The Biggest Mistakes You're Making with a Paleo Diet - All Paleo Diet Recipes

Sunday, October 25, 2020


The Biggest Mistakes You're Making with a Paleo Diet

hey what's up everybody surprise I'm here a bit earlier today hey what's going on Don paleo I saw it some familiar names pop up there hey tasted paleo what's going on Rayna what's up everyone in case you don't know who i am i realized i did a very poor job of introducing myself especially for new folks who are listening my name is steph Gaudreau and i run the website stupid easy paleo calm let me find my details here they are I'm good my topic has you curious call it out yeah we're talking about mistakes today so my site stupid easy paleo calm good afternoon version 01 nice to see you and also my books their shameless plug it's like Amazon Prime day today so you can get actually my cookbook today this this one in the flesh for like eleven dollars it's a half price crazy I won't waste too much time talking about my book but I'm so glad some of you are joining me today those of you who came on a bit earlier than normal thank you so much for the heart if you want to get the video put hey Bonnie what's going on nice to see you i know you're gluten-free right money um ya posted that is totally Bonnie's idea and you should go follow her she has so many great ideas for periscope um if you're missing or you haven't seen my other periscopes you can go to youtube and get my videos on the playlist slash stupid easy paleo and i'm uploading stuff they're like daily yeah so oh hey what's up nina i'm so stoked that you're here nina all the way from the czech republic my friend she's amazing um what's got ya screen grab that's totally ambani ism screengrab take a screenshot click click um so yeah so i am i'm so excited some of you were give me about how to start doing paleo since that's what i do i have a paleo website and i'll give you a little backstory on me so i knows is really itchy today sorry if i keep itching um but some backstory on me so i started eating paleo in january of 2010 and started my website in 2011 although i was blogging recipes far before that and in 2013 decided to leave my job as a high school teacher to pursue owning my own business and that involved taking stupid easy paleo to the world and making this idea of eating a real food gluten-free diet something that even normal people could handle and so that's the idea behind stupid easy paleo is that eating well shouldn't be over complicated hey Everett what's going on but in that space of time so just a little bit on my kind of experience I am a certified holistic nutrition practitioner and in in college way back in the day I studied human physiology so biology / human physiology so I'm look super interested in how things affect the human body how things work how nutrition plays a role in our overall health and that's really the philosophy that I take with stupid easy paleo so I come from a very pragmatic or practical point of view and you're going to hear in today's periscope the biggest mistake you're making with a paleo diet you're going to hear some of my practical or pragmatic side come out but that's really what I'm interested in doing is giving people the practical tools to make this stuff work thanks for all the hearts I guess I'm touching a really good nerve here so too much I'm not sure what too much fat is referring to um so the biggest mistake you're making with a paleo diet let's back up just one second and talk about what paleo is paleo is a way of eating I try not to call it a diet per se because it's just not one of those like we're going to do the crash diet for a week and try to lose weight in the Paleo diet there's too much fat I disagree it's how you it's how you actually implement the concepts but in a paleo diet the idea is to avoid foods with gluten to avoid most grains to avoid soy to avoid in many cases dairy and to focus on meat seafood and eggs vegetables and fruits and healthy fats there's a lot of argument about what paleo means in the world today and yes a the Paleo diet as coined by dr. Loren Cordain is very very strict so when people hear of the word paleo they oftentimes think of that very very strict way of doing things so the biggest mistake you're making with a paleo diet is not doing a 30-day elimination diet or protocol when you start eating paleo so I'll repeat that the biggest mistake you're not making or sorry the biggest mistake you are making with a paleo diet is not doing a 30-day elimination protocol to find out what foods really do work for your body and not whether without Vegas's I don't buy into the 30 day or sorry I don't buy into the paleo cupcake sort of thing I wrote a I I wrote a blog post a couple years ago called why paleo Donuts suck and when you google paleo Donuts that's one of the things that comes up anyway yeah so doing a 30-day elimination protocol or a 30-day I don't care what you call it challenge or a whole 30 or something like that's outlined in the paleo solution by robb wolf you need to do 30 days at least thanks candy you need to do it 30 days at least where you remove certain foods that may or may not be problematic for you and take them out of your diet and then reintroduce them yeah time control challenge is so good so the reason I bring this up is a lot of people don't end up finding ya Tommy that's exactly right don't end up find out don't end up finding out what works well for their body and what doesn't work well for their body and so they start paleo and they think okay I have this really strict yes and