Alisa Vitti | The Best Time to Have Sex & More Hormone Health - All Paleo Diet Recipes

Sunday, November 29, 2020


Alisa Vitti | The Best Time to Have Sex & More Hormone Health

because the reality is when you add up all of those hours and days out of the month where you're not feeling clear and on your game and full of vitality you're not pursuing your passion your purpose so working aligning with those hormonal patterns is really the keys my next guest wrote and published one of the best top 50 selling books on women's health of all time you may have seen her on the dr. oz TEDx or the she summits and her work serves women and in over 216 countries worldwide please welcome to the stage Alisa Vitti hey good to be here good to have you I'm excited to this show this is gonna be a great one and when I was doing a little digging beforehand I want your opinion on something because I found this and I was I was curious about it a while back I heard about a tribe or a community in West Africa who have four times the normal birth rate of twins and researchers couldn't pin it together what are these people doing and they panned it down to they have a really high consumption of sweet potatoes in their community any thoughts on that have you heard of sweet potatoes that's at first for me I love it when I hear something new you know sweet potatoes are a great source of phyto progesterone which helps with balancing the cycle and helps maintain pregnancy they're a great source of vitamin A which helps the liver stay clear of estrogen but you know as far as sweet potatoes facilitating twin births that I don't know but to be determined okay it was just interesting I wanted you're the experts opinion on it and so today you know your work is primarily geared towards women but if there's men listening right now I don't want them to just tune out because it's my all means no because the thing about that I love teaching about is is how we can all understand what's happening we our hormonal patterns both male and female so that we can collaborate in whatever way whether that be in a work environment or in a relationship environment more optimally because you know how much friction do you have in relationships when we don't understand some of what arts are blind spots so it's yeah so guys definitely want to hang out for the insider secrets it's it's really beneficial to understand I know based on my relationship just knowing what's going on either with the cycle or hormones with women specifically it really makes you a more empathetic partner and we don't understand a lot better but not just understand you can actually jump in and do the right things at the right time that make you like the champion partner you know who doesn't want to win in the game of relationship I I think that's a good game to play a winning game is a good game so you need like that all the details in order to do that and be the champion to hear that so Alisa I'm really curious on how you got into this this this path of serving women in 216 countries and writing the women woman code and it's such a passion for you and it's clear to see when you're up there on stage talking where is that all or is that all coming from what's your story well I mean I if I go way way back the very first time I heard about periods in sex ed class in sixth grade like blew my mind I remember I just hadn't heard about it before and I have very conservative parents and so it just wasn't discussed and I thought are you kidding me we bleed every month and we don't die and we make babies and all this are you would and this is gonna happen to me and I was it that afternoon I inaugurated the first chapter of the period Club it at recess and that was it game on and I was making predictions of which of my friends would get it first in which order I was a hundred percent accurate but I put myself last intuitively I just didn't think I would be so last so most of my friends finished their pubescent transition of getting their first period you know by the end of junior high and I didn't get mine until end of sophomore year which is fairly late and that was just the sort of one of the symptoms along a trajectory that was getting progressively worse for me when it came to my hormonal balance and so it wasn't until a few years later when I was a student at Johns Hopkins University fully intending to become an ob/gyn because like I said that sixth grade class was really impactful and life-changing and and I was really sort of overcome by just this configuration of symptoms where I had you know gained all this weight I was sort of tipping the scale that 200 plus pounds I was you know covered bitch face chest and back and cystic acne I obviously hadn't been menstruating consistently for the entire time the entire decade that all of my other friends were and I was exhausted I was anxious I mean just nothing about my life was functioning I couldn't get up in the morning when I wanted to I couldn't go to sleep when I wanted to was just like a fight everything was a fight in my body and I just felt so out of control and no one knew it was wrong with me obviously I was seeking out the best medical care and so out of desperation and in one of my many insomnia chol nights I was at the library and found a great article on what the condition I had was originally called which is called Stein lemon pulp disorder which is now referred to as polycystic ovarian syndrome which people call PCOS and I mean I was like the classic textbook presentation for this so I just couldn't believe that it had gone undiagnosed for as long as it did so I of course destroyed some library property to get this document into the hands of my gynecologist I don't recommend doing that love your library Edie and I you know we did the confirmatory test and she you know agreed that in fact I did have PCOS and the