basically I got fat on purpose documented the journey lost it in six months and wrote a book about what I learned my next guest gained over 70 pounds in 26 weeks then lost it all to have a better understanding of what it was like to be overweight he documented this process in his New York Times best-selling book fit to fat to fit here with us today is the very fit version of drew Manning how did our good schedule good good good um listen I was I don't know why this came to mind it was just a story to start off with I remember like ten years ago I was watching a Tyra Banks Show she had her own show and she was just crying over something and I was like what okay what is she crying about and she was like I put on a fat suit and I know what it's like to be fat and it showed her walking around her street her neighborhood for like three hours probably and then she was just in tears because she finally understood what it was like to have all that weight on but on the other end here with me drew I mean you're no you're no fat suit Tyra Banks like you actually did it when I was researching it and it's pretty remarkable man yeah it's very different to put on a fat suit versus actually have the fat inside of you and understand a little bit what it's like I mean here's the thing I don't pretend to know exactly what it's like I mean I did what I did for six months but it definitely was humbling gave me different perspective because I felt you know I've never felt that way before in my entire life and so it was very humbling and but it yeah it's different than a fat suit let's just say that yeah so when someone comes up to Drew at like a a cocktail party or something I'm sure you get this all the time and they hear about what you did and you kind of have like you give them a short answer because you don't want to get into all of it how do you summarize your journey or your process to people pretty much I say I'm the guy other people like don't know my name they don't know drew Manning but they're like oh yeah fit to fat to fit I've heard of that but basically if people ask you about it's like basically I got fat on purpose and then I lost it again in six months so I gained I got fat on purpose in six months documented the journey I lost it in six months and wrote a book about what I learned yeah so that's much what I tell people yeah and I know you had a goal going into it so you described the pre process of what we going through to say this sounds like a good idea to gain all this weight sure so basically what was going on at my life at that point in time was I was a personal trainer part-time and I was a full I was working full time in the medical field and all of my clients were overweight and my entire life I grew up in a family of 11 brothers and sisters we all played sports we were all active and so I always grew up in shape and I never knew any differently than that and so for me being fit was something that came easy like my whole life it just it was a part of me so I couldn't understand what my clients who were overweight struggled when I told them hey you know stop drinking soda go to the gym it's not that hard how hard could it be just do it right and so there's a disconnect I didn't understand where they were coming from and they can relate to me because they're like drew you don't understand you for you it's easy for me it's hard you don't you don't get it right I'm like you know what maybe right you know maybe you're right maybe there's something I need to learn as a personal trainer which usually trainers are pretty you know self-confident pretty cocky sometimes but I just felt like you know what this isn't working need to learn something and started thinking of these ideas and for whatever reason the idea of getting fat on purpose made sense in my mind and I just it felt like something I needed to do and I had to do and so I just kind of ran with it I didn't really know what I was doing in the beginning I just said hey I think I need to learn this lesson and maybe people will gravitate towards it because it's kind of crazy and sometimes it takes crazy to get people's attention to to take some small steps in the right direction so I just kind of ran with it and got very lucky to be honest with you with how much attention it got and how viral it went I mean I went on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and dr. oz and Good Morning America and the view and all these TV shows and I'm like aiyah and I have no connections I had no marketing strategy to make this thing go viral I just kind of had an idea and felt passionate about it well it's a compelling story and and I think the the thing that stood out to me throughout the journey and we'll dive into it more the fact that you documented it live losing the weight because it'd be so much easier to do the journey and then die and then kind of write about it later but actually doing it live I mean you're holding yourself accountable to every single person watching like what happens if Drew doesn't actually lose the weight yeah was there a time you thought you can lose the weight getting thin yeah that's actually that's a good point that you brought up there I didn't really think about that you know doing it live like that and how much how powerful that was for people but yeah there was many points that I doubted myself because I've never been on for weight and initially my goal was to gain fifty maybe sixty pounds at the most but I ended up gaining 76 pounds so I Denver Giro yeah I overachieve him aka a lot of uh too much cinnamon toast crunch and Mountain Dew so anyways um I had my doubts for sure cuz I've never been overweight and this was an experiment that was putting out there live on on YouTube for people to follow along and it could have gone very wrong I could have you know been stuck you know I could have not lost the weight and had some serious health issues happen and it could have gone very wrong for me but I didn't think about that until now yeah there's a lot that could have