ufc host joe rogan interviews paleo diet author robb wolfe durianrider responds - All Paleo Diet Recipes

Sunday, October 11, 2020


ufc host joe rogan interviews paleo diet author robb wolfe durianrider responds

recently there was a rock wool interview with Joe Rogan on a joe rogan podcast is that is a little snip of there now are nothing personal Nets Rob Warfel joburg to share my comments and criticisms who is Joe Rogan Joe Rogan's the UFC commentator robb wolf is a very well-known author he writes the book called the Paleo diet pollution and it's been a very popular book to read so to share my comments here on Rob wolf the author dança nothing person gets robbed more from Joe Rogan to share my comments here so I want to firstly say that I totally agree with Rob wolf about the sleep you know the sleep things is so critical and he talks about taxes and stuff like that and thumbs up from the during later they're definitely early nights getting up sleeps critical and something we overlooked and that's what I agreed with with a robe wolf there now I disagree with quite a few points and get through those now I like how to interview stand with supplement little plug for supplements that help brain function that's interesting because that high-fat a Leo diet you get a bit ly panic in the brain so you can't think clearly a bit foggy like I need some more coffee man wears an organic black coffee where's that organic quad latte man I'm what was the question kind of thinks like your brain turns the peanut butter oh when you're eating that much fat Oh in my opinion robb wolf really shit the bed in this interview with Joe Rogan now Ron wolf comes on a lot of fire because he promotes weight loss and he promotes the Paleo diet is good for women for weight loss but then a lot of critics on forum same Rob wolf if the Paleo diet so good for weight loss how come your wife is overweight now there's nothing wrong with being overweight we all know the the risks of heart disease and stuff so if your model for weight loss and you're overweight it's the critics really I think they really give Rob wolf a hard time on that one and what wolf says that carbohydrates make you fat so stay away from carbohydrates donate more than one piece of potato add a little potato a day but then Bob wolf says my critique of the vegan diet is when I was eating the high carb vegan is I I went from a hundred eighty pounds 140 pounds something can happen the carbohydrate vegan diet makes you fat but your complaint is you got to lean on that thing interesting and God wolf says environmental benefits of eating beef / plant foods is you you need no oil to produce beef I'm like oh hang on Rob refrigeration transport driving that person has the coronary heart sack to the ambulance takes a bit of oil you know all that stuff the pharmaceutical products people need for cholesterol is right high cholesterol is good and paleo world I like how broad wolf says when it comes Joe goguen says so what do you think would you eat a lot of carbohydrates and Joe Bob wolf says I'd rather drink a lot of alcohol than eat a lot of carbohydrates if I was going to have a binge on carbs would be alcohol base Roberge says he drinks a few classes of alcohol every day he's a fan of drinking raw milk says a big fan of coffee and I can relate because when I was doing the Paleo diet back in nineteen ninety nine man I was just going from cup of coffee a cup of coffee I was just I was so short as carbohydrate deficient glucose exhausted and I was literally running on caffeine that's why you see all a paleo crew bom-bom-bom bom-bom caffeine caffeine caffeine caffeine caffeine Oh wolf even shits the bed a gamer who says the more coffee you drink the better based on the studies and my question is would you give coffee to a baby mobile says that whiskey is good because it doesn't have any sugar in it so whiskey gets the thumbs-up from paleo man Rob wolf Rob also mentions he's a big fan of nicotine gum my question is why that's not paleo there was no caveman drinking coffee and drinking alcohol reading nicotine gum to stay awake because he had such a high fat diet in fact back in the day there was no life at animals really was that how much fats in a mouse how much fat is in a frickin ostrich leg it's not much fat at all so I like when they say fat fuck slut Church facts but reality is paleo world had no fuckin facts man this is a funny one Bob wolf says is not there's no protein implants and then joe says well my vegans friends say there is poaching implants and Rob goes all that's a third-world protein I don't like what the fuck and then Joe Rogan says hang on what about my vegan friends that you know what that mac danzig the USC fighter and what Wolf's like oh just sort of gozo some people can do a saying on you just said that you can do it now some people can do it well is nobody in athletic world can do the Paleo diet why because Paleo diet you only had to have a potato a day if your training really hard otherwise it's no carbs at all it's maybe a little handful of blueberries which want to support glycogen restoration so impossible to be an athlete on a paleo diet unless you're chugging down the Gatorade banana smoothies it's like that but that's not paleo is it now palos low-carb high-fat that's what we're talking about so when you're in a ketogenic diet your athletic performance is done and if you're in a kiddo genic diet you're not an athlete but you want to be an athlete impossible so Ron book says the vegans have to take protein powder but then again angin doesn't Rob Warfel no mark sisson who's like the primal author guru marxist themselves a primal whey protein powder so hang on if vegans have to take a protein powder how come / mark sissons paleo primal fanboy clout has to take the primal whey protein powder bubble says that