Learn how to go Paleo on a Budget - All Paleo Diet Recipes

Sunday, October 25, 2020


Learn how to go Paleo on a Budget

hi everyone welcome thank you so much for joining us tonight for our google hangout i'm kelly from a girl worth saving and tonight I'm talking with Liz from paleo on a budget and we're going to be sharing some different tips and tricks for you for how to go paleo without busting your piggy bank just a very brief intro about me um I am the writer cook and photographer behind a pro we're saving which is a blog that shares paleo primal obviously gluten free grain-free kind of fall into that niche also recipes and cooking tips and Liz would you like to share a little bit about you hey guys I'm Liz from POA be my blog specializes in paleo on a budget also gluten-free primal um but yeah it's kind of my favorite part about being paleo the whole budget thing so where do you want to start okay so we kind of i posted if you look on the Google homepage just the kind of cliff notes for us where we're sharing what we are going to be talking about tonight um so first I think the big thing when you are going paleo is you should look at your priorities um you know take a look at is it really necessary to go to Starbucks twice a day or you know always you know you know just take a look look at your budget Liz you look like someone who goes your left when I said yoga Starbucks every day I've completely changed that about myself I used to be that person um I mean if I could I'd probably live there but since I've given up coffee it's been much easier to not go but yeah priorities learning how to work your budget to meet your needs a lot of people just use their monthly budget or they don't even know what their monthly budget is so figuring out what your priorities are is your priorities to go see every new movie or is your priority to eat healthy paleo meals every night and working your budget fit within that so ok so I think that's the first thing you really need to look do when you decide to go with any diet that focuses on a lot of real food past your needs which people say oh it's not expensive and yes it is yeah it is come on I mean when before I became a mom my husband and I would spend a thousand dollars a month on food so two people and that's like with supplements with pastured me with all of that so two people and so I can see why families that have you know four or four or five are like there's no way i can afford this diet so since i'm talking about pastor meats why don't we start there we will have a question and answer it towards the end of the f show and it looks like there's actually two questions already do you just want to go ahead and ants talk about those right now Liz or we can just start talking about pastured meats one of them has to do with pastor name let's start with a bastard me question okay so the first question is from Rachel and she's asking if we've ever done a cow share or any animal share with other families of saudi-owned a free extra freezer space um I do I have a big freezer I think it's a 13 point 6 cubic feet freezer um I had although in my other house I had a really small one that walmart has one seriously that's like maybe 30 inches wide and I was able to fit a half a pig in it talk about a dog impressive yeah I mean your I was able to it's like 30 inches wide by maybe like because it was for an apartment maybe like 42 inches tall and I have done a cow share um and it's a chunk of change up front but you do save money in the long run because you are buying in bulk and normally you will save money buying in bulk Rachel I would also try may be contacting like your natural food stores and my at my area new seasons has meat value packs and it's a bunch of different cuts of meat and it works out to about five dollars a pound and they have like to try tips in there and when I pull it out of the package its twenty dollars just for that piece of meat but for the whole pack package of I think it's like 20 pounds of meat or more it's like a hundred dollars oh that is a stellar deal I've never seen it i've never heard of a meat pack until you brought it up and I just now need to bring this up to my grocery store and be like where's my meat pack yeah seriously they're awesome i love that store they really really know that there are some people who follow paleo seriously I've actually never done a cow share or any kind of animal share because you can see my freezer behind me that's literally all I've ever had so we have absolutely no space for it but I do tend to buy my ground meats in bulk which isn't the same thing but it does save some money so if you can't fit your meat pack like a bull half a cow in your freezer you can always look for like kelly has the meat packs or just like larger packs of ground beef and everything like that to kind of help save yes so one of the things that we wanted to share too and was buying if you can't afford pastured meat don't feel guilty for not being able to afford pastured meat I think for me because I went from a double income to single income where we were spending a thousand dollars a month on our grocery bill to having to figure out how was I going to go to three hundred dollars a month you know I felt I honestly did feel guilty going to go conventional neat and I was like f you know there it