hi guys this is Kate from Kate updates I wanted to spend some time talking about how I eat which is paleo I get questions a lot about what exactly is the Paleo diet what's involved what isn't and what are the benefits so I wanted to address some of those questions all wrapped up into what is paleo so paleo is a way of eating that um it involves not eating refined foods foods that are highly processed and sticking to lean meats vegetables fruits and healthy oils so things like coconut fish oil some seeds olive oil things like that are all good you avoid gluten and dairy and things that are hard for your body to process so examples of things that are on the Paleo diet would be fruits vegetables lean meats seafood nuts and seeds and then healthy fats which I mentioned before things you avoid are of course dairy and gluten processed foods and uh beans of any kind starches and alcohol for the most part i will say that i do not really avoid alcohol i do have it sometimes but overall you're just trying to keep things out of your body that are hard for your body to process and that can lead to making yourself sick paleo is something that people pursue when they want to fix their it's got autoimmune benefits that have been proven which is the reason why I started looking into it some of the health benefits or just overall benefits you can get from paleo one stable blood sugar you can burn more stored fat its anti-inflammatory clears your skin and helps your teeth it reduces allergies for me I found that I was a little bit allergic to dairy before I started this and then once I completely cut dairy out now if I have dairy on occasions I found that I am really allergic to dairy some people it's more gluten for me it's Terry but it can reduce your allergies and eliminate those it can really aid in digestion I've benefited from that it can balance your energy throughout the day so you're not feeling those fluxes of it's 2pm and I'm dragging and I just want to take a nap when you're eating paleo you feel more energy throughout your entire day you sleep better it can help with your workouts I run better there's also a lot of things that are more technical that you could look into to find out about health benefits of diabetes and things like that a resource for that would be robb wolf calm he talks about on the benefits of eating paleo but basically that's what it is it's a way of eating it's a way of living you're just being more conscious of what you put into your body and voiding high-fructose corn syrup and additives things you look at the labels and there's like 20 ingredients in something and you can't pronounce half of them you want to avoid that kind of stuff so the reason I like the Paleo diet one it's helping my digestion digestion immensely energy overall I just feel so much better I don't have to count calories I don't have to worry about points I don't have to feel you know I have to debate over whether I eat that cookie or not because I just don't eat the cookie I eat healthy things in the cookie so like an example for me of replacing ingredients would be using honey instead of refined sugar or maple syrup things that are just easier on your body so that's paleo some cookbooks if you want to kind of look at that more this book practical paleo goes over a lot of digestive problems it has 30 day meal plan so that's something for you to look into also I mean you can just google what is paleo and find a bunch of resources but i'll be talking more about whole 30 in my next video and how you can benefit and really jumpstart your Paleo experience by doing the whole 30 but that's it for today I hope I gave you a better understanding of what paleo is and I'll talk to you soon thanks .
Video Description:
I get this question a lot so I wanted to take a few minutes to explain what Paleo is and what it isn't. Paleo is how I eat and it has changed my life. I love talking about it! Leave questions in the comments below, be sure to visit my blog and follow me on Facebook ... Thanks for stopping by!
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February 03, 2021
Tags :
how to
Paleo Diet
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