no set of rules and I'm just going to keep following that forever because yes and no rules or you know this idea of binary zeros and ones gives us a very strict rigid thing to follow and at the beginning that can really help when you're first trying to say like wrap your brain around this idea of taking gluten and grains and dairy out of your diet but for a lot of people we end up missing the larger point and to just be very dogmatic about okay well this is paleo and that's not paleo in the long term can actually be I think detrimental to a lot of folks because we never really learned what foods work well for our bodies and what foods don't and we're all very different so I'll give you an example my husband is has been eating paleo since about 2007 2008 yeah and that's such a great point Tonya our bodies change in you know we always have to keep kind of adjusting things so my husband's been paleo for a really long time and he was always eating you know foods that were on the the yes list for paleo diet and avoiding foods on kind of the no list and through this time he had a very new he would get an eczema reaction on his skin like on his elbows and around his eyes and he could never really figure it out and he was like like I've taken all these foods out of my diet what's going on so through some experimentation he learned that it's actually certain foods that are well accepted you know and considered extremely healthy even certain fruits and vegetables that gives him this eczema reaction and we've narrowed it down to a histamine intolerance so he has a histamine intolerance and that means foods that are normally considered extremely healthy for a lot of people even things like bone broth or chicken stock fermented foods like sauerkraut avocados spinach um it's so it's so popular it so vague it's really not Phil I can't pursue the rest of your name the Paleo diet is it has some ground rules and if you want to be very strict about it you can find something like the Paleo diet calm and that has a very very strict list but the idea is to overtime find out what works well with your body and what does not work very well so anyway this the point of the whole story was he finally narrowed it down and he can now manage his histamine intolerance pretty well and that was a very important lesson for him to learn I've done a couple of wall I've done three or four different eliminations from my diet where I took foods out for 30 days and then reintroduce them over the past the course of like five years or so and I keep learning about myself so even though I'm a nutritionist and I run paleo website the whole point is were still all a work in progress so a couple of different books that you can use for elimination protocols would be at the paleo solution by robb wolf I already mentioned that one he he actually wrote the foreword of my cookbook so he's a he's got a really good kind of solid elimination protocol in his book the paleo solution and the other one that I highly recommend is it starts with food and I actually have we gave away our cut we lent out our copy of the paleo solution so it's not actually here in my house that's my quick paleo library there but the other one is it starts with food by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig they have a program called whole30 I've done it myself a few times it's the program that allowed me to actually get rid of sugar and to kick sugar for good like I don't have the sugar cravings I used to it used to be crazy three copies of it yeah we have some copies as we lend them out in our little lending library so I really really recommend the whole 30 as a way to eliminate or take certain foods out of your diet and then reintroduce them and see what happens in learn about yourself and take that data and move forward and say you know what hey like this food doesn't really bother me so I'm going to increase in include it back in my diet or on the other hand like hey this food really doesnt sit well with me you know that sort of stuff so I've never tried the 21 DSD so i can't speak personally about that particular one yeah kicking sugar can be so so tough but to be very honest the whole 30 is the thing that allowed me to finally break free of that sugar cycle so it does work or at least it worked for me and it worked really really well and it it is it's something I continue to to work on and I know the foods that trigger me so I learned that trader joes dried mango is something I should avoid because it just like I'll eat the whole bag do I suggest you implement a 30-day strict paleo diet every year um I don't think you need to put yourself on a schedule per se but if you're still struggling with foods or you haven't really drilled down and figured things out you may need to do it every once in a while the the danger I think with some of these challenges and so on and so forth is a lot of times people use them as a means of external control and this is of course very individual but for some folks they're like well I can't stay on the wagon unless oh thank you very much tanning fat kid I love it if I can't stay on the wagon unless I have these rules and one of the reasons is because folks kind of missed the part where they reflect on what this particular challenge whatever the challenge might be has actually taught them about themselves and that self-reflection part and that connection is incredibly important because again like I'm a very pragmatic person things you'll see in my site or on my site and in my book are really pragmatic it's like what's the