My New Vegan Paleo Diet + Root Canal Tooth Removal! - All Paleo Diet Recipes

Friday, October 9, 2020


My New Vegan Paleo Diet + Root Canal Tooth Removal!

hey everybody this is Brett it's Friday night and I've been itching to make a video and I got so much to say that I really need to just take a breath and you know I really needed to take a break from all the heavy cleansing that I was doing and I needed to eat a bunch of power foods animal foods to give me strength again because I was getting really weak and that was because I had been vegan for four years and I have a lot of toxicity and I did a really great job getting rid of a whole lot of troubles that I had with indigestion acid indigestion and skin troubles and nails are much better and I'm just absorbing nutrients so much better and had a couple of things in addition to going back to eating some animal foods that I needed to do one of them was that I had a root canal that was increasingly more and more bothering me you know root canal means that you don't have any nerves left in that tooth because the dentist pulled them out and then they put these little plastic tubes in there that supposedly helps the fluids to flow without getting infected well that didn't work and I watched videos from dr. Mercola and from Richard Anderson talking about how dangerous the root canals are and now they do get infected and then my mom was telling me about a doctor at her hospital she was a nurse for a long time and a doctor there that had a an implant of those implants which is different than a root canal but actually implant a post into the bone that holds the tooth he got infected in there and it killed him the bacteria went to his heart and it killed him and so you know there are so many so-called beneficial inventions that human beings have created that really aren't good for us I didn't want to lose that tooth for a long time I had the root canal for seven years but the last two or three months it was infected when the dentist pulled it she said that it was she showed me the tooth and said you see this and that with a root it was infected and so whether that's a cause or it's probably at least a part of the reason why I have this sore on my lip it's at least part of that but it was contributing to immune weakness and constantly having an infection to fight off was another added burden that I didn't need because I know that there's a lot of you that have root canals that are thinking oh my god I wonder if mine are infected you know the problem is that you don't know how infected they are until they get so infected that it's inflamed the tissue around the tooth to the point of where it's just very noticeable because there are no nerves in there it's not like before when you had the nerves in there and it was easy to tell hurt like hell but you know there are so many things that I've been addressing besides that and I was so focused on staying vegan because I was absolutely convinced that that's what I needed to do to get healthy and at the time it was there are no coincidences absolutely and anything that's happened in the past was supposed to happen and you may not think that it was necessarily good at the time because of the outcome but you have to look at the broader picture things okay now I was consuming a lot of nuts and seeds I still feel like consuming a lot of nuts and seeds even though I'm eating fish eggs and chicken now I don't know exactly why I still feel like eating some fruit too even though I know that I need to cut it out and so I'm just taking my time I'm just moving along you know what I mean and the fish is giving the omega me the omega oils in the form that's beneficial for my brain DHA and a be something which is a a more progressed form than once you get out of flax oil for one of the other seed oils and now there's a purpose for both and I'm going to have to study this more but I've got flax seeds soaking tonight and I've got fish in some cans in the cupboard but today I was kind of going tastes like metal you know from eating the canned fish and fresh fish too but a really a morning to find the fish fresh or frozen rather than in the cans because I do believe it absorbs some of the metals now definitely don't buy fish in like with tomato sauce because that's going to soak up those acids from tomato sauce are going to absorb more metals from the cans it's tough to find sardines virtually impossible to find them in anything other than those little aluminum cans and you know it's inexpensive to I would say that the benefits probably outweigh the difference and mackerel comes in cans for a couple of bucks its inexpensive these are all relatively small fish mackerel is bigger but the small fish like sardines or also sprats sprouts have a lot of omega-3 check those out for 250 you can and I had a couple of eggs now bear in mind that I studied the whole paleo thing and Sally Fallon over 10 years at over 12 years ago and I became dismayed with all of that after I had purchased my own goat and milk the goat and goats milk didn't work out for me also four years ago I felt the need to become vegan cuz various meats were not working even though they were good quality they weren't working out for me because I needed to do some cleansing deep cleansing and bear in mind that consuming any kind of animal foods is not a break down cleansing kind of a diet it's a build up diet they have a lot more concentrated nutrients or nutrients and certain nutrients are a lot easier to utilize and absorb like iron or b12 or omega-3 fatty acids that the type that your brain uses that your brain is consistent of consists of and so there are B vitamins that are in high concentrations in that chicken liver especially the livers of animals of course the liver is that the organ that filters the toxins in an animal's body and so that's going to be highly concentrated in that if that environment that that animal was raised in was not very healthy and so it's absolutely for sure that we're moving towards veganism we have to because consuming a higher animals that are the bigger they are more concentrated that they're going to get they're going to be in all kinds of these aluminum for the from the the chemtrails and all kinds of the mercury from burning coal all kinds of things that humans are doing to change the environment to destroy their own environment and so there's so much to learn about how we can preserve it and