prognosis was really so you know having something wrong with me wasn't necessarily the cattle it was sitting in the chair at that moment where she said you know so you're gonna continue to deal with that obesity it's gonna get worse you're going to have very increased chance of developing diabetes you won't be able to get pregnant naturally and maybe not at all even with it you know interventions and then you'll be at increased risk for cancer you know and I'm in my early twenties hearing this and that's my future and I remember my whole body Clark just saying you know no this this absolutely cannot be and and we went from there I mean I just made a decision to to change my life to research all that I could about hormones and nutrition it was really exciting what was coming out of Hopkins at that time was all this research on the human genome project but specifically the discovery of those ghost protein structures that we refer to as the epigenome that that activate your genes to express health or disease and I thought you know and the one thing that they determined about your epigenetic function was that it could be exclusively manipulated by two things they figured this out by studying identical twins who had different disease or health states and they discovered that food and lifestyle was the way to manipulate this function in your in your genetic makeup and so I thought my goodness if we can use food and lifestyle to manipulate our gene expression we can certainly use food and lifestyle to manipulate glandular function within a system like the endocrine system and this was before functional medicine was a thing the way that it is today and it was really exciting I just started putting my protocol together of course I was my first patient and was remarkable to see the transformation happen of course the skin clearing up and the weight coming off was great but the mental clarity and the the energy and the vitality and of course ovulating and menstruating every month with regularity was a wonderful thing to have back yeah it's really amazing going back to having all those symptoms in the early 20s and your doctors not being able to tell you what's wrong and then you go into the library researching it yourself ripping out the book and giving it
to them do people test for PCOS regularly now is it more yes there's so much more what since one in you know statistics say 1 in 7 1 in 10 but it's statistically significant a number of women have this worldwide and so it is more well known now by by you know any practicing gynecologist to check if there's a certain pattern of symptoms which is good which means that your lag time around being confused about what's going on with your health to really understanding what you have is much shorter the problem is that what you do about that really hasn't changed from the standard of traditional medicine right you just are going to be prescribed the pill or metformin or glucophage or some other medication to control the hair issues but none of that actually fixes the root cause and you know you asked me Clark why did I start full of living and why I started it was because I remember feeling completely alone I remember seeing that there was no good news online about this condition and I remember feeling like there was just no positive path forward when you have a period issue or hormonal imbalance and I just promise but if I could figure out how to help myself but I would then figure out how to build a platform that could help every woman and that's what slow living is that's where the best teachers trainers coaches come out of you know your body is your resume if you're like a personal trainer and so the ones who were obese and understand it and then they get fit that they're able to kind of coach people in a better way than you could so I mean the story of like you know you have an acne and not being able to menstruate or having PCOS and then able to take that into what you're doing now with flow living is powerful and so I'm curious then who are someone like what are some of the common issues you're seeing with the women you're working with what are the things that come up every day well I mean we sort of see women in three distinct categories we have women who you know were like me that have PCOS or that have other period issues like you know heavy period it's really painful cramping or really severe PMS which the National Institute of Health there's a study very important study called a bio cycle study which which was out ten years ago that linked PMS in your reproductive years to increased risk for the four big diseases of inflammation post menopause Lee so that means if you have something that you're joking about around your PMS now in your 20s and 30s that after your very last period you're gonna be at increased risk for diabetes heart disease cancer and dementia PMS is not something we should joke about PMS is like a cry from your body to take action make a change and describe PMS is that's just the the mood fluctuations people are seeing or the cramps bloating and where you basically PMS is where you feel and look like a different person one half of the month to the other half of the month right so acne bloating fatigue mood swings irritability you know oh and then yes you could have cramps you can have all sorts of things like that - that's not natural oh oh let's just clear that up right now Clark because you asked that in such an innocent lovely way and I love that about about your question like no it's not natural it's not part of your hormonal design to have PMS your body isn't trying to make you suffer this week in fact all that PMS is new if we had a little graph we could talk about how the hormones should sort of fall but during the luteal phase which is the ten to twelve days before you start your bleed okay and I like to use that word