on percentages or how does the same diet work with macronutrients we don't focus on percentages I can tell you out of the box I mean there there are percentages but it's not that the reason we don't focus on percentages is you could eat a macronutrient a good macronutrient ratio diet from crap sources right like if you're getting 50 percent of your protein from GMO corn fed nonsense right in some ways and collect this is really important right when we say it's not about calorie is a calorie because calories quality vary right macronutrients are just almost like a euphemism in some ways for calories right because there's there's calories and there's three sources of calories protein fats and carbohydrates what we need to be careful that we don't use the same logical mistake and say well protein is protein so as long as you get 30 percent of your calories from protein you're all set right getting 30 percent of your calories from whole food safe humanely raised seafood is going to give you an entirely different result than getting 30 percent of your calories from like whey protein isolate not that whey protein isolate is bad but it's like way more insulae McFaul example or like conventional farming meats and all that exactly exactly there was a big craze in the bodybuilding community I don't know if you follow any of that those trends but I peep now and then into what they got going on and it was called if it fits in your macros and it was where people would chart on apps and they would just focus on macronutrients so as long as they got 30 percent you know 50 20 whatever they were doing it was a good it was a good day so people were fasting all day and going to chick-fil-a and as long as it fit in their macros they were they were going for it so obviously not a sane approach not us it's not a sane approach Clarke but I want to be very clear so I always want to be about what the science says like my opinion doesn't matter what the science says is if your goal is to be a fitness competitor which is very different than not getting diabetes in your 60s right they're totally different goals if you want to be a fitness competitor you can get 3% body fat eating garbage you can if you get your macros right you get your calories right you can also get 3% body fat by snorting cocaine taking stimulants and a bunch of anabolic steroids that doesn't mean it's good for you right so that's there's a lot of like disagreement on the internet but the disagreement is because people are arguing to different points what is healthy long term versus what will get me like sexy abs now are not the same thing yeah that's a good point man I think a lot of people determine a success or failure of a diet or approach or a nutrition plan based on the external outcome how good do you look at the end of the 30-day program how good do you look at the end of Weight Watchers how good you look at the end of saying and sometimes it can be frustrating because you try and make these big diet changes and maybe you're not losing weight as fast enough as you want to or maybe you plateau at a weight loss goal so what do you say to people that maybe have tried paleo or a real food approach or like the sane diet and they still don't feel like they're losing weight and that's really frustrating for them do you got any advice out there or any opinions out there on that the the key thing here actually has to do with something you said earlier Clark which is at the end so if you're if you're you'll know your mindset is right when it comes to your lifestyle and your diet your exercise when the idea of like well when I'm finished with this goes away because no matter what you do to take control of your health and fitness the day you stop doing it it is the day all of those results will stop as well so any of these 21 day this 30 day that 12-week this like whoa if you're on the freeway and you put your foot on the accelerator to get up to 60 miles an hour and then you take your foot off the accelerator you ain't gonna go 60 miles per hour any more and it's not because what you did was ineffective it's because you stopped doing it so what we actually need to look at and Clark the data is super clear here weight loss isn't the issue every single person here's a crazy statement every single person who's ever tried to lose weight has lost weight the problem is they were unable to maintain that weight loss in fact ninety five point four percent of people who successfully lose weight by eating less and exercising more gain it back and then more so what we need to do is we need to find an approach that doesn't set off a trigger in your mind which says oh well when I finish this I will be X like a vegetarian doesn't say well when I finish becoming a vegetarian that's just the way they eat you know what I'm saying so when when you go sane it's not about saying I'm gonna go sane and then app it's much more like becoming a vegetarian and it depends on how much damage has happened to your body how much you weight cycled if you're on SSRIs if you've had children how old you are but the bottom line is that the more raw nutrition you give your body and the less toxic nonsense you put in it your body will heal itself it may not heal itself as fast as you want and your definition of success if if you're 65 and want to see your abs you know that's that's not natural that isn't a pro that's sort of like I could have a goal to play in the NBA but sadly like I'm going to live every day of my life frustrated because that's just not going to happen you know so sometimes we need to make sure that our goal is healthy it is sustainable it is long-term and if we get that goal right that sense of failure goes away because that's only a function of expectations so when we get our expectations in line with reality and in line with what's healthy then we're happy as well I like the vegetarian but known commits just at the end of it what's it gonna look like but I wanted to talk now about sane foods or the foods that you would recommend people eat you know because they've been hearing us talk about weight loss and getting all these four factors what are so described like a typical day of eating or maybe some foods that fall into your same categories out there the three common denominators for same foods are water fiber and protein so what we're going to look for foods that are high in those three things and what's beautiful is that common sense as well as long-standing human history comes into play here because the most water fiber and protein as well as nutrient-dense foods in the planet are non starchy vegetables these are vegetables you could eat raw you don't have to eat them raw like you can't eat a potato raw you can't eat corn raw that's not a non starchy vegetable that's a starch so things you generally put in a salad green vegetables things along those lines we want to make