vegans don't get enough amiga 3 and vitamin d and then later an interview robb wolf says it's a good idea to eat meat and take your fish oil from omega-3 and take a vitamin d3 supplement interesting that one now I listened to the whole interview two hours and 52 minutes can you imagine because I was awful i listened to it for five minutes first of all I'm on the listen to a role because it's just you know sounds taught if I'll give people a chance you know and i'll listen to this in a few minutes no just kept going because I since like me know what's robbed gotta say next Bob wolf says he's a big fan of cricket bars and tile and I was like cricket by what's the cricket Barney says it's a cricket protein bar is a cricket here cricket protein bar from Thailand now why do you have to supplement your diet with cricket protein I mean I agree crickets our paleo food and insects should be a big bold part of any payload primal eater I agree on that one tasty not bad good one under here oh they're actually dehydrated kind of crispy yep not bad at all another good one we would have eaten a lot insects and back in the day you reckon I reckon someone said our ancestors weren't too proud to lift a rock for their dinner yep hmm kick off a toyota camry not bad what does it taste like the grasshopper legs it's some quite nice how to describe yeah not bad is what y'all I left you I might be nearly done this might be my last one yep but they are kind of Moorish it's a good balance of nutrition you think in the insect oh yeah you started it you need in you I did yep yeah well you're eating that exoskeleton which has got a lot of the calcium and that that would be in the bones of other animals so from a nutritional standpoint it seems insect to be a far more there might be more balanced than say red meat eco way to do that would be a scrape that crickets off the bumper bar off your car and consume them because that's totally sustainable and its raw protein so get the raw cricket amino acid Rob book says if you really fit is ok to eat one potato at dinner time i'll tell you what if i was eating potatoes instead of fruit i'm waiting for 30 potatoes a day literally 30 bananas now or 30 potatoes a day so one potato a day no wonder those paleo people are jacked on caffeine and had zero cardio fitness and after take those pre-workout jacked DMAA supplements before workout and even then people on it feel like rug wolf again nothing personal it's rob or y'all could take his nutritional advice drugs are saying Rob wolf used to be a competitive athlete and now he's not Rob wolf isn't even a district-level competitive athlete you know is it was not even a fit personal trainer so when someone goes in a healthier diet and the performance goes down and they're not an EPO or whatever the process I am like if you don't say healthy how can be on a competitive athlete and you're talking about it like what's up with that so that's a big critique of mine is all these paleoclimate people they're not competitive athletes but a lot of them used to be huh that says something if you used to be a competitive athlete and now you're not so I hang on personally I'm setting personal bests running and cycling personal best I'm 35 I'm fitter three times as fit as I was when I was 18 35 man so that's something that's a testimony to the power to regeneration effects of a high-carb low-fat vegan lifestyle 30 bananas a day what wolf quote Sistani work says the slimmest people the healthiest people the fittest people ate the most saturated fat and I'm like what planet was that problem because then I'd be asking the question how come Loren Cordain and Sally fat the health gurus are overweight themselves low and contains on the grandfather of the palo primal diet sure is nice guy lovely fella he's overweight light so I claiming to be a world banker and you're begging on this street I mean a Joe Bergin was talking about how he likes to have a k or green smoothie for breakfast and robb wolf says a better breakfast the best the best breakfast would be bacon and eggs with lots of coffee hahaha Joe Bevans I really like that's awesome nom Anor go what are you thinking man and if you listen carefully what wolf says that the bacon is a slow release glucose so like what and then pulls out a linear Keith soundbite farming kills animals as well as like yes it does but we're not killing animals man that's like what the fuck that's just like saying because this money pass through a drug dealer at some part in the last 10 years that went to a drug deals wallet I'm I'm part of that drug deal as well and so I should just be a drug deal anyway well if you walk outside you step in an hour that's just the same as cut down the Amazon to grow grass fed beef that's just the same then bob says the best diet for type 2 diabetics would be a ketogenic diet and I'm like Rob wolf how come you ignoring the elephant in your bedroom you you're ignoring the elephant you're ignoring the fucking blue whale in the telephone booth read this book please Rob move dr. Neil Bernards for a program for reversing diabetes clinical shit man none of this paleo bro science PhD in bro science whatever man no more caveman nonsense that's the real deal man type 2 diabetics should a ketogenic diet what the fuck this is what they want to be eating man clinical data can't believe this is crazy man crazy like what the fuck Oh My Book says the best I for heart disease is one high in saturated fat and I like all no wonder they sell so many books because he's telling people good things about that bad habits this is what you want to go up to speed with Rob prevent reverse heart disease by dr. Esselstyn now people ask me Harley what are these paleo primal people pretend that these people don't exist them like do they want to sell books they want to sell with the primal