because menstruation and menses and your cycle and your period it refers to the whole 30-day process so you know there there's the luteal phase before the bleeding visits I think it's much more understandable so that ten to 12-day period is called the luteal phase and what's all that's supposed to happen the function of this phase is not to make you it's to thicken the lining of the uterus wait for potential implantation of an embryo and if it doesn't happen if there's no conception to slowly reduce the hormonal output so that your lining is triggered to shed that's it an estrogen and progesterone follow each other very closely on a beautiful arc and so long as they're in equal balance concentration all throughout that 10 to 12 12 day period you experience no PMS but most of us Clark have way too much estrogen in comparison to progesterone and that's where PMS is in that in the space between my two hands right like too much of that space between estrogen progesterone is the degree to which you will experience PMS symptoms and you can fix it with food so a lot of women come to us with that with fibroids with ovarian cysts with any sort of period problem too long cycles too short cycles missing period then the second category is women who are trying to prepare their body for pregnancy who are trying to conceive whether they're going through IVF or not they want to do everything they can to supercharge their body to make them optimally fertile we have an amazing program for that because I know what it takes as well personally part two of my story part one is getting my period back part two with getting pregnant naturally on the third try and 37 and having my child at advanced maternal age right so you know that is another passion of mine and then the third category is you know what we call the sexy flow category which is really all about women who are over 35 who are beginning to experience because perimenopause begins for every woman at 35 it's beginning to feel those symptoms where you know you feel a little more tired you can't lose those five to ten pounds for some reason that you put on last year your periods starting to be a little erratic you know your sex drives gone your your little foggy that all that kind of you know fuzzy feeling of a little bit less vitality that's really what we address as well so it's the the monthly flow the fertile flow the sexy flow right those three different categories I just want to get you out of hormonal a sand into the hormonal flow you didn't tell me which one you need but that's those are the three major inflection points that a woman will go through hormonal during her reproductive I love it that's very clear I like that that was fascinating so with the the bleed as you call it it's the shedding of the uterine wall when there's no implantation and so okay and so then that is shed how does it work then if you don't have a period what's happening there is there no thickening of the uterine wall yeah so a couple reasons you could have not enough estrogen due to let's say over exercising or not enough body fat which which sometimes happens for women but it can also just be from other hormonal imbalances it can also be that so that's one scenario in which you don't bleed because you're not actually producing the lining the other scenario let's say for women who are they have sluggish pituitary function like I did and this doesn't always manifest in PCOS but you're just not you're you're not producing enough progesterone to to trigger the lining to shed so instead of not producing a lining you are producing the lining but it's not leaving the uterus on a consistent basis which is also problematic because that can put you at increased risk for cancers of that area so that's why it's important to menstruate every month and then of course there's the whole question of are you on the pill and have you been put on the pill to manage one of your period problems I'm here to tell you that whatever is happening to you from a bleeding standpoint is not actually a period so it's not a real period and it's not necessarily helping you balance out your hormones well it's definitely not helping you balance out your hormones and it's just depleting your body of micronutrients which will further exacerbate the underlying reasons
why your hormones are out of balance in the first place one thing you said in the she summoned I was watching before this I really liked was how most people hear hormone and they either think steroids or they think liability and and with your work I'll let you explain it how our hormones kind of not a liability oh well hormones are like your your jet fuel you know I mean you have your basic metabolic function but then your vibrancy and your your magnetism and your brain is stimulated by these things in our body that are called hormones and it's amazing to understand how these work and you know in men men have a 24-hour cycle which has been extremely well studied and very heavily leveraged when it comes to fitness and biohacking for example right so you for example Clark probably know that you know your testosterone is highest in the morning and your metabolism is best at you know midday and so you're gonna base an exercise regime and a dietary plan based on this 24-hour pattern to your great advantage right now not to mention I had an article that went viral over the holidays about the best time of day to have sex your your men and their sex drive shifts dramatically through these three parts of the day and you know you're gonna have different kinds of sex in the morning then you are in the middle of the day than you are in the afternoon in the evening right one is gonna be more testosterone driven and like sort of towards the late afternoon is gonna be more heart driven so depending on what your relationship needs at that moment it needs