practical way to approach nutrition I don't approach paleo as a historical reenactment I don't think that's even a fair thing to do because we're not we're not living in Paleolithic times we're living in modern times but we do know how certain foods affect the body physiologically and even for some people psychologically you may have a really unhealthy relationship with certain foods and so that's the needs to be taken into account if you're really going to make your diet you know aka the foods that you choose to eat on a daily basis really work for you so there's a there's a lot there that you have to do with learning what works best for your body and so that is the biggest mistake that people are making with a paleo diet is never taking the time to really learn which foods are working best for them and which foods even perhaps that are on the typical paleo list need to be avoided I work a lot with athletes as as most of you know and so I'm always talking about making sure you're getting adequate carbohydrate intake for example one of the things about paleo that people tend to assume is that it's extremely low carb and that's the only way to do it and that's just frankly not the case so a lot of my athletes are eating white potatoes or eating sweet potatoes or eating plantains or eating all sorts of yummy delicious kind of veggie and fruit based carbs and even in some cases white rice as a starch for a post workout so it really is up to the individual person do I ever eat white rice if so how often occasionally I do I try to eat it post-workout it's not very nutrient dense so it's not going to make up the majority of the carbs in my diet but sometimes if we're running you know we're running behind and it's the option that I have around sometimes I'll eat white rice I've tested it in and out of my diet and for me it works fine it doesn't bother me but for some other people it may not work well if they're dealing with some metabolic regulation issues like their blood sugar regulation their insulin sensitivity isn't quite where it needs to be so again you've got to do that personal experimentation to find out what's going to work in what's not going to work so remember those two books it starts at food take a screenshot get this stuff on amazon today if you have pride it's like all on sale it starts with food the other one is assisted the paleo solution by robb wolf and yeah does anybody have questions about really general like paleo elimination diet sort of stuff let me know I'll hang on here for a couple more minutes yes several books today oh yeah I remember you asked me about which books you should pick up shameless plug this is my cookbook you don't have to be an athlete but if you have performance goals where do I stand with sweeteners like honey it's not a huge part of my diet but I don't you know if I'm going to use a sweetener I use raw local honey I don't use sweeteners a lot I used them when they make sense in a recipe because recipes as as a cookbook recipe developer you have to kind of balanced flavors sometimes and you can achieve that through using dates and other types of natural sweeteners as well but I you know for me I'm not going to include a preponderance of sweetener extra added sweeteners in my diet but every once in a while when it makes sense I include that stuff and I don't get I don't sweat that sort of stuff somebody asked about calorie counting when you're going when you're starting a paleo type diet and you are coming from a very traditional standard American diet my advice is to always start by focusing on food quality and making sure that you're eating foods that are very satiating so getting enough protein including some healthy fats in your diet ketoacidosis due to ph imbalance I'll talk about that in a second so it's important that you first of all pay attention to food quality and your feelings of satiety and hunger because if you're especially trying to lose body fat you can oftentimes have some dysregulation with your hormonal or satiety signaling and it's important to get that stuff that on track it's really really important to not put stress around what you're eating so a lot of people are like okay I'm stressing out about how much i'm eating obsessing out about the number of macros on a meeting i'm stressing about the number of calories that i'm eating and adding stress as a kind of a dimension to trying to eat healthier is really really not good so for a lot of people they're like oh trying to Cal calories it can be really misleading because you could be eating a lot of very low satiety calories and at the end of the day you've fulfilled your calorie count perhaps but you're still missing out on either a balance of macronutrients or micro nutrients or you know so on and so forth so calories can't be the only way that we kind of quantify our food and so I really recommend that people start getting used to what it just feels like to eat three full meals where they feel pleasantly satiated and not like overly stuffed and you're not starving all day long that's the most important first step somebody asks about ketoacidosis um you know I am NOT a huge fan of a ketogenic protocol for most people that are just normal people looking to get healthier if you want to be in a true ketogenic State you need to test that sort of stuff and keep track of it so you know i am not a fan of a very very low carb diet for most individuals i don't know if that really answered your question but if you're including enough carbohydrate intake you shouldn't be kind of bordering on that