sure that the vast majority of food we're putting into our body is that that should be the highest volume of food we eat second on the list would be nutrient-dense proteins so these are foods that get more calories from protein than fat or carbohydrate so beans that get 80% of their cal from carbohydrate are not a good source of protein they're a good source of carbohydrate so we're focusing on humanely raised animals ideally wild caught seafood some low sugar sources of dairy certain forms of safe protein powders can be helpful as well here those are nutrient-dense proteins third on the list is whole food fats this is where you should get the balance of your calories you're gonna get a lot of calories from non starchy vegetables and the calories you get from protein aren't going to be used as an energy source primarily so you need to get your energy from whole food fats so this means like eggs nuts seeds whole foods an oil is not a whole food so yes coconut oil is a good oil but you know what's even better for you coconut so I'd rather you focus on eating the coconut and then last on the list are low sugar fruits so you know grapes are nowhere near as good for you as say blueberries so we want to eat fruits that provide us with the most of that which is essential for us to thrive and the least of which is non-essential such as fructose okay do you for like the carb one that's a big thing in the you know low carb community and paleo community and we have guests come on here talking about limiting your carbs to 50 grams a day or or measuring on a glycemic index load so what's your stance then on carb consumption you mean you mentioned the fruit that you were talking about you know blueberries are better than grapes but what's your general take on carbs carbs are a very powerful tool so let me let me describe what I mean there I see there's there's three categories of carbs I've actually never thought of it this way so this is a good way to think about there's just carbs that everyone agrees are garbage and you shouldn't eat so those are things like sugar and refined starch right no no one's gonna come on your show and be like drink more Pepsi that's the way to go okay so we can take those out the next thing we have are things that are probably going to be starchier and sugary err but do have some essential nutrition in them so like bananas would be an example sweet potatoes would be an example Oh tight be an example and then we have things which everyone would agree are good for you non starchy vegetables right now sorry vegetables or carbs they they get their calories not from fat and not most of them from protein but from carbs so no no matter what you should be eaten a lot of non starchy vegetables and if you eat the amount of non starchy vegetables and other foods that I recommend by default you're going to be in the 75 to 125 grams of carbohydrate per day so it's not a ketogenic diet doesn't mean the ketogenic diets are bad ketogenic diets can be brilliant for you but it's just not what sane will yield out of the box now when it comes to starchy or carbohydrates we've got to look at the rest of your lifestyle if you're a 20 year old CrossFitting male yes you should absolutely eat sweet potatoes if you're a 65 year old postmenopausal woman with diabetes whose weight cycled her entire life you'd be way better off getting your carbs from kale than from sweet potatoes okay I wanted to touch on hormones because I know that plays an important role in weight loss and it's a big topic nowadays a lot of people are talking about balancing your hormones there's all sorts of testing out there it seems like that's the that and the gut are the two things people are becoming more aware of what your take then on hormones are balancing your hormones especially when it comes to weight loss how much focus should people be giving to hormones a huge amount of focus that's really the reason we want to manipulate calorie quality rather than quantity is the quality of calories we eat is is a lever by which we can change our hormones so for example it just taking a garbage insulin spiking diet and taking you know from 2,000 calories of that to 1,600 calories of that yes you'll spike your insulin levels less but you're still spiking your insulin levels it's like going from smoking two packs of cigarettes a day to smoking one right it's better but it's still not good but when you go to taking in a low aggression diet that's going to you know get your right levels of hormones in place yes I mean you can take there's been amazing studies done if anyone doubts the impact that hormones have you can look at two simple examples one is insulin therapy and diabetics there's all sorts of studies demonstrating that if you keep someone's calorie quantity and quality consistent but inject insulin into their body they will gain fat why because it's changing their hormone levels here's another example anabolic steroids anyone who's ever taken anabolic steroids or knows anyone who's taking anabolic steroids will say they can eat the exact same they can exercise the exact same you start pumping bull testosterone into your body guess what happens your body changes so yes hormones are critically important and in fact food and exercise should be thought of as tools used to change your hormone levels right that's just what I was going to ask you because is eating real food like a real food diet approach or what you recommend is that enough in and of itself and the hormones will balance themselves out naturally or should people be trying to be more alert for testing what's kind of the the focus they like how much time should we be devoting to balancing our hormones versus just eating real foods and naturally they balance themselves out so just eating real foods is not enough so this is why like the sane approach is so important because it's impossible to bastardize saying eating you can't do it look I can bastardize eating real foods for you in 15 seconds right eating lard honey and white potatoes is a real foods diet that will kill you and make you feel miserable so it's not enough to just eat real food right wheat is a real food amylopectin a isn't doing any favors for your appetite or for your gut health so real foods is a starting point but then we need to look within real foods for foods that are the most satisfying the least aggressive the most nutritious and the least efficient and that's why we're like it's real food plus saying together good stuff okay a couple more questions then what are some action steps people can take at home you know they heard the call they're getting all fired up about society aggression nutrition efficiency what do you what are you kind of your action steps you recommend people try out first and foremost I would say hop over to sane solution calm if you're willing just go sane si any solution there's no s at