that passionate you know animal kind of sex that you can do that in the morning if it needs the like more romantic plugged in heart kind of sex you want to schedule that at the right time of the day so all of that is like really well defined but women have been operating with this sort of like two hands tied behind their back because don't not only do they not know what their hormonal patterns are and what they do for them what they offer to them as an advantage but they're also given a consistent cultural message which says this is a big liability stay far away from it as much as you avoid these things because they're just gonna slow you down or make you seem crazy or you know you know what it is that we heard the stuff so it's really none of it's actually biologically based and that was the big aha for me because let me tell you I was not looking for my period or my hormones to be like this holy grail of my life but when I looked at the science it just took my breath away as to how powerful and efficient and creative and and and a little it's just amazing what these hormones do and how they affect our brain chemistry you said in the talk that let me pull it up it was a two hundred billion dollar loss in the United States because of hormonal issues cramp just cramps weight just from cramps women taking some days off or not being able to produce at their jobs that's what the American workforce is losing because we're not creating a you know conversation that includes our bodies that allows us to opportu to specifically care for our unique female operating system the way that it was dying designed to be cared for and that's all I'm asking for that's all we advocate it for a living is listen you've got ovaries you've got a cycle there are specific rules as to how you engage those things so that they perform for you that's all and then they will and then you can go like kick ass in your life okay so when you when you follow these rules or you follow the woman code or flow living then you don't have those cramps or they're less often or even the PMS goes away PMS goes away my husband came back from like a guys night out a couple months ago and I was like how was it he's like oh you know everybody's chit-chatting about like wives and girlfriend and inevitably he said you know of course you can imagine my husband's like a slight period expert now he was giving him lessons well no it was just it just he was just leaning back and listening as everybody kind of went around the table in sort of this like commiseration collective of like oh you know my relationships always on the rocks when it's that time of the month and you know it came to be my husband's turn and he didn't have anything to say they're like come you know and he's like no she doesn't now PMS we don't have we might we might have conflict but it's not because of that and they were like what how does that work tell us you know he's like dude read the book it's a walking testimonial it's it's so great and you know and how we take that to a you know so just getting rid of symptoms is a great place to start because that's probably why you're motivated like I was to to embark on a diet and lifestyle program that's all about putting your body at the center point but what's in it for you is a much bigger game so for example in my marriage we don't like have a chore wheel or I don't know we we cycle sink cycle think is my trademark term about how I leverage this technology so cycle think we cycle sank our marriage so he knows where I am in my cycle and he knows the specific predictable actions that he should take based on you know what kinds of communication style to bring that week what kind of foreplay and sex to have with me that week what kind of activities to plan with friends or not with friends based on which week we're in what kind of foods we should be eating that week to have more harmony and relationship all that he knows what to do and we do it together it's not like I leave it all up to him to take care of it um and and he's always winning in the relationship and how many guys feel like no matter what they say or what they try or what they do that they're always you know finding their partner is disappointed or frustrated with them yeah and I think it's because you're not cycle thinking you know we we women are and I said this in the talk and I'll save here our brain is functionally different by 25 percent each week of the cycle see so we are really you know we're the same person but our priorities our desires our interests are distinct week over week but it is predictable it's only for and it's and not only should guys know but women should be of course completely fluent in their own bodies predictable patterns so that they can use them primarily for their own benefit beyond relationships and I see this personally in the area of career as such a huge opportunity for women that I'm hoping to help them tap into that's really cool I'm picturing the guy at home who kind of wants to win he's frustrated and there's a lot of frustration because there's a lack of understanding and so what I'm hearing is that maybe this the flow living or the woman code or these would you cycle sinking is kind of an operating manual for an understanding relationship yeah and when you're able to master this boom a lot of the frustration and miscommunication can go away it's it's like it's like we remove the unnecessary suffering of PMS right by getting diet and lifestyle synced to your cycle but we can also remove unnecessary friction and suffering and tension from relationships once you get your relationship cycle thank to the same thing thing so I want to talk about the pill or birth control in general what are kind of your thoughts on it I'll leave it really open-ended and you can take it wherever you want on the pill and hormone birth controls all right good wide open question here's what I'll say I I think that the pill has been a huge advantage for women too to make sure that they are only having pregnancies that they want to have and that's a beautiful thing the problem that I have with the pill is that it's being prescribed in ways that it was never originally intended for so the pill was originally created and that's fine that you know new uses for medications cop come up all the time but i