has to be done and one of the ways that you can do that is just to buy the leanest cuts and then supplement with a high-quality high-quality coconut oil or butter or all that I know I always vote butter yes I love thunder I love me some butter um I know it was just a big grocery store today and I want like four packs of butter they always know Kenny like really that we're watching me like but I Street it if I sit on sale I will buy in bulk and they'll freeze it course I had like three packs of bacon in there too so they were just like I i always buy like applegate farm has those frozen sausages that you can microwave mm-hmm they're my husband's favorite like absolute favorite he'll eat them for breakfast sleep in for a snack he'll eat them before bet you name it he'll he'll eat them and their paleo son like hey awesome they're frozen and they're cheap and so I normally by like five or six boxes at once and they all look at me like do you really need that many that's like don't judge grocery messenger freezer space is for ya sausages and feet exactly I always stock up on butter when it is on sale always I will be the lady who buys 10 packs of butter and walks out of the store what brand of butter do you buy um we have it kind of depends um if I am buying from a food buying club that I'm part of then I will get a brand like mothers which is pastured and grass-fed um carry gold which I know everyone loves but at least where I live I seriously looked at it today and it was like not even the half pound I think it was like whatever the quarter pound it was four dollars I was like yeah no I'm not doing that um so I will buy either tillamook which is also grass-fed and rBST free want to think it's grass bed I bet that Tillamook Oregon and trust me there a lot of cals there so it's relevant they are all grazing on grass or I can't roam the other ground but usually I end up with mothers what about you I only buy carry gold because that's all we have around here but the foil pack you're talking about I get that for I think it's 299 hmm so it's not as badly priced at one grocery store the other grocery stores four dollars but and then I belong to bjs which is not a food money it's a warehouse kind of thing like a sam's club or a costco and they sell kerrygold for even cheaper and like the huge tub so mmm okay there to do that I still don't have a costco membership I don't have a costco near me but everybody has a costco membership and I'm so jealous because they're like look what I got at costco i'm like oh i know i heard they started selling almond flour i did they really that's what I heard I don't know I don't have a costco membership I do usually go with my friend whoever I'm just gonna mooch off of theirs I don't like you costco I'm gonna bring me can we go together this actually leads right into the next topic of ours which is shopping outside of the store which costco bjs they all are outside of your typical Shaw's or stop and shop or Albertson kind of grocery store mm-hmm I do you guys have a grocery outlet near you know when I lived in providence rhode island they had this thing called price right price right is hilarious it's kind of like a Costco but it's smaller and it's a regular grocery store so it was I was like the closest thing I ever came to that if you ever if anyone lives near a grocery outlet I would highly recommend just going and seeing what they have on their shelves because I find even if it's not necessarily a food deal um they have a lot of natural light so like they just have like goats milk soap they're just tons of it and you can get like three big bars of goat milk soap for three dollars can't beat the hut no you can't so even if you're not shopping for food but you know I would check out something like a crochet outlet like they had pomegranates um and I bought we were 99 cents that is the randomest thing to have on sale but awesome all at the same time like oh my gosh I handsome I'm fine three um so let's see someone asked um one or some of the Blessed best places to buy paleo items in bulk and question for me I would really check if you don't know about as your standard um if you don't know what I just said look in the cliff notes and you'll see the the name of it um but they are amazing to buy bulk if you're not part of a food buying club which is a lot more complicated than them um you can get really great prices on coconut on nuts on everything everything you can think of that you eat on this diet check is your standard you will have to call them and the way they work is you call them you ask if there's a drop anywhere in your house and the drop is where people have kind of pulled together and a big trout comes and drops all the stuff up because you have to have a minimum dollar amount for a drop and it's two hundred fifty dollars um and so they'll give you the name two people in your area just place your order put their drop in the order and then when you order comes you just go and pick it up but it's really inexpensive it's a great place to buy bulk stuff and then let's see I'm a Milan is great too as well as um what the heck was it called can you think of anything I kind of like stuck on the name of what I was just going to say feel like you would mention one the other day we have farmers markets I feel like there was one that started