turn it around to get it all cleaned up again and I'm afraid that there are going to be some dark days ahead for us and that we need to be prepared and you know I often think about you know this you know I often think about living out in the boonies you know I'm buying salmon it's coming from Alaska generally or from Russia in really pristine areas and like is that sustainable what what would happen if my salmon sources were not able died was not able to get those anymore you know at the same time I live in a cool and wonderful place that affords me the ability to to hang out with people that I enjoy hanging out with so if I moved out to the boonies somewhere I wouldn't have that I caught my cause me stress and depression so you know there's a balance here and where I'm going with it all I don't know I don't know just like I don't know if I'm going to eventually be vegan again or just continue to eat animal foods all I can do is take it one step at a time and business has been slow for whatever reason probably because I needed it to be and I just need to have faith that whenever I'm feeling better but then it will kick in again and if you want some of the best natural products without chemicals and the highest quality ingredients materials then click right there go to my site and check it out and you know also I appreciate your all being patient with me when I'm going through all my stuff and I know that my best viewers are appreciate you a lot and I went hiking today and I'm trying to slow down with my walking and just listen really deeply to nature and feel what I'm seeing and hearing and trying to get the God energy from it it's in its purest form up there the mountains on the beach places where hasn't been adulterated by humans and it's hard it's hard to not be angry with people we have to realize that we are also responsible that there are many shades of gray in regards to people being irresponsible and uncaring about the environment and we also have to realize that and have faith that the earth and God which are one in the same in my book are going to teach people a lesson and we got to just hold on while it all happens and keep your bicycles handy get going with a garden outside as much as possible and for me another thing that I need to really do is manage my time it's so huge at a room downstairs that I wasn't doing anything with and so I petitioned off that room because it was open it's like a living room area so I put curtains all around it so that I could get somebody to stay here for free well in exchange for working for me like cleaning the house and the rooms and stuff so that I can make products and make videos and all the things that I do you know because I just can't do it all you know and I take on too much I was just watching a video on how Celine Dion was trying to get pregnant and then two months after she she had the babies twins she went right back to Vegas to start another show a couple years ago to start rehearsing I was like what what the are you doing that for like you don't have enough money or obviously they've got plenty of money and I've come to realize that we get just addicted to people-pleasing - you know we're overachievers I'm just like thigh you know there's one little tiny bit of room on my plate I want to throw some more on there so anyways it's um it's a flaw it's one of my downfalls you know and it's time to slow down chill cuz you see you should know that there isn't anything on my site that if you really really wanted to you couldn't learn how to make on your own you know bear in mind of it I've put a lot into figuring out how to make these things and using the best materials and looking all over the freakin world to find the best materials so you know it would be easier to just buy them from me but you know there's so many things if you just look around and you see well that's made out of something toxic how can I make it out of something natural and make it better and less of a burden on the environment etc etc how can I change my world to make it better because when you change it for yourself you change it for everything around you I learned that a long time ago you know whether it be moving closer to your work or getting a job that's closer to your home or just staying home and working from home for yourself there's just so many things that you can do to make your own life and your your world better at the same time so really use your noggin now when it gets overheated stop and take some breaths and ask yourself what you need it's likely that you need to take a break lay down on the floor in shavasana and just relax and don't get stuck on any one thing you know too stuck keep it in mind that sometimes we have to change even if we've been doing something for a long time so with that said I would like to thank you so much for being a viewer most of you are just awesome viewers and make great comments should know that if you're not one of those people and you make a shitty comment and I'll just immediately block you and I don't reply that I don't get pissed off I don't I don't even flinch I just block like I don't want to hear from that person anymore so I don't sweat that anymore and you know wife is just too damn short to worry about anyone or anything we're just going to be here for a little while and we'll be reborn again and live another existence maybe on this planet in a thousand years maybe in another world another whole universe or God knows it's just a crazy freaking thing I'm telling you crazy totally unexplainable all of it that's my friend to the human being have created that she bald I've been thinking about how when an animal is born it already had the keys it already had like that dog knew the word rabbit when it was born it already knew that word from previous humans that had said it to her parents grandparents like God five hundred or a thousand years ago every single generation ingrained that word rabbit because I guarantee when she was a baby of hide his head habits her ears would have gone right up his she'd event like Fitness and we cannot discount I was going to end this video we cannot discount our genetics and I told you that I was the first vegan my lineage and I really had my doubts that I could stay vegan forever and I was right because I was looking at that chicken going I think that take that range free chicken for chakra and feed her the whole thing so thanks for joining me .