n this particular scenario seeing that it's not really helpful because the pill was really intended for women who who are healthy who've either had all their babies originally that's what it was actually for for moms who have had all their babies and now they can use this genetic or bone replacement to stop getting pregnant you have to remember back in the day before the pill was was championed by a woman that women were having 810 babies over the course of their reproductive years to the point where their their their reproductive organs were like falling out of their the floor like it was not a good scene sandy it was too many and Ennis it's hard on the body I just have had one and I'm you know I'm still actively replenishing my system right so many multiple pregnancies is very hard on the body so the pills been a great thing but you know over time especially in the last 20 years I would say it's really been prescribed for younger and younger women who are not just using it for the prevention of pregnancy who are using it because they have problems with their period PCOS you know all sorts of issues with their period which that to me is the wrong intervention at the wrong time because when you're young your body is the most responsive the most quick healing and has the best chance of responding to all of these dietary manipulations that can rebalance your hormones naturally and then so so great get yourself balanced naturally and then if you want to use the pill to prevent pregnancy and it's not affecting you adversely that's totally fine how young are people getting prescribed it's a scary thing there have been no clinical studies looking at the long-term effects of putting girls as young as 13 which is now pretty standard practice on the pill because they have like a cramp or is it and it's interfering with soccer practice and they just don't want to deal with the hassle of the period because the conversation around it is that it's a liability and not a superpower and they're on the pill for 20 plus years then they go off only to sadly come to understand that they have had an underlying hormonal imbalance that has become progressively worse and now they're running up against that closing Fertile window and they feel stressed and you know it's just it's a very unnecessary thing to put yourself through if you take the time when you're younger to address these issues yeah I like the emphasis that you can address the issues naturally and waiting till you've solved them to kind of deal with it later on and that's also fascinating it was meant for like 8 or 10 pregnancies later and it's kind of like the old school version of tying the fallopian tubes yeah it was it's it's a chemical form of you know it's it's a way to prevent pretty how the pill works is it it may it tricks your body to thinking that it's already pregnant so the hormonal ratio that you're taking every day is you know supercharging your progesterone levels so that your body doesn't produce another egg and that's really the deal with it so you're not actually having a real cycle and that's the other thing I'll say about it once you learn about how your hormonal fluctuations affect your brain chemistry in these amazing ways that allow you to live your most creative optimal you know passion and life and career when you're on the pill you don't get access to that hmm right so that's the second thing you don't have access to that at all and then the third thing is this has been also very well documented is that while you're on the pill you're your chemical receptor sites for pheromones are altered in such a significant way and you actually attract the you know immunological II speaking the wrong reproductive partner for yourself so the whole purpose of your hormonal fluctuation and the pheromones that they produce and the receptor sites that you have as they're being affected by your intrinsic hormonal production is so that you are attracted to this the sweat of a man who is immunologically the most divergent from you the most different the most far apart genetically as possible so that your offspring when you do eventually combine genetic material is the healthiest from an immune system standpoint when you're on the pill you are attracted to the sweat of a man who is more closely aligned to your own immunological profile and it can cause problems when it comes time to get off the pill and to have a child more in you know a potential for miscarriage and problems and and no-one's talking about I mean listen this was her study was done at Harvard and Oxford I you know over a decade ago now and even though it's been in the news it's still you know not necessarily top of mind and I think that's also kind of frustrating to for guys because when the partner your female partner gets off the pill for some reason all of a sudden your emotional harmony is not there you know there is more of the sense of like you know I've I've had women come through this process of getting off the pill and and marriages because they're like I literally cannot stand the smell of my husband I can't stand the way he talked everything about this partner becomes on top you know like just intolerable and that's the power and the profound effect that hormones having on you in so many different ways and I feel like we should just be cognizant of it before we make these decisions when there are other equally effective