with an F that you would mention yeah but there are more places like as your standards out there so you could always also probably ask your co like your local co-op they might know of either food buying clubs or companies like that that are local for me i buy in bulk at the grocery store I don't go anywhere special I'm lazy um when something's on sale like we have this amazing called a pre frozen section at my local grocery store and it's like all the meat that was about to go bad but they froze it so it's still good and they sell it like half off so when they've got like gleam ground beef when I've got the pork in there Porkins of being under two dollars pound for a lean ground pork and I like this isn't a stern no no i don't i rarely buy grass-fed just because i can't afford it um but I just stock up hardcore there's like no stopping me I like literally will buy everything and that's another time I get a weird look at the grocery store but um amazon is also a great place like you would mention and then oddly enough target tropical traditions there you go it does not start with an ass crap yeah tropical traditions when they have a sale and free shipping they are probably the most inexpensive place you can buy coconut flour and coconut oil from they also sell eggs which is awesome somebody so data on eggs from them yeah at one point that's just kind of weird to mantis shrimp eggs I knew it wellness meets that's another place to buy in bulk oh yeah I never shot from them but a lot of people that i have purchased from them in the past and i had some other braunschweiger i think what was really good it's i'm not organ and sausage can't remember what it is but it was really good it's something it was yummy but i'm pretty sure his organs i'm so sorry i don't know i'm not one of those palios that do or that does organ meats I fully admit it that's okay though yeah that's okay so um target I know that you put target on there I did I target oddly enough we'll have grass fed beef they'll have really high quote like if you don't want to do organic local expert something like that they have like the high quality cage-free eggs there and those go on sale and then if you get their target debit card that's hooked up to your bank account you get think it's five percent off every purchase so from there if you can get like grass-fed beef on sale then you get an extra five or sun off and sometimes you get like money back gift cards so it's a good place to never ask eight they're gone thing the um I think so occasionally mine will but my targets grocery store is new so it's not as big um but anxious do you get I actually get the land o'lakes cage-free eggs yeah yeah I don't I can't afford the organic ones and these ones are the ones that I get are actually only fifty cents or so more than the regular grocery store eggs and their cage free and organic so I'm like whoo hoo I'll go with that they've like a nice nice colored yolk oh that's good yeah I I don't know I can't give up there's like two things like priorities for me is raw milk and we spend five dollars a half gallon that's what bad we do we go through a gallon a half a week oh and um and then pastured eggs we're finally getting chickens now which isn't necessarily more cost effective and buying them but they're adorable have you ever had chicken I've had chickens they are they are so awesome grew up on a farm so my aunts family has a oh really oh no did you freeze her to die freeze I don't know okay we're back though it was looking actually sorry yeah finished took a break it was a really quick like porno for gone um so I think we discussed shopping outside the store craigslist we didn't have never shopped with craigslist before ever I didn't even know you could do that oh my goodness people sell I was were actually getting chickens and i was looking at coops because i don't want to build one like I did the last one and um I did I built like an a-frame it's on my blog I got so check out this chicken coop it was I'm I'm that I'm the handy person in the house I'm gonna like build things huh I'm not I can't even put pre-made furniture together ah so um oh but then i was looking at chickens and someone was selling um bullets which are basically they're ready to lay you're not buying like a chick okay um and they were vaccinated which is a totally different topic but i never i didn't know people did that like I didn't go to vaccinate your chicken either I didn't know that but anyway that brings you back to craigslist which if you at least in portland you can find honey you can find beef shares you can find pork you can find eggs someone was selling pastured eggs for two dollars a dozen that is not bad at all I'm gonna have to check craigslist out today yeah so craigslist is a great place and so is your local feed store like sometimes on the bulletin board you will find just ads from different farmers who are like um I have some beef and that's we actually found some one who was selling beef per pound it didn't matter the cut it was five dollars a pound that is ridiculous and the ground beef was cheaper it was 250 a pound and that was just on the he was just someone who had to add on the UM at the local feed store and we went to his farm and we saw his cows and no it's a great that's another really good place to check if you're