gone wrong but putting out there live also made me accountable because there was moments where I wanted to give in I wanted to quit but knowing that people were following me that what just helps me push past all that like to to finish this journey because I knew that people were counting on me because they were doing it with me there were thousands of people you know seeing my meal plans because I documented that seeing my workouts and they were doing the exact same thing I was doing because I was doing it along with them which i think was pretty powerful for some people to see let's talk about getting fat how'd you get fat and and overachieve yeah so like I mentioned cinnamon toast crunch Mountain Dew those were a couple my favorite foods but here's the thing I stopped exercising that was one of the rules I couldn't exercise actually stop training at the same time just because it sounds stupid but I didn't want to be tempted by being in a gym and not being able to workout so I stopped training completely stay away from gyms and then I ate whatever I wanted to but here's the thing we've all seen Super Size Me you know we know how unhealthy food is what I wanted to focus on during my journey was everyday typical American foods that we all grew up on here in the United States that are so common that we sometimes we think this isn't that unhealthy for me so things like white bread white pasta juices granola bars chips cookies crackers you know macaroni and cheese top ramen SpaghettiOs hot pockets Lean Cuisines all these processed foods that are you know they're very convenient they taste good in my opinion I love I love the taste of them and and it very affordable right this is cheap food that your middle America just consumes every single day and we're like oh well this has vitamins in it or it's low fat or gluten free you know it's not that unhealthy for me bu
t that's what I ate you know every single day for six months pretty much and ended up gaining 75 pounds in six months even though I was on a low-fat diet if you think about all those foods I just mentioned that's all low-fat foods yeah yeah um and and you know I know Super Size Me everyone's seen that like you said he was under medical supervision did you have any doctors you were working with are you just flying by the seat of your pants just kind of winging it you know what at first I didn't have any connections but luckily within the first month or so I had a connection because I was working in the medical field and I finally got a hold of a doctor that was willing to kind of you know put forth some of the risk of like doing all my blood work and being on camera documenting my blood work so luckily I did and then I had you know I went on the dr. oz shows well you know that was really telling as far as what was going on from a medical perspective so yes luckily I did have medical supervision during the journey yeah and luckily nothing's too serious happened but it did get pretty bad too especially towards the end how so with like your blood markers yeah so blown so my blood pressure was I probably the worst it was 167 over 113 and they want to put me on blood pressure medications I mean the doctor I was like look I went let my patients leave this hospital with that kind of blood pressure without some kind of you know medication too low your book mature so but I kind of said look I don't want to you know I want people to see what changing your lifestyle can do because I know that these drugs will help for sure but there's other options for people out there too and I want to show people how to do it the right way so I didn't take any medications to help out with that and then yeah like my testosterone that was another thing that got affected really bad it was then the low 200s at my heaviest oh yeah my toy my triglycerides my glucose my HDL LDL all those were in the red I mean yeah I don't have the numbers in front of me but yeah they were all pretty bad yeah okay so describe the first month what was I'm sure that's way different stopping exercise you're coming from this ripped trainer who's normally given the advice what's that first month like where you're eating the mac and cheese and cinnamon toast crunch and not exercising I'll be honest it was fun like the first month was fun like it really was a lot of people like are you sure like you know you're this personal trainer you love being in shape it was front fun from the perspective of this even though was a false sense of freedom it felt like freedom at first to eat whatever I wanted to not have to go to the gym and just go based off of like you know my human cravings for this type for these types of foods I'm like man I could eat whatever I want to and it was yeah there was a sense of freedom in the beginning even though I knew it's a false sense of freedom right we all know that but yeah but but there was some difficulties and I will say this is being obsessed with working out and the way my body looked before to not being able to work out all of a sudden my mentality changed when I was in public even though people couldn't tell I was overweight the first 20 pounds I'm like man I'm so fat like I know you know I feel and people like you look normal like you look like a normal average even you're still in good shape but to me I'm like no you know like I'm not used to this like this feels gross so there was that aspect of it but the first month was fun or the first month and then very quickly it turned not so much fun at that point and then by then I was so sick of it I was ready to to feel healthy again yeah I heard you say another one of those ABC appearances that it was the confidence and the mental aspect of it that was the hardest part about gaining weight yeah that was that was the biggest surprise of this whole journey I knew I was going to get the man boobs and the big guy I knew the physical changes were gonna happen I wasn't prepared for how this was going to affect me mentally and emotionally so yeah going out in public I remember