forms of birth control if you all you're using it for is to prevent pregnancy then there are so many ways to do that that don't affect you chemically in adverse ways that's insane about the pheromone attraction opposites attract can you describe what pheromones are and how they work real quick I'm really fascinated by that whole thing I mean they're just they're just you know chemical and hormonal substances that we that we find attractive it's like you know somebody could pick up your sweat you mentioned you have a girlfriend I think right so she picks up your sweaty t-shirt and it's like mmm ambrosia you know but you know somebody down the street would pick it up and say oh my god this needs to go laundry or burn this you know and so it just has to do with the fact that we all have immunological markers that are more compatible with others and this is really about optimizing health it also has to do with the microbiome now we're learning that gut bacteria affects things like the way your breath smells in this and what's coming out of you as far as sweat and so you can improve your pheromone profile by improving your microbiome as well so there's there's there's a lot of fun things that we're discovering about these the ways in which we come together as as people as genders to combine in the most healthy way for the future offspring so getting now into élisa élisa V DS fixes water I guess starting with the pill what are some of you mentioned natural alternatives to prevent getting pregnant what are some of your go twos when you're transitioning women off the pill well I mean I always like to have women do the flow protocol while they're still on the pill so that they bolster their micronutrient profile and and all the things that we do to balance hormonal II with food so that when they do transition off the pill there isn't this like big falling off the cliff where all your symptoms come back and you feel miserable there's no need to feel miserable you can kind of do this in a gradual step-down method with of course the supervision of your gynecologist and then you know it's really about what you're comfortable with you know so some women will opt to you know go back to condoms with their partner because it's equally effective as the pill others will use a combination method of you know getting fitted for a diaphragm or using the sponge which is you know equal in effectiveness to the diaphragm and they'll use that
as sort of the the go-to for the whole month but then during their fertile ovulation window of time they'll bill double up so you'll do the sponge or the diaphragm and then they'll use a condom for those three to four days where they're seeing that cervical mucus and they see that they're most optimally fertile for that window of time yeah and then the rest of the month you know you don't have to of course this is all assuming that you have a long-standing relationship with someone who has produced paperwork what does that mean for these paperwork I want to see the test results from your lab I always think that's like really a romantic thing to do when you're getting to know someone like show me your paperwork are you a std clear because cannot be having intercourse as a woman with the risks for pelvic inflammatory disease and fertility issues without a condom until you are really everybody's all you know on that where you're at that you shouldn't even be thinking about it until you're at the point where you could have a conversation like that with your partner yeah and then of course there you know there's temperature taking and there's using things like wild carrot seed which has been in use for millennia to help women basically the the action of the wild carrot seed is it just creates a subtle irritation you know in the lining of the uterus and has like a sort of a pro-inflammatory kind of response and it makes it difficult for any implantation to happen so it's it's not like the morning-after pill where you're actually causing a period to happen chemically and thereby you know preventing the pregnancy there's a little bit more of a natural approach as well but you know you need to understand how to use that herb and to do it correctly for that to work so I mean I would say for the average person who is dating its condoms even if you're on the pill anyway it's got to be condoms and then for people who are in long-term relationships you know it can be something like the sponge or the spore of getting fitted for a diaphragm and condoms on the days where you're ovulating that's a really great but barrier methods are the best and you know the other thing is what about the IUD in case somebody is saying what about the IUD well you've got the Mirena IUD which is a hormonal based secreting IUD and then you've got the copper IUD which does not secrete hormones but really irritates the lining of the uterus so that nothing happens as far as implantation the issue with bull more still with the copper then with the Mirena although it does happen in both cases is that the the IUDs can travel can make their way down out through the cervix and cause a lot of problems when you're actually having sex I actually had a guy reach out to me saying you know what other birth control can we use because I'm bumping into her IUD you know when we're having sex and it's really uncomfortable and she wants it out and I wanted out of what else can we do it's really you know not a pleasant thing to like discover in that situation like oh there's your IUD do you know and then the other situation of course is that the ie D can pierce the lining of the uterus causing major complications and and it's T right yeah yeah so you know it's it's really again was only ever designed for women who had finished making all their babies because of the risks to scarring of the uterus and for and your fertility but