what's up everybody hey with the I saw Jolene pop it pop up there I saw Jenny Hewlett I think urban poser some very familiar names what's up health coach Gary how's everybody doing tonight it's almost said it was Tuesday with Stephanie Katherine hey what's up good first name I like that what's up everybody whole foodie rny Jen clean 84 Jenny Marra 73 what's up yeah you thought it was fri I'd like my days are all messed up oh thanks q Frey thank you it's actually um yeah it's my way of dealing with my crazy hair hair hey from Texas hey what's up what's up T pop some very familiar names and I'm super glad that you're all jumping on periscope so I yesterday i started a new periscope series about paleo and that's obviously stupid easy paleo is my business and it is the way I live my life um oh thanks to anything through the hearts everybody and so um I've decided that kind of the next few days will be a paleo theme because I know a lot of people have questions about it oh hey what's up your from Bonnie scope I love Bonnie she taught me all about the sticky notes so she's super knowledgeable and I know she's gluten free so hey what's up I am so I'm going to be sharing some periscopes about paleo with you and I asked you to kind of keep an open mind yesterday we had some interesting questions i'll call them Matt about paleo but some really great questions as well and so I'm here to kind of go through some of the let's call it knowledge that I've acquired in the last five and a half years and i'm going to be sharing some of that with you because ultimately knowledge is power and once you have information you can move on and make some yeah bustin some paleo myths I think I'm cuter than the guys on Mythbusters but uh maybe I need a cool hat I don't know so we'll see what happens thanks chilli and you're so sweet I want to let you know that in case you miss any any of my periscopes you can get them all on YouTube Oh amazing right so here it is take a screenshot or as bonnie says take a screen grab so screenshot this and you can get it for later this is where all of my youtube videos are and I've developed some playlists just for periscope so all periscopes are in YouTube and then I've also broken them down by segments so if I awesome harder to kills my new motto I love it I've broken them down by series so I had the series 10 tips for getting healthy happy and harder to kill I had a series of four things on how or four videos on how to get started with strength training so lots of lots of great series coming your way yesterday I shared a little bit about hold on to the questions guys so I'll ask I'll answer some questions at the end but yesterday I shared a little bit about paleo and what is it show the YouTube address again ok make sure you get ready to take a screenshot ready there it is if you go to youtube and you type in stupid easy paleo you can find it and by the way my name is steph Gaudreau and i am the boss lady at stupid easy paleo calm so I'm talking today about and somebody on Instagram asked me why can you talk about why you went paleo and so I thought that's great but I also want to tell you some lessons that I learned along the way like everybody has those mistakes that you make thanks a lot ms Malia you're awesome for typing that in there I I want to pass on three lessons that I've learned there are many lessons trust me but three lessons that I've learned along the way that I think are really important and can help you no matter if you want to start paleo or you're just trying to eat healthier so like let's just say hey I'm going to try to clean up my diet a little bit you can use these tips as well thanks for the hearts I appreciate that it always lets me know that I'm kind of on the right track with what I'm going to talk about so I'm just good things Ashley here so sweet believe it or not I'm 36 and I not wearing any makeup so that kind of tells you yeah my skin is pretty good when I was a kid it wasn't and I had acne like crazy so I'm gonna tell you why I went paleo and this is kind of a long story but I'll make it short so in 2009 way back in 2009 friends of mine that I was mountain biking with because they used to be a mountain biker before I was a weightlifter told me they were going to try something called a paleo diet and I was like I've never heard of this thing this is weird I had a friend named james james walsh who I knew was gluten-free so I kind of like a new gluten-free was kind of a thing but this is before a lot of people talked about paleo and so I picked up a copy of the Paleo diet for athletes by Loren Cordain and Joe friel and I decided hey I'm I'll read it what the heck so kind of backup when I was growing up I had a lot of interesting health issues i'll call them and nothing that made me sick and debilitated like i know some people go through some very very tough very very tough hey Wonder Randy what's going on some people go through some very tough times with their health I was relatively healthy like into the point that I wasn't sick or bedridden or dealing with a serious disease but you know you how do you kind of go through life and you're like I just don't feel great but that's just the way it is yeah and you kind of shrug and so I kind of accepted the fact that I would always be dealing with certain things like digestive problems I had stomach aches on and off since I was a kid I would get really bloated after i ate like the food baby thing but all the time I come to find out and I wasn't diagnosed and ty was later until much later on until I was in my early 30s he astok of being tired is so true i was diagnosed with endometriosis which had been suspected since I was about 10 11 years old and so I was always dealing with lady problems really serious lady problems it was very sick and so I just kind of thought that's my lot in life you know I had bad skin my energy and my moods were terrible when I was growing up my nickname was Stephie bear and it wasn't because I was like cute and cuddly it's because I had such a bad temper and I was really always like super Moody and so this is kind of what I was dealing with but I never ever thought that it was the food that i was eating