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My New Vegan Paleo Diet + Root Canal Tooth Removal!
Vegan diet vs the paleo diet. Vegan diet cleansing. Paleo diet rebuilding.
Are root canals dangerous? Learn about root canal toxicity. -----------------------------

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Nice to catch up with you Brett :)

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im surprised your actually eating meat, but i know what you mean. ive been sick with bronchitis or something and just got lazy and went to subway and i just felt worse afterward maybe I should eat better quality meat at least. you tell it like it is Brett oh yeah your body pillow is pretty comfy

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Don't be surprised at anything I do!  Whatever it takes ya know.  Sometimes convenience is good but if you plan ahead you can do better. 
I'm glad you like the bodypillow.  Please do a review for it if you will.  Go here:  Click reviews > submit yours > then fill out the boxes.  Be well.

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I thought it was late here Tee Tee!  You're in GB!  It must be early there eh?

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Brett, I've been struggling myself with a vegan diet, I'm glad to see that you have listened to what your body needs, unlike myself.  I listened to a radio interview about being in tune with your body and not your mind. Many things from the mind don't belong to us around the diet; the seed was planted there. Anyway's if you get a chance I would recomend listning to Blosssom Benedict. This inspired me to make some gradual adjustments. Thanks for posting this, this one really spoke to me.

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wow this was your 666 video ..omy gosh lol

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You are looking good my friend. So glad you're on the road to recovery with your tooth.

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Please cut out nuts and seeds if you want better health results. they mess up with your omega 3 ratio and slow up healing.

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Also they are hard to digest and can damage intestinal wall which contributes to leaky gut.

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I just started eating cooked foods after one year 100% fully raw vegan .I do find I am craving raw the more I reintroduce cooked  I can relate Brett with all subjects covered on this video .. You inspire me brother

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london ndoubleueight March 8, 2014 at 2:14 AM

the omega3 rich fish are only rich in it because of what they eat....marine algae!
so why not go to the source, and cut out the contaminated fish??
i think to avoid larger predatory fish like tuna, swordfish etc, and stick to smaller fish in the hope that you are avoiding toxins has some truth and validity.... but..... in a world where the sea is literally treated like a sewer and nuclear waste ground, nothing that lives in it is escaping those pollutants..

EPA / DHA? get some spirulina or other blue/green algae.
It is harvested in organic conditions and like i said it is the very substance that gives sardines, spratt, maceral, krill, etc etc their high omega 3 content.
but then again, sometimes people just wanna eat fish! thats ok, everyone has choice!
i enjoy your videos ;)

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Deep,  I can seriously relate.  thanks for sharing.

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It's a perplexing situation but the bottom line is:  I LIKE to eat fish as did my ancestors for God knows how many thousands of years.  So, I may ask myself...  Should I change my diet to the point of insanity because the world is toxic or should I just do my best to avoid the worst of it and try to be happy?  I may have to move to a high lake in Montana.  :)

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As soon as I'm ready, I'll reduce nuts and seeds.  That's how it works.  People do things when they are ready.  I may also get back to a pure vegan diet.  I may move to the north pole... when I'm ready.

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I'm going hiking today.  :)  No energy given to that.

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You're right, had a very late night (or early night depending how you look at it)

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I managed to lose a very special ring, and  spent most of the early hours looking, with no joy :( I then managed to break my watch in the process. So was a pretty crappy night. Never mind, always look on the bright side I suppose!

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Ring or no ring... you're a sweetie Tee Tee.

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Check out Liquid Dentist, it's amazing........Dr. Leonard Horowitz's formula....

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If you mix bean with rise. you will never have to eat meat ever again.

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You know what Brett i think youe awesom! you dont preach nothing you don't try and force things on to people just do what you want and take it easy, thanks to you i have changed my life a lot, i won't go into details but you can guess what i mean. even though we don't talk directly i have a life long friend in you. Thank you Brett and i will skype with you one day. Paul

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Always informative honest and sincere.. love your journey..

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We create permission slips. We design our reality! Do what makes sense for u in the moment

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It's amazing how the body knows intuitively what it needs or not.  I always pay attention to cravings and eat those foods.  Tuning inward and listening to the body is  a great guide, even for rest ,so you don't overdo it. Keep up the good work!

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good for you .have a nice day Brett :)

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You're as nice as you are cute.

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@Michele Micha I did!  Perfect!  No devil in sight!

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Love the video Brett. Best wishes my friend :)

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Awh, thank you :)

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Have you seen, minding your mitochondria by dr. terry wahls? I would love to hear your take on this. the  wahls diet seem well rounded to me and sounds like what your talking about with the liver.

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Always follow your own intuition. Your doing what is right for you right now.

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i had the same thing happen with a root canal , i had to have it pulled

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A root canal made me really sick. when it was pulled it had a double canal. only one of these canals was filled the other was infected.

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