now it's being marketed to younger women and so I again it's it's just you know you just need to be aware of all the potential risks before you sign up for these things thinking that it's an easy solution meaning you you've got to take care of yourself no matter which which path that you choose sure man we're coming up on time this is a this flu bias it's so fascinating but I'm curious now what are some actions that they can take the women at home to harness the power of their hormones instead of being afraid from it I get out of hormonal chaos I think it's how you put it in your speech I mean first and foremost is you know we have a great four day estrogen detox that you know everybody should down then you just go to flow living calm forward-slash hormone detox and it's exerted but expanded from my book woman code and so it's a great place to start because it's very likely that if you have symptoms you have estrogen dominance as one of the root causes and so going through this sort of four day eating plan it's not really a you're not going to not be eating you're gonna be eating specific specialized foods that help you detox estrogen so it's not really a cleanser or a diet but but you will start to feel better and that will be your first inclination that you're moving in the right path that your body does need some hormonal support and then the next thing you know for you to do would be to start eliminating endocrine disruptors right so anything that might mimic estrogen as far as chemicals in your products and you know on our blog you can find lots of resources about which products to avoid and which ones to swap in and what chemicals you should look for on the label you know like phthalates and yeah makeup nail polish nation skin lotion anything that you're like wearing on your skin for hours anything you're cleaning your home with room fresheners boy you know all that stuff right you want to really be careful and then of course you know as a third sort of layer to that is looking at the foods that you're eating making sure that they're organic as much as possible because those pesticides really not only disrupt your endocrine system and your hormones but they also destroy your microbiome specifically one of the one of the bacterial genes that are specialized in breaking down estrogen called the sto Bolam so you really want to make sure that your choices are as organic as possible so that's like step two okay and then the third step is really what I think you got so excited about from my she summit talk is really understanding these four phases and starting to plan to have some of those things that you should be doing half at the right time of your cycle plan those in your schedule so that you are and start eating the foods that help you each phase of the cycle and doing the things and exercising in the way that really cycle stinks right so that you're never depleting or leaving yourself vulnerable to more estrogen dominance or running out of v vitamins so that you have crazy cravings and PMS or you feel so exhausted and moody that you're not getting anything done because the reality is when you add up all of those hours and days out of the month where you're not feeling clear and on your game and full of vitality you're not pursuing your passion your purpose your whatever your unique contribution to this world is this moment you're not able to do it you're not whether that's being the best mom whether that's being you know I'm doing something amazing at your job whether it's you as an entrepreneur if you're writing a but whatever it is you're doing you're not gonna be able to bring your full self to that experience so working aligning with those hormonal patterns is really the key so it's kind of a three the three step process man elisa we have some closing questions do you have like an extra five minutes of course okay great just want to be respectful I know you got a young one over there I know I'm as I like to say my my body is always on a timer now because whenever it's time for breast feeding you know it's like being gotta go okay so the first one looking back on this year 2016 2015 what's been the biggest lesson you've learned without a doubt and and ironic that this was the lessons given what I do so you know I learned that motherhood is not a liability the way that we have been culturally spoken to about it and I say that that's ironic because I spent my entire fi
rst part of my career prior to becoming a mother really understanding that just having a period was not a liability and teaching that to other women so to me it was just an extension of that you know sort of reprogramming myself to realize that in fact everything that that a female's body does is just so amazing and and in tangible ways you know we've grown by a hundred percent over the years that I have been pregnant and then this first year of motherhood so it's been really eye-opening to me how much more effective I am as I deepen this relationship to my unique female system great answer okay you're talking to ELISA in her 20s just starting out Oh what advice do you give her is like table topic questions is it like her question I would say don't don't be in such a rush you know and trust that the unfolding of everything is really in the highest and best interest of your personal timing and that all those instincts and intuitive guidance that you're that you're hearing and feeling a little fearful of following keep following them anyway and don't worry about the the scary feelings because it's really just truly a sensation of moving in the right direction and excitement and you being vibrant and vital that's just oxytocin pulling you into the future I hear that one that's a good one all right changed your mind on anything in your career that you've really changed her mind on looking back at it yeah I would say I