that could have an impact on any of these things he has such an unfortunate nickname luckily all that stuff has resolved itself hangry totally hangry yeah upper stomach bloating that's definitely one of the signs that perhaps what you're eating could be causing some of those issues so anyway I knew I had all these problems but i thought you know not sick I'm not sick per se and yeah primal dish similar symptoms and oh it's um it's one of those things a lot of people deal with so I thought well I'm not really sick I'm still okay but I thought what the heck so fast forward to 2009 what the heck i'm going to try this paleo diet thing and at the time I thought i was eating healthy a lot of the things that i ate were would be considered quote healthy so lots of whole grains lots of low-fat lots of soy products you guys know the drill and lots of kind of like process stuff like fake butter and the butter spray and all that stuff so in 2009 late 2009 i read the book and then i thought i am glad it was right i'm going to do paleo starting in january so i made a date on the calendar I had my holiday Thun I like indulged at Thanksgiving and I did my Christmas thing and then i set the date it was January 10 2010 so i decided i was going to start and so i did and i cleaned out my pantry and my fridge and I just chose that date and I started and at first it was hard because you go from eating a certain way like you know bagel and juice in the morning and sandwiches at lunch and pasta dinner and you kind of have to change all that so I'm going to share three lessons that I learned with you along the way so that if you're thinking of switching or you're just trying to get you know make some changes in your diet you can implement these lessons that I learned all right you're ready and thanks i see so many of you that are like yes that's me i'm dealing with that stuff too and i see all those comments they could scroll so fast but i know that you're on board so the first lesson I learned is you need to decide if you're the type of person that's going to rip off the band-aid or take it slowly there's no one right or wrong answer I am a rip off the band-aid sort of person 60-day days of paleo awesome good job I i decided i was going to set that date and I was going to start no matter what happened I was gonna clean out my pantry it was gonna like get some recipes i bought some books so you might be a rip off the band-aid type of person or you might be the type of person that needs to take it slowly there is no right or wrong answer in this case it's whatever works the best for you so I want to make that really clear and I actually wrote a blog post about this on stupid easy paleo which is my website about like you know do you have to go toke old turkey or can you take it slowly I read a really great book recently called a happiness project and I talked abouts actually happier at home it's by Gretchen Rubin and she talks about abstainers versus moderators awesome you're on whole 30 that's fantastic definitely a whole 30 fan over here um so I you know some people can take it slowly and some people have to just say nope no more after this day I'm done and so yeah some people learn ms Malia saying like you know hey I learned if I take it slowly it sticks better you totally have to know what it is what is the whole 3d Ashley it's a actually talked about the whole 30 yesterday in my periscope but it's a 30 day elimination program where you take certain things out of your diet for a month and then at the end you reintroduce them and these are foods that are known to be problematic for some folks it's kind of like a strict paleo for 30 days just so you can get some information about which foods work well for your body in which foods don't so it's all like self-experimentation and just kind of learning what works best for you it's a really great program so three lessons less than number one decide if you're going to rip off the band-aid or you're going to take it slow and this applies to pretty much everything you know you can have you can have burgers just no cheese I don't really know what that question was for so that's the first tip the or the first lesson the second lesson that I think is really important to pass on is you need to develop some systems yeah and Jenny's mentioned mentioning retraining yourself to learn new habit so you need to develop systems for making things like cooking easier because if you want to eat healthier whether it's paleo or not or you're going to try a whole 30 or you're just going to try to clean up your diet or you're going to count your macros did my skin get better it absolutely did I'm not wearing any makeup right now samata 1991 is asking yeah so I don't I'm not wearing any makeup this is just my skin I'm 36 so I got like a pimple and once and every once awhile and out but my skin is pretty good so the second rule is or the second lesson is to develop some systems for example I talk about food prep and I there's a periscope that I did last week or the week before thanks guys you're so sweet I talked about food prep and so having two days a week where you do some food prepping and they are going to make some meals that are going to take you through the week right develop some systems some habits that you can then rely on to keep you on the straight and narrow and sunday or saturday probably saturday i'm going to post a recipe that we call emergency meatballs and they're not anything super special but they're the way that we make sure we have some protein always on hand like stashed in the freezer and thanks Julie yeah systems are really important and getting bored of the same food is definitely you know it can be an issue so there's nothing wrong with like trying to get a handle on meal time at first and say hey I'm not going to pick three breakfasts and three lunches and three dinners and I'm going to rotate those in until I feel comfortable and then I'm going to add like add a new sauce or I'm going to try a new recipe it'll be on Instagram absolutely whole foodie it will be there trust in the trust in the Instagram select my favorite social media besides periscope now so yeah develop systems that work