one time I was in a grocery store and there were these three you know kind of hot moms behind me and I was you know had my shopping cart full of like cinnamon toast crunch and all this soda like you know these candy bars and anyways I remember like you know they would look at my stomach look at the food I was checking out and I just wanted to say something I'm like hey this isn't like this is not what I look like like you know touch me yeah I want to say something so bad but I just kind of I'm like you know what I just need to keep my mouth shut because this is kind of what it's like for some of my clients on what they have to go through every day they feel judged whether people are judging them or not you know you never know but you feel judged and you know like I said in the beginning I don't pretend to know exactly what it's like at least I can say I kind of got a small window of how hard it is not exactly but a little bit and I just opened up my eyes to how much transformation is mental emotional for people rather than just physical right so when you're going through the the gaining process what kind of shocked you about that do you have anything that sticks out that like a physical standpoint or just like that you didn't expect going through it was there someone expected yeah like for example I'll kind of give two things here one was from a physical standpoint I had no idea I would have to hold my breath as I clip my toenails like I've never experienced that before where you had so much of this real fat impeding you from breathing normally like that was one thing I'm like how am I supposed to clip my toenails without having to come up for breath like it was just a new experience and people laugh all the time about that but then from the emotional standpoint was the self-esteem like I had no idea I would lose my confidence because and I've reflected on this now that's past when you grew up in shape in your entire life you kind of associate who you are with what your body looks like right you thought if you've always had a six-pack you've always been shaped that becomes a part of your identity and when you lose that you can't lose you know who you are you're not sure who you are you and so I freaked out and that part for me was really hard I didn't want to go on public with my wife because I felt like you know they would judge me they judge her like why is that pretty blonde with this you know fat overweight guy like oh poor girl you know yeah at least that was the story I had in my head and yeah I just sexually like the confidence was not there there's nothing sexier than confidence and I just lost it because I had that I didn't I identified myself with what my body looked like and once that was gone I freaked out because I didn't have that anymore so yeah I heard your wife say when she's getting interviewed that you turned into a woman or you you said do these make me look fat or what was it yeah pretty much Jesus you made fun of me because she's like you sound like a woman like because I would be like I would complain of like man I just I feel fat does this make me look fat sometimes she would be on my side but sometimes use a sick of it and if you read my book chapter four it's a chapter from her perspective you'll see just how blunt and honest she is he's like well you are fat you're doing this on purpose to yourself like you know suck it up you know it was he had kind of a tough love mentality which made it funny but at the time you know it we argued a lot actually during those six months yeah okay so flashback drew he's 70 pounds overweight he's six months in he's ready to turn this bad boy around this is the moment he's been waiting for did you have a plan going into it or how what was your approach to losing
the weight getting fit yeah so here's the thing I did have a plan and my approach was actually to skip exercise for the first 30 days I wanted to show people the power of nutrition and how just how important that role is when it comes to transformation and losing weight so I skipped exercise completely and I did do it cold turkey right my last meal was a whole box of macaroni and cheese in a 2-liter soda of Mountain Dew that was my last meal and then the next day was you know I was on track with eating healthy and and I tell people all the time and this is one of the biggest lessons I learned was those first two weeks of eating healthy sucked even though mentally I'm like okay this do this loses weight I was so miserable those first two weeks I never experienced withdrawals like that before and from sugar or what what do you think of sugar yeah from sugar the processed foods that I was eating going from that like 5,000 calories of those types of foods to I was in 2,000 calorie still so it wasn't starving myself but 2,000 calories of real whole food your body fights back and once those you know drugs if you will and it will fight you you know just like any other drug it wants that high again and it wasn't getting it and so those first two weeks sucked really bad but here's the lesson I learned my clients used to tell me all the time like it's just so hard for me to give up soda like I'm trying and like it's not that hard just don't drink it just don't buy it don't eat it until I went through this and learned just how emotional the connection to food really is it clicked my mind like oh my gosh I finally experienced a little bit of what my clients go through when I try and get them on one of the meal plans that I give them for example and your body fights back and it's really really difficult and I remember being miserable those first two weeks I was grumpy at headaches I was Moody and I just I felt awful like why do I feel awful I'm a personal trainer I and I was trying to be real with people and I just I didn't sugarcoat it but I just said hey look you know even though I'm a personal trainer I'm like I love I'm a big proponent of eating healthy this sucks and I get it why people sometimes fall off the wagon when they try and eat healthy