would say maybe that I really am a scientist at heart I am a researcher I love I'm a science geek so I really was avoiding you know learning about you know how the whole online world worked for a long time and so social media and I'm kind of like you know I resist you know sharing everything about my life on social media but I I do I understand more and more you know that we all want to connect and we all want to reduce our isolation which is exactly why I started flow living in the first place so it's nice that that I'm starting to see that the power of community and in that way so yeah sure yeah okay and the last one the desert islands what book does Alisa Vitti bring with there was the best one well you're asking me on a very special day Clark tomorrow in Manhattan and you know I don't know in the show airs but tomorrow in Manhattan is is the Tartan Day Parade and the Outlander series is coming to town I read all of the books in two months I'm not a speed reader my husband was like you read what how 16,000 pages in two months now listen I couldn't even pick one book so that's probably not the book I would bring because I can't bring on all of them and then I'd just be mad but my love for those books Gibson whatever Diana I cannot pronounce your last name properly Gabaldon baby moms in one of those like meet up guilds or whatever they call it I'm not God that's really actually deep in it so yeah yes but I probably bring if I was being reasonable I'd probably bring something like you know the very first book I read to my daughter when I brought her home from the hospital was the first few pages of Marcus Aurelius meditations and some Rumi poetry like just some things that remind you about you know the how life is temporal and beautiful all at the same time so so I was on a desert island I'd probably want to remember those things cuz I feel a little lonely but but yeah that end and Jamie from Outlander would be nice Jamie familiar Alisa Vitti this is fun this is awesome you're welcome back any time thank you so much fun talking to you thanks for having me yeah absolutely really appreciate you coming on and sharing the woman code and flow living flow living calm that's SLO Li VI ng correct yeah come get the free newsletter come get all the free stuff we got a lot of love for your lady parts free stuff love for your lady parts you heard it all right thank you I alright that's this week's show what you think if you liked it please head over to iTunes leave a rating and a review helps to show out support the show this week's review from iTunes comes from it's just three blank squares because they don't do emojis on iTunes so I don't know your name title is my favorite podcast short suite says Clarke is the best and I look forward to the next podcast once I finish each one he and his guests always on current information which I can count on now thank you so much for your review it really means a lot again the show is not about it's not about us not about me it's about the guests and the information and getting actionable steps that you can apply at home for free that's our mission on the show is to bring the best quality information to you and hopefully in a format that doesn't put you to sleep on your commute on the treadmill in the gym walking around wherever you're listening to this so thanks for your view means a lot if you want to get a hold of me at Clarke dangerous all my social platforms Twitter Instagram snapchat Facebook YouTube channels Clarke danger fitness where we do weekly Wednesday health acts vlogs kind of behind the scenes stuff and life hacks over there it's like 300 videos over there if you want and then paleo hacks comm is where you can find all our previous episodes of this podcast start working your way back get all the information even though they're from maybe a couple years ago we got over a hundred shows on there hundred hours of content and they're all killer still holed up today alright that's it thanks so much for listening we'll see you next week .

Video Description:

For more Paleohacks Podcast episodes, make sure to check out
Want to unlock the power of your hormones? Learn about getting off the Pill and turning to more natural contraceptive methods on today’s show, where Alisa Vitti talks about her “Womancode” program.
Our hormones are complex systems, and learning to maneuver our ups and downs can lead to better relationships, improved health and increased energy. Learn about common afflictions women endure, from PMS to more severe syndromes, and how to reverse their effects. Discover how diet, lifestyle and simple awareness can change our glandular systems. Finally, learn fascinating facts about the best time of day for sex (hint: it’s not when you think!).
· 3:24: Did you know that men have hormonal patterns, too?
· 7:10: If you’re overweight and tired, one particular condition might be to blame.
· 9:10: We can use food and lifestyle changes to reconfigure our whole glandular systems.
· 13:40: PMS is not a normal part of the body’s natural design!
· 15:00: Too much estrogen causes a host of menstrual problems.
· 16:01: The “Sexy Flo” category: women over 35 who start seeing signs of lessening vitality.
· 18:15: Have you been put on the Pill to help balance out hormones?
· 19:00: “Hormones are your jet fuel.” Find your vibrancy by tuning into your hormonal cycle.
· 20:00: What is the best time of day for sex?
· 25:10: “Our brain is functionally different by 25% each week of the cycle.”
· 31:02: While you’re on the Pill, your pheromones are altered to the point where you attract the wrong genetic match
· 34:55: How can we balance hormones naturally?
· 38:30: Issues with both hormonal and hormone-free IUDs.
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amazing I love it thanks for the interview

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