like I call it Kido limbo where you're kind of like you're really super low carb but you're actually not using you know not actually using ketone bodies for energy and it's kind of that like a key spot where nobody really wants to be it's very very hard to actually be in ketosis I think that's probably what you were asking about not ketoacidosis is ketosis so I'm not really sure they're I don't I don't know somebody asked about paleo desserts and I if you've been around my website for a long time you know how I feel about paleo desserts and so on and so forth I think there's a lot of things that people do to try to get traffic to their their social media and to their accounts and I in their blogs and stuff and I don't feel like we should all be trying to eat a perfect diet and I think there is a time and a place for enjoying treats I don't call them sheets because cheating is a negative connotation and it makes you feel like a bad person when you say you're cheating with something there is a time and a place for treats but we we've got to get real with ourselves if we want to be overall healthier that can't make up a large part of our diet whether it's quote paleo or gluten free or low fructose or raw or whatever you want to call it dessert is dessert and if you walk around eating dessert all day even though it's got maybe like a healthier ingredient in it but it's still kind of nutrient poor you can't really ask to to get healthier on that stuff so yeah I'm not a huge fan of an in fact when you go on stupid easy paleo calm I don't have any baked goods on there there's no muffins there's no case there's no cookies sorry you know they're there is a time in a place where that sort of stuff but I don't put it out there as a component of what I do snack ideas gosh there's so many snack ideas um you can go on my site which is stupid easy paleo calm and you can find lots of good snack ideas I like stuff like Scotch eggs meatballs stuff that's portable frittatas egg muffins that sort of stuff I'm not a big fan of Slyke sweet snacks and I think if you're going to eat some snacks they should be somewhat balanced between protein carbs and fat I don't eat mostly raw food for a lot of people digesting mostly raw food is actually really difficult on their system and so it's important that it's important to know that by cooking your food you actually make a lot of the nutrients more bioavailable and not less kids on paleo I know a lot of people that do paleo with their kids in some variation or another maybe they're not a hundred percent they're just doing what they can they worry about what they can only control in their home I've had a couple of people on my site with her sorry on my podcast that have children so dr. Brighton talked about her little one Danielle and a Tony talked about how she does this with her kids and my friend Alessandra she has kids like they all talked about basically when kids are at home that's that's when they deal with the foods that they want to serve them when the kids are out of the home you know they can't control that stuff all the time so they don't put there they don't put their energy where they can't control those sorts of things up serif or go so also has a really good sort set of resources for kids so you can look up her stuff Sarah for grosso everyday paleo a paleo parents also have stuff for kids so there's all sorts of stuff out there that you can do to start getting little ones on track and if you want to include them in that sort of thing there were a lot of other questions I could I couldn't see them all because they pop up so quickly but hopefully that gave you a decent place to start thinking about things and i am going to be back tomorrow with another kind of i'm going to run a series of basically tips on how to eat paleo and so on and so forth so if you if you didn't hear me hit your question today certainly pop back up tomorrow make sure you check youtube and i'll show you that URL yeah it'll definitely be on YouTube Rana here you go take a screenshot thanks Natasha take a screen grab with your phone click and save that that's the YouTube address where you can find all of the youtube or sorry all of the periscope playbacks for that sort of stuff and make sure that you head over to my site which is stupid easy paleo calm right there I've got so many recipes and tips and articles and resources you're all very very welcome kandi I'm going to try to get on here a little bit earlier so folks that are in Europe can listen Sean thanks so much for popping by primal dish right up the road not too far from here I really appreciate all the hearts and I hope that this is helpful for you at least if you're your condon you and your may be struggling a little bit with things yeah you're welcome I'm going to try to get get on live here for my Europe people so that you all can watch and Nina and candy and everybody can get on there say hi to Z I certainly will alright I will catch you guys on the flip tomorrow see ya .

Video Description:

Hear the biggest mistake you're making with a paleo diet from holistic nutritionist & paleo expert Steph Gaudreau of Stupid Easy Paleo in this Periscope broadcast.

Sign up for the free ebook for getting healthy, happy & harder to kill here:

Follow Steph at: and on Periscope at @stupideasypaleo.

Books mentioned in this broadcast:

*Performance Paleo Cookbook by Stephanie Gaudreau
*The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf
*It Starts with Food by Dallas & Melissa Hartwig

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