trying to afford pastured me you'll never know what you kit you can find my size you can find everything I'm Felicity's like you really can I don't know if there's anything you can't find on craigslist yeah I don't want to delve into that hole but that's for a whole nother hang out I felt that in craigslist and exposing shopping on craigslist Oh next is stock up what I'm most interested in talking about because I don't do any of this is couponing Liz but before we do let's go ahead and answer um Rachel's question about growing I love Rachel's question because this is me yeah she's me yeah I tell unless I don't kill tomatoes my dog's allergic to Tomatoes ah we grew them and she had this huge allergic reaction it was weird oh poor girl but we don't grow our own herbs well we did in the last apartment but I'm petrified of bees and so my husband had to water them and then he said no more once we moved um but I did kill them all um we actually don't I I have a I don't I can't even keep i'm surprised i kept them alive for as long as i did but we actually buy dried herbs I get when I bj's is my like we're munching like my costco and I have like organic herbs there magyar like not big and I got them for like 250 or three dollars each they're organic dried I know it's it's ridiculously good um and I just buy everything that way and then that way it takes forever to go bad you're not wasting money on the fresh the only time i buy fresh herbs is um my family's Greek on my dad's side so I make grape leaves all the time that is the only time i will splurge because my dad notices the difference so yeah unfortunately rachel were both terrible gardeners sorry Rachel well at least yeah so I i also just buy dry because if i buy pressure i will forget about them mm-hmm and then they will go bad and then i'm like i just spent all this money and um the only ones like you know no I by all dry let's ride in a garlic which is strength which is I love dried garlic because it seems like it's maybe it's because I know the measurement better than a garlic clove no car clubs are all different so what this for card clubs you can if like four large garlic cloves you have four small garlic cloves so because I do so much recipes stuff just saying a teaspoon you know that's everyone can get a teaspoon of garlic versus four paws of garlic being totally different from everyone on the exact same way I like garlic powder because I've found actually dried garlic but the garlic powder is easy mm-hmm that's I mean garlic powder yeah all right um I think you can get dried flakes of garlic to feel like I've seen that before maybe not though we'll see I'll to look right so coupons is that where we're headed yes for on coupons which I know nothing about cuz I got coupon ever see I never like a coupon queen or something seriously hi I didn't start couponing until jumper that show extreme couponer mm-hmm we just got on paleo the show had just started and I was like I'm gonna do that and I'm going to do it paleo and it's going to be fun alright so for couponing a lot of the stuff that I coupon is like my Terry Gould products my Applegate products carry gold has coupons sometimes online on their newsletter or if you sign up for their newsletter you can find carry gold coupons you have to dig but they're there um or like Lera bars because we're wedding photographers larabars are a huge thing that we just kind of keeping our back our camera bag with us when we get hungry so I like to keep on those because layer bar gives out coupons all the time um and you can actually get those at target the coupons part no layer bars themselves like balls yeah so you can get like if you played your cards right the layer bar box would go on sale then you could stack it with a coupon and use the five percent if you had their debit card so you can get boxes to you sort stacking oh I stack coupon splitting the coupon queen ling good I used to have a binder Wow I know but then people pegged me in the grocery store and I was like keep my head down um but I coupon a lot of my household items to you which is more important I think than keep wanting real food because when you coupon things like aluminum foil paper towels for that ends up saving you money in the long run to actually buy things like stirred me you know fresh fruits and vegetables stuff like that so you don't have to go frozen but if you can't afford fresh stuff too looking at couponing for frozen foods is really easy to UM like green giant or what are the other popular brands i buy store brand because they go on sale for under a dollar a bag for like frozen veggies yeah and you know like even be generic like if you're like okay I really want each and Eric going to the imaginary organic yeah if you go to the store brand for organic it's so much cheaper so much cheaper so much cheaper like because I think I was like just I was like I'm not making ketchup I'm buying ketchup you know and I was like in the organic section I picked up some i think it was Amy's or Annie's or something and then I walked past fees for some reason I was in the other comment I'll I was like holy smokes that's like half the price with this is the same thing sounds like yeah um I'm gonna get that I do that all the time I think that's one of the biggest secrets of being paleo though it's knowing to not