for you just because somebody else does it one way doesn't mean you have to do it that way find something that works so we like to keep food in the freezer that's already cooked so things like stew or soup or frozen meatballs those things all defrost really well they all keep really well they don't get smushy like some other types of foods egg muffins also keep really well so you know find those things that you can do like if you have a crock-pot always have something going in the crock pot you know put some meat in there get some nice shredded pork you can put that on eggs like it can mix it into hash there are all sorts of things that you can do to develop those systems and the third lesson that I'd like to share with you about try to clean up your diet is that perfection is not the goal and my friends paleo chimay Leo talk about progress not perfection and I think that's so important when you're starting out and you're thinking I want to try to eat healthier or I'm going to do a whole 30 year i'm going to try paleo or I'm going to move towards a real food diet it's really easy to look out into the world and think oh my god first of all everybody else is doing it perfectly and I am a failure and that you have to be one hundred percent all the time all the time now certainly there are certain things that certain people need to avoid all the time and that's that's personal to them for example if you are a celiac you're going to avoid gluten at all costs if you are allergic to pineapples you're not going to eat pineapple like so you know those things are definitely kind of there and you know that if you ate those foods there would be consequences but for a lot of us expecting perfection only sets us up for failure because real life happens and you're out at an event and you need to make a food choice and it's probably not what you would choose that home but you're going to have to eat something you know those sorts of situations come up the other thing that happens a lot is that we beat ourselves up for making less than ideal food choices and that is you know putting guilt and shame around food is how a lot of us got to this point in the first place and so you know giving yourself a break every once in a while and I wrote an email about this not too long ago to my list but it was it was a point that like hey you give everybody else a break you wouldn't say this to a friend you wouldn't beat them up because they made a choice and sometimes we need to give ourselves a little bit more leeway and we need to be a bit more kind and realizing that making a majority of good choices a majority of the time it's going to move us forward toward better health perfection isn't the answer and a lot of us try super hard to stick to perfection and then we're just like this isn't sustainable right and so then we fall off that wagon again we feel bad about ourselves we're like we're such a failure what's wrong with us we're just like hey f it i'm going to go eat pizza and cake and doughnuts and drink a bottle wine and you know so you kind of get stuck in that cycle I don't know a lot about the Mediterranean diet I think you know it's focusing more on real foods Whole Foods less processed foods so I think in that way it's really good ms Malia so I'm not one hundred percent sure I haven't seen that sort of stuff a non-diabetic hypoglycemia with paleo I'm weightlifting 40 minutes a day I don't know what your values are so I'm not going to make a recommendation on that but I can tell you that a lot of people who have blood sugar regulation issues your case you're doing with hypoglycemia a lot of people that have blood sugar regulation issues because there's some kind of metabolic issue going on their hormonal dysregulation a lot of people have definitely have benefited from eating a cleaner diet so yeah health coach here is a great example check for stress levels wine isn't paleo either you know it's so funny people like to argue about what's paleo and what's not you just have to kind of notice at the end of the day that like wine is in the health promoting um thanks for jumping in there Jolene yeah it's great but you know what like if you're if you're out and you're like hey I'm gonna have a glass of wine being a doll it's okay you know that sort of stuff just know that if alcohol is a problem for you it may be something that you want to avoid so yeah it's all about knowing yourself and kind of taking that taking that approach and I talked about that yesterday like personalizing your diet or personalizing your Paleo and knowing what works for you thanks Bonnie hey what's going on we're talking about eating gluten-free and stuff right now so so I'll ask others are some questions here you can't lose weight unless you calorie strict really low below 1,000 calories totally not healthy now I'm not into that a thousand calorie BS you've got to eat enough calories to keep your metabolism and your your adrenals and your thyroid supported and for a lot of people eating that little like sure in the short term you're going to lose weight because you're probably losing muscle mass but in the long term it's really going to screw up your your hormones and you can look look up somebody like dr. Brighton she's a naturopath she's got some really great she's got some really great information about hormones does this mean no carbs it doesn't mean no carbs so a lot of times paleo is pinned as a low carb or zero carb diet and there is a wide range of carbohydrate intake within a paleo or reveal food real food approach to eating some people eat more some people eat less depending on activity level but it's really a myth that paleo was supposed to be extremely low carb yeah so if you're exercising and I've talked about this if you go to youtube and you look at the top 10 tips for getting healthy happy harder to kill series there's a video on carbs and I think we talked for like a half an hour about carbs but you you know you can do things like if you're working out have some carbs post workout that's going to help your body to replenish kitchen that's in your that you've used up from your muscles if you're doing high intensity if you're doing endurance type