the end sane solution calm because we've got a food list and a blueprint and a bunch of other great free resources that you can check out going to outline actually the same spectrum what's on the seine end what's on the insane end and it's going to help you get started on that new lifestyle which isn't like when this ends al bx but more like this is the new normal and because it's the new normal it's something you can keep up enjoyably for the long term and then enjoy the benefits long term and that's the key thing clark it's not a question of like does this work for 12 weeks who cares what matters is will this work forever after those 12 weeks that's what we're after jiminee like diet recommendations that could try out today or any lifestyle modifications that you really see working with a lot of people eat radically more green vegetables it's the thing no one wants to talk about on the internet everyone wants to argue you about starch and protein and fat the one thing that everyone agrees on is green vegetables are really good for you and if you ask even the most health-conscious person in the world hey on average how many green vegetables do you eat per day that number is going to be lower than it probably should be so if you want turn down the volume on everything else until you're eating five to nine servings of green vegetables per day okay what five to nine what does that look like is is one serving like a fistful right or what do they like with vegetables when you're looking at leafy green vegetables a serving is about what you can hold in two hands so the easiest way to do this is green smoothies we're a huge fan of green smoothies just because I know everyone's super busy it also makes it convenient for you to eat them raw and then you can also get creative and put a bunch of other fun stuff in your smoothie but if you if you eat if you do green smoothies or if you just make sure with each of your meals you're taking in one or two servings of green vegetables and then maybe having one green smoothie per day you'll be at that five to nine mark quite easily okay awesome Jonathan thanks for coming on you have a podcast as well it's the same podcast correct same show same show what's an episode people can start with on that if they want to check it out well we've done like nine million so I think the last fifty or something or on iTunes so I mean the best bet all of this stuff is on sane solution com there's something the footer that says show but yeah if you pop over to sane solution com you can get information on the show and everything else okay some Jonathan thanks coming on man thanks brother Jonathan Baylor everyone good stuff at the st. acronym again lots of energy on that call announcements to close off iTunes ratings and reviews if you want to head over there leave us a rating in review you'll get it read on air this call right here takes like 2 minutes and it really helps us out thank you if you've already done that in advance to get this full show with the video version timestamps along with about a hundred other shows head over to paleohacks comm be sure you check out one of my favorite shows with wim HOF The Iceman he's gonna show you on that show how to hold your breath for over three minutes and we actually go through a breathing exercise on there it was absolutely insane crack up I had a great time talking to that guy so that's definitely a must watch or must listen to if you're on audio show great time you can find me on social media at Clarke dangerous that's just a know us and then if you want to get a hold of paleo hacks follow us for updates all the fun stuff clips keep yourself motivated whatever do whatever you got going on that's at paleo hacks the last thing I'll say program at put together my best journal dot-com that's my best journal com it's a course that'll change your life I think so in under four short hours um put a lot of work into that it basically goes over how do you set up a journal something as simple as just a you know 100 200 sheets of paper bound together which you can buy anywhere and transform that into the best book you've ever read the system that you can use of journaling that will pay dividends if you use it for your life something I've been doing for six years put a course together based on feedback and I'm really proud of how it turned out so you can get that at my best journal com alright that is it ah let me look at the lineup here next week in July we got Gunnar Lovelace to come on again talk about thrive market sustainability issues then we got Jim quick returning guests as well to talk about hacking your memory becoming superhuman speed reading all that stuff and then the week after we have dr. Johnny Beaudoin one of my favorite guests who's been on twice to come on talk about I think smart fats or what we're talking about this time around those are great shows if you want to crack up interview go back and listen to some with Johnny beaudoin all right that's it thanks so much for listening guys have a great week I'll see you next Thursday .
Video Description:
For more Paleohacks Podcast episodes, make sure to check out
We’re all familiar with the “calories in, calories out” approach to dieting. Chances are, it’s an approach you’ve tried yourself and ultimately struggled to see and maintain results from. That’s because everything we know about conventional dieting is wrong—so says Jonathan Bailor, author of The Calorie Myth and CEO of SANE.
SANE began as a research project to determine “why some people eat 6,000 calories per day and stay slim while others eat 1,200 calories per day and struggle with their weight.” The results? It’s not about the quantity of calories, but the quality.
Bailor and his research team have developed the “SANE solution” in response—a lifestyle approach that nixes all the conventions of mainstream dieting for serious, lasting results. Learn the science behind the lifestyle approach, which foods fit into the SANE diet and how you can try it at home.
3:30: Bailor’s health entrepreneurialism.
5:30: Breaking out of the “weight watchers” model of health.
7:00: How to focus on the quality, and not quantity of calories.
9:00: How to eat fewer calories without trying.
11:00: Bailor’s “SANE” solution: Satiety, Aggression, Nutrition, Efficiency
16:00: Why macronutrients might be “a euphemism for calories.”
18:00: What are your long-term goals? It’s not about how you look after a 30-day program.
20:00: “Weight loss isn’t the issue:” How to maintain weight loss.
22:30: The three most “SANE” foods.
24:30: “Carbs are a very powerful tool.”
26:30: Why your hormones matter more than you think.
29:30: How to try the “SANE solution” at home.
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February 09, 2021
Tags :
calorie myth
Jonathan Bailor
Jonathan Bailor interview
Paleo Diet
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