stick in the organic section because I'm like the Bob red mills um flowers like the organ for some reason like half of them are they in the organic section and the other half and some of the grocery stores are in the regular flour section on it yeah and because it's in the organic section around here they can raise the price a little bit so when you kind of search outside the store or like the maple syrup i buy it's a local brand but it's not in the organic section the for the size i bought for the local company it was ten dollars and then the organic brand was 23 for a little bit bigger of a container I know it's ridiculous but because it's organic you can get a weight like some people think they can get away with it so making sure to go into like the regular section of the grocery store for simple things like maple syrup you know even the I had good luck I'm kind of we're kind of jumping around but I've had good luck after holidays I think there was like that name on facebook about the best day around isn't valentines day to day after Valentine's Day oh it's my favorite Valentine's Day name seventy-five percent off but that thing that applies to holidays if you'd like at least at my grocery store it seems like they get so many more nuts in around Christmas and stuff and if you go to the clearance bends they'll be organic nuts bag them there for like two dollars a bag you know and I just throw them in the freezer that's another great point because actually if you pay attention to when the end of this season is for something like what the end of this summer ask go for like those last batch barbecues will actually stock up on things like tri-tip sirloin steak and then after that people don't buy it anymore so all that extra goes on clearance and also checking like if it's the time of year for barbecuing people aren't going to necessarily be doing as many roasts so roasts are actually going to be cheaper at the grocery store so you can kind of wiggle pricing around and they'd remember that meat scare a few what was it last year year before where everybody thought red meat was horrible for you I thought that everybody still thought that oh there was like cool I know there was one point where everybody thought it was like there was some study or something and all the meat at my grocery store was like 75 percent off because nobody was buying it oh gosh I know it was amazing i had like a portly or something does that never happened in my stool i think it only hit the East Coast right on if you like kind of watch the trends to for what the news is reporting you might also be able to kind of ride that wave of what's gonna be on sale it's weird but it works that's a really good tip or like holidays like you said like onions carrots stuff like that that all goes on huge sale you can buy it and freeze it now it's time I'd butter I love butter I'm gonna have a hangout dedicated to butter I know today we're gonna be talking about butter butter um so couponing that was I'm gonna have to like look sign up for Kari girls newsletter I didn't realize they had coupons in Applegate Farm sign up for their newsletter costco Jake coupons I wonder yep they do they do Oh from what I know um ejs does we got a dollar off applegate farms so I got bacon actually the nice thing is like Costco might have their own store coupons you might be able to actually stack you have to check with them stack applegate farm coupon and then if Applegate has a coupon at the store you could stack those to get like two dollars off instead of the dollar Wow yeah i did my bjs the my costco has they always have their own section coupon so they frequently have carry gold and Applegate farm coupons in there which is nice cool and you you were sharing something earlier when we're talking about like um looking at how you shop by price oh oh yeah a lot of people don't look at you'll so in the grocery store you'll see the regular price we like 599 but next to it there's going to be another number that says the unit price and it's normally in yellow so that'll tell you what the better deal is like when I buy tea I have a hard time comparing like all right well this is 30 bags versus 20 what's the price per bag but if you just look at the unit price you'll be able to tell how much the differences per the unit which will help you break down if it's a good deal or not if something's on sale yeah that's my husband actually taught me that trick that's great though yeah and so like you when you coupon you also stuck up on non-food items don't yeah yeah yeah aluminum foil I love it when aluminum foil goes on sale during the holidays because it's like coupon and it's on sale and you can get 75 square feet for 250 rule do you like by the Sunday paper or something I used to but more and more now that my husband's fully paleo I'm finding that it's not as worth it for me so I do all the online coupons so cute good to know coupon come on okay oh no sorry coupon starcom is a great place to look and we're just talking Amanda just asked like where else can you find coupons um well right now in POV I'm actually trying to do well I'm not sorry I'm doing store matchups so we're posting now krogers sprouts whole foods and trader joes so if there's anything that has a coupon linked up with something on sale and posting it for you but