stuff where where the i'm not sure if you're asking where the videos are so we'll take a break and i'll show you the youtube channel take a screenshot or as bonnie says take a screen grab she's so smart she taught me this so take a screen grab these were these are where all the videos are all the videos and they're broken down by playlists any other suggestions besides coconut cream is the only thing I miss ya butter is an okay choice but again I you know I think I've tested that stuff out of in and out of my diet about three or four times it doesn't for me cream does not affect me negatively cheese does haha butters okay for me milk is not and a lot of it has to do with the concentration of dairy proteins that are in those sorts of things there's a lot more dairy protein in milk than there is in butter and so I've done that experimentation on myself and you know that sort of stuff I know so I don't avoid cream but I do avoid cheese and I do avoid milk and I do avoid those other sorts of things so you kind of have to know yourself do those experiments and see what you can tolerate I'm not really a big fan of avoiding a food just because you know I think you have to have a good reason for it and it has to feel better you have to you know know that you feel better and to know that there's a reason does paleo meaning only bananas no Carrie goal is okay cheeses no go for me how much fat is too much I'd have to look it depends from person to person you can definitely build tons of muscle and eat fat you need fat it's a very essential part of your diet and you can go find that video I've made a video just on fats it was awesome that is on that's on youtube as well that's a really good point health coach Carrie so if you can't eat butter because you're either really super sensitive to dairy protein or dairy carbohydrate you can try something like a cultured ghee which is the its head the carbohydrates culture it out and it's also had the proteins removed and so for a lot it is pure fat and it tastes like butter in a smells like victory so a lot of people like to eat that stuff because they yep OMG is another great man brand 10 * foods you can Mickey yourself I've got tutorials think it's a Faton or New Year's effective as calorie counting all I can tell you knew mostly is that you've got an experiment and I know that when I eat the foods that I eat I feel amazing I just had a DEXA scan done and I've been eating paleo for five and a half years my bone mass or my bone mineral content my bone density is off the charts for my agents in my gender I feel amazing I'm stronger than I've ever been my body composition is extremely lean yeah and eating a whole food diet I don't know why that's a fad so you know I know people have questions and don't understand but I encourage you to get gather some knowledge and do some reading about that sort of stuff and for me the proof is in the N equals 1 experimentation I know when I ate certain foods before maybe you missed my previous story at the beginning I didn't feel good on the foods that i was eating so i changed my diet and now i feel amazing that's all the proof I need you know I'm super healthy the numbers are there the date is there I've had the tests and the scans and all this other stuff so if you're not a believer that's okay you don't have to believe in it but you you know if people do and they feel great I don't know how you can necessarily argue with that sort of stuff good books on paleo I have paleo solution I really like it starts with food and I mentioned this one yesterday it's not necessarily it's not called paleo take a screenshot of this one it goes through all the explanation about certain foods and how they help us so take a screenshot of that yeah thanks Jolene performance paleo this is my cookbook shameless plug but you know if you're doing macros for some reason there is macro break down on each recipe so you can see that sort of stuff somebody mentioned macros macros are definitely important it's important to get a good mix of macronutrients but calories aren't the only thing that matters and that's been proven by physiological studies and over and over again we know that calories are the only component of food that can affect us so its energy and that's certainly important we've got micronutrients we've got macronutrients food is much more complicated than just a unit of energy so it's a it's a way to start yeah I can show my book again you know what check on Amazon because yesterday it was $11 which is half price I don't know if it was just the prime day thing or if it was coincidence but it still might be on sale so yeah cool so yeah I will show you the YouTube again training for a half marathon I've got some stuff in my book Cole foodie for sure on my site so yeah go get the videos on YouTube take a screenshot for sure there you go all the videos will be there this video will be there if you have more questions whole foodie pop onto my facebook page performance paleo and we can see let's see my core to see the results I've got pictures on my blog I just posted an Instagram video of me so you can definitely see what I look like go look on my Instagram stupid easy paleo so yeah I'm going to head off I know there's still so many more questions but I can't answer them all now so for sure check back tomorrow I'll be back with another video check on my Instagram see what's going on catch me on all the socials and and i'll be there and i'll help answer some of your questions too okay thank you guys so much i really appreciate you tuning in thanks for all the love and yeah you you .
Video Description:
In this Periscope broadcast, I'm sharing my personal story of how / why I went Paleo and passion on 3 key lessons for cleaning up your diet (even if you aren't planning to try paleo). See more paleo advice and get my recipes at: .
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Follow me on Periscope at @stupideasypaleo
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March 22, 2021
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diet (industry)
Nutrition (Medical Specialty)
Paleo Diet
Paleolithic Diet
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