What is the Paleo Diet? The Founder of PaleoRobbie answers - All Paleo Diet Recipes

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


What is the Paleo Diet? The Founder of PaleoRobbie answers

so the Paleo diet is this is constantly evolving I would say it's I mean everyone has read something about it right so it's it's basically the notion that we have evolved and we have been eating as hunter-gatherers for most of our evolution and we only recently started introducing industrially produced foods processed foods and things like that and so our bodies are not well adjusted to them that's kind of like the idea that that's behind the framework and whether that's 100% accurate or not doesn't really matter to me personally so the what why I would follow Rio to recommend the Paleo diet is very simple you are going to be guaranteed to eat foods that are healthy and that doesn't mean that's when something is not Palio's by definition of healthy but when something is paleo it's probably quite good for you and and the reason is that paleo consists of vegetables nuts fruits healthy meats and wild caught fish now there's nothing wrong with with any of these foods and so if you would focus your your diet around these then you're going to be in a good shape so I would I would consider it a framework and not more and not a Dogma or anything like that so they're there you can obviously deviate from a little bit to to a certain degree but it's just used won't they they like when you go to a restaurant and you want to know what you should eat in terms of health you can use this idea of like what is available you know like it says vegetables disappered so in that sense I think it's it's a really cool cool idea and that's why I decided to follow it myself as well because it's easy and it's and it works and so what did what I mean by it works is I've tried pretty much every diet Under the Sun when I was overweight so I went for the conventional thing first my milk and I replace it with soy milk I started eating whole grain breads and things than that you know I felt worse I have never felt that bad and Fetchit area went vegetarian for a while didn't work either at all like it's it's in fact you have less energy of avataric daily migraines things like that and so the reason I got to Palio's because my brother was here in Bangkok actually and he first started to pay you thing and he convinced me after well so hey try this I was like no way man people who don't eat bread bread as hell feeling like everyone eats bread like it's things like that right and I grew up eating that so there's nothing wrong with it so that you you guys are like an extreme segment in in the terms of diet and I'm not gonna do it but in the end I got a bit desperate so I was like why not I'll give it a shot you know like he's running triathlons and I'm here sitting in front of an office desk so maybe there's some truth to it and I went quite strict and and I lost 45 kilograms and in the first 8 months or so without much effort I was like okay and I've never felt better so what I mean it what it works is like you go back to your natural weight if you if you eat quite well you have more energy you're more focused and you're just a happier person in general and then again the health impacts pretty much everything in your life so it's it's important to be reasonably healthy the Paleo diet works for for people who for pretty much anyone really so if you're a busy in the office and you're you're you're working long hours you're already compromised me off a little bit but sitting in front of the computer or anything endure and so you need to focus on your diet and because if you don't you will you will notice like you start slacking off you you'll become less motivated and when when you're not in good shape your your work is going to suffer as well I mean it's that's quite obvious so you need to have a reasonable health baseline now I would say so and I think the Paleo diet is is great for that so it's very compatible to to to to achieve that so I but I would have to stress paleo diet is not the only way to do there there are many other ways to to get to reasonable health as well I mean you can even be a healthy vegetarian I would just say it's going to be a lot harder if you want to be a healthy vegetarian you need to be really careful about what you eat I need to like plan it very well whereas with the paper that you can and just wing it I mean if you if you eat a bunch of vegetables and meat you're good like there's there's there's not much more to it so and that way is I think for people who are busy laughing that's a good way to do .

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This video is about Robbie explaining paleo diet in his own words. Check more at paleorobbie.com

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