is because their body's so used to these highly processed foods that are so convenient and so common in today's society that when you try and get off of them it's not easy and it's not as easy as just saying don't eat it right it's it's a it's an emotional strong emotional connection that I didn't give credit to before yeah yeah there's uh all those people who get on the news and they say sugar is just as addictive as cocaine and actually go through withdrawals and they call think the other white drug is what people call sugar so it's really powerful okay and then so you're like a month in and you start adding exercise back in but your your diet plan was pretty much to eat eat clean and no processed foods or what was your diet plan like yeah so basically in a nutshell what it looked like was you know a lot a lot of veggies some fruit no dairy because I'm lactose intolerant so I didn't do any dairy the first 30 days I didn't do any grain so the first 30 days were first 30 days were no grains no sugar no dairy so it's just a lot of you know high quality proteins some some you know some fats from things like peanut butter or olive oil back then I really wasn't doing a high fat diet it was more like a moderate approach but yeah very still low carb right especially those first three days and then I kind of transitioned I started adding in some grains I did things like beef jerky which are a little bit you know processed and they do have some added sugar but you know that was five and half years ago but yeah that's kind of the nutrition plan I followed was you know a low carb high veggie a high protein type of diet yeah so people who you work with now or they come up to you and they ask you about losing the weight I'm sure they a lot of them jump straight to the exercise like what was the workout plan you were doing what was the workout plan and so kind of the exercise versus debate that goes on in the health space would you have any new insights going through losing all the weight like it really is diet or it really is exercise or both like what's your stance on that whole argument yeah well I've always been a proponent of more so on the side of nutrition I mean unless you're training for that get something specific like a bodybuilding show or marathon the exercise component needs to need you know is is very is more important than your average person that's just trying to lose some weight over time I feel like nutrition is is the number one thing and that's kind of why I skipped exercise the first 30 days to show people the power of nutrition so in those first three days without exercise I lost 19 pounds all my blood work went back to normal levels my testosterone more than doubled in that first month without any exercise at all and then I transitioned into you know small simple exercises you know maybe 20 25 minutes a day for the four five days a week and then Saturday Sunday I took off and that's all I did people thought I was going to be this personal trainer that lived in the gym worked out to three times a day you get the weight off as quick as possible but I might no here's my workouts it's 5:00 it's Monday through Friday about 20 to 30 minutes of exercise and that's all I do the other part is nutrition and that's kind of where I show people if you really if you really want to see results the most important thing is nutrition it's the hardest thing but it's the most important thing and if you stay consistent you're gonna see results over time so yeah Fe I feel like there has to be balance but definitely nutrition is the most important thing but like I said it's the hardest thing for people to stay consistent with yeah it seems like exercise is great to maintain and yeah it's not the number one thing to do to lose weight and if that's your goal it sounds like you have to focus on that a lot like controlling the input is harder than sometimes controlling the output because you just want to go go go go go run on a treadmill for eight hours and then you have to make that up somehow and so you get cravings and you more sugar and all that exactly yeah I think I think for the most part most people struggle they don't struggle with the exercise part they could work out they can get a workout in they could do zoom but they could do p90x they can do insanity they could go to gym and lift that's not I think the biggest thing people struggle with I think it really is the nutrition because our society and our culture's is set up to make it more difficult with the amount of fast food the amount of birthday parties holidays and people bring in you know you know treats to work and like it's just it's in your face all the time so it's harder so going through the the fit to fat to fit when people come up to you and they say you know diet I'm still struggling with it I'm overweight I'm 70 pounds overweight you got any advice what advice do you give them first of all I agree with them I'm like I bet I've been there I know how hard the struggle is and expect yourself to continue to struggle with with it the rest of your life I do we all do unless you go live in a cave somewhere you're not you're going to struggle with it the rest of your life you know but when it comes to nutrition or just just a lifestyle change in general the biggest thing I get I give people tips on is staying accountable to somebody and finding a support system I could give you the best meal plans in the world I could give you the best trainer in the world the best workout program in the world none that matters if if you don't know how to overcome your own mental and emotional challenges