otherwise just if you google like if you go to albertsons albertsons coupon matchups um it'll pull up a web like they'll be there's like five or six websites per store at least and they'll list everything that's on sale with a matching coupon if there's a coupon for so that's a great way to just find the online coupon and do it easily I didn't even know what matchups meant what cuz i had that word and i was like what the heck is that i don't know exact and some stores double coupons up to it like 99 cents so if you really play your cards right you can get stuff for dirt cheap wow I no wait there's like I can't remember I actually have a couple posts on my site with links to different coupons but I vote oh I was sorry i was reading hopes question that's a vanity thinkin hopefully that answered your question Amanda if not askin um so she's saying costco doesn't take coupons oh I'm sorry I thought they did that's my bad maybe they did at one point but they definitely do take their own coupons ah so there's like v2 bombs in the store yeah I just like bjs I think they've like a rack or something and then I think they mail you I know my store it males us like a booklet but that's so sad that they don't take manufacturer coupons to I didn't know that you know what i was looking at I don't know if anyone uses ziplist um where you can like you know save people's recipes i have like them on my website it's called the recipe box but i was looking through there and they actually have some coupons in there weirdos which I didn't know first I didn't know Trader Joe's had coupons and then I was like oh ziplist has see I told you I don't know anything about coupons um ziplist has links to different coupons in there oh I would check if you are a member of them are on you go my website and look in the recipe box I'm pretty sure they have I know they have trader joes coupons I actually just signed up with zipless to I like them I like being able to save everybody's you know like your recipes and somebody else's recipes and have it all in one nice little neat spot that's fun witcha yeah so what else videos up any other questions I think that's pretty much it I mean we did if you guys again look at the the PDF that we downloaded or uploaded on the page there are some links to just a couple helpful posts on our site that share some tips on other tips on how to not let your budget on this diet um goodbye and clubs I actually have a post about it because it's a pretty complicated system but you can save a ton of money if you are part of one it's essentially a co-op but it's member it's not like there's no sore front it's usually it sounds house um and everyone orders from like frontier which you can get a ton like Felucia I can't give prices you're not allowed to get prices when you are part of a food bank club because it's below like retail you're not supposed to share um but like organic food so cheap viewed another thing sorry I'm totally distracted but you can contact good one talk about food bank loves it it's just kind of like this huge there's so many different parts to it I mean because people can sign up with wholesale grocers and so you can get organic produce for so much cheaper and sometimes you don't have to be you don't have to get like a lot of times you need a business license but sometimes you don't have to do that and you can just find big bold things of apples and split it with people you know because if you go to the store and you buy organic apples really can't at least hear you're looking at 99 pounds and it's like confettis ridiculously expensive for organic apples really I don't know I don't I mean I never buy apples or because I live in New Hampshire just drawing apple season I just end up stocking up on Apple's cuz you got to like that Keith yeah I mean it's just like they they don't keep it very long but I make a ton of applesauce a nice photo I do love applesauce but I eat so many apples during apple season I don't want them the rest of the year well that's good that's the only thing seasonal eating that's also how to save money yes exactly seasonal eating and growing your own you know your own food is a great way to do it your have a green earth um then that the both of us combined I don't know I can grow tomatoes and herbs I just they do not last in my house unfortunately so I do it drive it but I think that's it that was fun that was fun so thanks everyone for joining us tonight and hope that we shared some tips that might help you save money on your budget and have a good one .

Video Description:

Are you new to the Paleo diet and want to learn how to make it affordable?

A Girl Worth Saving - http://www.agirlworthsaving.net/

Paleo on a Budget - http://paleoonabudget.com/

Cliff Notes : https://db.tt/xpegZ8B3

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i absolutely love your blog kelly! great advice :)

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I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEED this vid you guys!!!!!  I'm not gonna lie....I LOVE that it was sooooooo detailed and that you NAME DROPPED. ha ha ha  Really..... sometimes you want actual names of products and where to go to get it and in what aisle. LOLLL  It is sooooo helpful and motivational.  Thanks sooooo much.

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