protein whey powders and their fish oil and the cod liver oil micro cleanse and Iceland for 80 bucks a bottle they want to tell people good things about their bad habits because that's where the fucking money is telling people to give up KFC and McDonald's and coffee and you know think about it like you can listen an interview when when robach says Joe Rogan bacon eggs and best breakfast on earth Joe Rogan's like really I've been hooking those cows Moo I are what like you know people want to believe the bull shits like if I as a personal trainer I can make a lot more money by just selling people bullshit on the internet like you know I'll do some photo shops or just in tights and diuretics get more cart and a look at the you know bacon eggs for breakfast recently there was two deaths from heart attacks in the Paleo well the last week lost 10 days to decimal heart attacks I know you young guys a paleo blogger at a very famous paleo primal natural path person in Adelaide Australia now they'll all go here you suck sure it's good for you and sad man that's sad so that's why I speak out because people have they're just like getting columns or the dis delusional it's like what the fuck don't don't you guys to read the clinical data like how the fuck is in Big Macs and steak for breakfast healthy it's not bacon eggs for breakfast is a healthiest food ever I'm sorry it ain't and then there was Robert talks about his time on the discovery show where I watched as well and actually in Thailand I'm just sitting there flicking through the channels on the cable and there was a bull's face coming but there's Rob wolf on the Discovery Channel last riders doing a show and then that they were there they didn't eat for eight days though trying to prove how good the Paleo diet was and then went out into the jungle not the jungle so they went out into the northern hemisphere for eight days they didn't eat they don't need any food what wolf says he lost 118 pounds now if the Paleo diet so easy to do how the fuck you losing 80 pounds in a week now you know like now you put me in the jungle being fruits and all sorts plant foods loving it I'll be doing running marathons every day looking for food just having fun in the Sun verse is trying to risk my life spearing a fuckin caribou and getting chased by bears and shit fuck that but I felt what I found funny was that show is that all the girls were crying and some of the guys fought a bit guilty when they killed the deer and even what we were looking his faces to be like her fuck like that's that that's where meat comes from like you know because Rob wolf is no hunter he's like the typical Peleg problem people just drive the SUV to the supermarket pull your bottom five fingers on walk in the supermarket pay on your credit card get you a little plastic wrap steak or no gun getting touch the blood you get the tongs put in the microwave or whatever cook it up and eat it with your fork a knife in your mouth freshener aft when you're done is total disconnect but when people had to clean and gutters like you'd see on the discovery show everyone's discuss the girls were crying people oo the fuck is this and then the next day like I need some cards I want some carbs as if you get a chance to watch that show it's a classic example of the truth of the paleo primal diet this is unsustainable and I love this picture of Marxist and robb wolf in the ice cream parlor now that everyone loves sweet foods man i agree sweets is the go fruits your friend gobblers put down the ice cream pick up the fruit and then volleyball says he caught a mouse when he was on his camping trip on that discovery sure he cooked the mouse up he said I cooked it up really well in case I had dengue fever and what hang on no animal in nature that eats meat has to fucking cook it to make it safe to eat if it was so natural how can we have to cook the fuckers to get rid of all the bacteria and stuff how come with the only animals to cook meat every fucking Adam will just grab that fucking Mouse and chuck it in the mouth and go yeah it was good how can we know if to cook the fruit if you have to cook something to make it safe to eat then chances are you shouldn't be fucking evening and the last comment where Rob will really confirmed his shit the shat the bed in this interview is where he compared the veal industry like Joe Rogan brought up the cruelty of veal well they lock them in crates and shit this is what happens they look what happens at the organic dairy industry or dare industries they pull away the male calf and the calf gets put in a black fucking shed so gets anemic so the Mets all fucking tender and shell that they make the cage at a stainless steel so I can't lick the iron so it becomes an Immie they tie the animal down with the collar so I can't even get up and build its muscles they can't even stand up because it stands up and builds the muscles then me becomes too tough or they're fucking calliope I'm gourmet people so what I have is that is fucking sick villain stream Joe Rogan scissors fucking crazy isn't it that's cruel what do you think about that robb wolf and robb wolf says it's just like watching jersey shore I agree it's cruel fucking hell man so my conclusion for the interview was the joe rogan standard half-conscious he was sort of you know open to it but Rob wolf had his little paleo problem caveman blinkers on going I can't comprehend that so that's more coming some criticisms of that podcast what did you think post your comments or questions down below want to learn more subscribe paleo primal diet debunked I .

Video Description:

Durianrider's take on an interiview of robb wolfe by Joe rogan in which vegan and paleo diets are discussed. A must see for anyone confused about the high fat diet scams.

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