that's how you make it a lifestyle change is knowing how to overcome your mental emotional challenges and that takes time it's not like instantaneously you're going to overcome those mental emotional challenges it comes with consistent lifestyle changes being educated but like I said the physical part people know they need to eat healthier and exercise that's not what people struggle with it's what I do when I'm by myself and there's there's cinnamon toast crunch in front of me what I do when I'm at a party and everyone's drinking and eating nachos and and I'm starving so I had was a salad today what do I do in those situations where I have a goal to me but I have this delicious food in front of me it's it's the mental emotional component is the the hardest thing but that's the biggest lesson I learned from all this and that's what I focus on now yeah no one's smoking because they miss the memo on lung cancer exactly what these things cause cancer all right dude convince me I'm done yeah there's there's deeper laying things there I think deciding in advance is a big one that's helped me over the last month or two trying to go more low carb and stick at it and so when for instance you know we're going out for drinks last night my girlfriend and two other people while deciding in advance that I'm not going to order anything besides like seltzer water and lime it makes a whole night so much easier just that one little tip before like when you're driving in your car just saying this is what I'm going to have this is the game plan it sounds so minut and simple and people don't want to like get that and granular about it but it really makes a big difference ya know and that's one thing I preached to is if you're gonna have something you know that's off your schedule a cheat meal whatever you want to call it is I tell people to schedule it in advance like know when it's going to happen so you know so you're prepared for until then like you said you know you just tell yourself I'm not gonna have this but I get to have this on Saturday night or from our birthday or it's coming up you have something to look forward to but in the meantime you stay on track with your goals that's that's really powerful I'm curious um do you get any haters when you're doing this or do you get any haters who are kind of like mad that you got fat on purpose and they say you don't really know what it's like or you've got any weird responses from people yeah say there was like less than five percent negative ninety five percent is positive and I get that even with the TV show too there's there's always gonna be haters no matter who you are right but you know at first I was annoyed buzz because I never had this type of attention but what was cool was to see the people that really snoo me and knew why I was doing this journey defend me and have my back and they were people who were overweight who were like motivated inspired by what I was doing and they would say no you don't understand this is why Drew's doing it he's not doing it to rub it in people's faces once people knew the why behind it yeah it made more sense to them once they got to know me and saw my blogs and my read my blogs and saw my videos on YouTube they could get it they could get a sense of where my heart was that but yeah just we just see a picture like oh this guy's trying to gain weight to rub it in my face I could see why people would take it in a negative way but yeah for the most part it was positive okay that's good to know yeah so I know you brought up your TV show I know you're now teaching other people how to get fat and then fit it was it was on a Emmy correct yeah Annie yeah and so you describe it for the people listening right now yeah so they can actually go check it out season one just happened at the beginning of this past year there's the beginning of 2016 there was ten trainers from across the country and the TV show is called fit to fat to fit just like my brand so it was on A&E basically ten trainers have to do what I did they have to get fat for four months let go of their healthy lifestyle and then at the end of four months they get teamed up with an obese client and together as a team have to lose the weight together but now they're a fat trainer and now they have to kind of see what it's like from their clients perspective interesting well yes so it's an eight month journey that that is documented on this reality TV show there's two trainers in LA - and Utah - in New York - in Atlanta and - in Florida and you can go check them out on iTunes or Hulu or Roku or you know A&E yes they get pretty good results similar results oh I mean as far as them losing weight yeah oh yeah yeah so they only had four months to gain the weight so and they didn't gain as much as I did but they they gained quite a bit of weight and they were all humbled by the end of it I try to tell them I was like their mentor or coach throughout the season kind of letting them know how it is and what to expect and I think going into it they're like oh it's not gonna be that hard but they were all very humbled and had some very valuable lessons learned and it was cool that they got to do it with their client so they lost the weight together you can see how much more motivated their clients were seeing that their trainer and sacrificed so much to do this weight loss journey with them it was really powerful it really got into the mental emotional side of it too and it was really powerful so it did really good there's four season so to wrap up on the whole fit to fat to fit thing if someone at home who's 70 pounds we've went over a lot of them but if you could give them an index card assuming they would follow everything on it and it had five or six big key points what were what what would be on that card that they did to lose the weight the first thing I would tell them or put on the next card is to remind them that they are worth it to be healthy like their their self-worth needs to be there they need to know that they're worthy to live a healthy life not so much you get skinny or get a six-pack that's not the goal get rid of that get rid of that mindset the goal is to be healthy and and they're worth it they they are worthy of living a healthy lifestyle that be the the very first thing and then on top of that I would remind them that there is no finish line this is a journey it's not a destination this is a never ending process that has to become a part of your lifestyle the way you make it party lifestyle is to focus more on the mental emotional side like those those situations that we talked about where you know the mental emotional struggles that people have with food their emotional connection to food that should be the main focus first and then they can focus on the physical things counting calories counting macros food journaling meal prepping those are important as well but the focus should be their mental emotional challenges and and and try and overcome those first and foremost because you could give anybody a diet plan and they'll do it for a little bit but they get burnt out right sure so I think I don't know if that's five or six things or 20 things that I just said right they're all important stuff absolutely I mean the mental emotional aspect is huge again that's kind of like the theme of it okay so we got a couple closing questions drew here you're starting out in 20s or 30s what advice do you give drill that's a good question and um honestly like this is gonna get kind of deep but basically I would tell myself to love you for who you are and not change for other people that was one thing I struggled with actually up until the past year or so 34 so I'm 35 the first 34 years of my life I would tell my 20 year old says my 20 year old self or my 34 year old self this too don't change for other people and th
at it so it's okay to mess up in life and that things do get better over time and to learn how to live in the moment and not focus on the past or worry about the future so much these are all lessons that came to me this past year absolutely probably on the island yes being in Hawaii was very healing you know I went through a big life change just recently and so being in Hawaii was helped a lot with that transition yeah what's been the biggest lesson you've learned this past year that would have to be that vulnerability is a strength and not a weakness and that kind of leads into what I was telling myself before was that you know I struggled thinking vulnerability was a weakness and I didn't want to let people know the truth about me so not to get too deep but like you know I've announced it on my social media but I went through a divorce you know just recently not just recently about a year ago yeah and I wish I'd learned these lessons earlier in life but I was so afraid to tell people you know that I I quote unquote failed I thought I was a failure and I didn't I wanted to hide it from people but honestly I'm so much happier being vulnerable talking about what is man and not not worrying about trying to change your or what other people are going to think about it that's consumed to me my entire life and it's so freeing being out of that so just couple books that have helped me are Brene Browns books daring greatly rising strong I've just met just blown my mind I feel like I'm a new person I wish I would have learned these things a long time ago but hey better late than never and so anyways the number one thing I've learned past years that being vulnerable is actually a strength even for men yet our society doesn't you know set us up as showing that but it's true it's powerful man for sure yeah um I I read radical honesty that was a Brad Blanton book it's kind of like a it's written in a blue-collar tone okay it's all about removing the mask and that when you reveal more you have less to hide and that being found out feeling that someone's gonna find you out for your true self for who you are when that's taken away now you just exist and you kind of go about your day and it was just a really cool no nonsense book radical honesty okay it okay actually read it when I was in Hawaii oh they got guy yeah yeah I remember that it's like a very healing place for a lot of us then absolutely man well thanks on on that so desert island book then is it gonna be Bernie Browns or what would you say I don't know if it was a book I mean that's the thing is my the most important books of my life change over time like it years ago wouldn't have been that but now that's probably like what I would bring if you ask me now but you know I'm always trying to learn and upgrade my knowledge and so it might be something different in the near future but that's what touched me the most at this point in time but yeah so but if you ask me like six months from now it might be something else yeah yeah man drew this was a fun one um where's the best place for people to find you where do you want to send them yeah so my website fits fat to fit calm they can find pretty much everything they want about me on there all my social media handles Facebook Twitter Instagram snapchat are all at fit too fat to fit which is the number to the TV show is also a fit trans fit but with tio the the letters so that's the only difference between my brand and the website you know check out my book on Amazon Barnes Noble it's called fit fat fit with the number two and just google me you'll be able to find them everywhere and you have a you have a gasps correct yes I do have a podcast as well called the 50 fat to fit experience podcast I do a weekly episode interview mostly an interview format interviewing all types of people I've had Shaun T Kristin Heidi Powell on a Cassie ho from Blogilates a lot of a lot of really cool people but also bring on some scientists nutritionists but then also you people that have just made radical transformations in their life that want to share their story so it's a it's a good mix of content what's the best episode to start on do you have a must hit hit single from the fit to fat to fit podcast the most popular ones are Kristin Heidi Powell from extreme weight loss and then actually just recently was this one with dr. Dom D'Agostino talking about the ketogenic diet and the science behind it that's that was like the most popular one if you want to learn more about the ketogenic diet which by the way you know by the time this airs the dr. Oz segment will have aired on may 18th but I go on the dr.
Oz Show talking about the ketogenic diet which is I've become a huge fan of just recently so cute no ketogenic diets or something I'm definitely looking into they've been getting a lot of press lately you know someone writes an article on ketone oh it's like the new gluten well because there's scientific studies backing up some of these claims now for endurance athletes strength athletes and it was so misunderstood back in the day and now the science is becoming more mainstream right you got Tim Ferriss and Joe Rogan talking about the ketogenic diet and these exogenous ketone supplements you can take it's just it's just remarkable on the doctor Dom D'Agostino out of South Florida University of South Florida is actually connecting these these studies that are being published and he's funded by the Department of Defense so it's legit stuff so it's interesting yeah interesting all right drew thanks for coming on man this was a really fun call dude yeah thanks Clark stay in touch man yeah you too okay okay 76 pounds down that is drew Manning the fit version of the fit too fat to fit guy um he's also working on new stuff I'm I'm going to check out that television show I think he said it was on AM II I was just hanging out with my friend and she was going through kind of a weight loss transformation and since the show is all about improving yourself sticking to things and if weight loss is your goal this is a good show to put this little public service announcement on it was just really inspiring she was doing a nine week transformation um went from not working out she wasn't overweight but she wanted to lose I think 20 pounds and she did over nine weeks she was shown me that her before and after photos and it looks like the ones you see online where there's a big bigger person bigger version of her on the left and a much skinnier present version on the right I was talking to her about this and how she did it in oddly enough she told me the hardest part was for the first five weeks she was doing everything she was eating right she was exercising five times a week on these really high intensity interval kind of exercises with plyometrics and body weights and all that and she didn't see any results she kept doing it for five weeks over and over and over again but on that sixth seventh and eighth week she saw results but she said the ninth week is where it all started to click and everything kind of fell into place it was happening all along but it was just that ninth week that she really saw the difference to illustrate this one step further with anything in life you know and consistency in putting and working God being so frustrated sometimes when things don't you don't see the results right away my favorite story of all time is of the Chinese bamboo tree so you take your Chinese bamboo boo tree seed plant it in your backyard you water the thing give it some light take care of it give it fresh soil air all that and you come back one year later guess how tall your tree is two inches that's it in one year of doing this it only grew two inches alright so you say you know what I'll just do it a little more I'll stick with it I'm patient I'm gonna make this thing grow and so you do that whole thing four years two three and f
our you know how big the Chinese bamboo tree is on the fourth year four inches alright at this stage it would be very real to quit give up and say the seeds kind of a dud that's what I would do right four years of doing this for inches it's not a great return on investment not a great payoff but that's a big mistake because on the fifth year in just two weeks the Chinese bamboo tree grows from 4 inches to 40 feet tall this is a true story you can see it over there in China so the million-dollar question of that story and why I love it so much and and it really inspires me and I keep a bamboo tree right here on my desk when I'm podcasting I look at it is because did that bamboo tree grow 40 feet in two weeks or did it grow 40 feet in five years and when you really pause and think about it you realize that it's the lauder it grew 40 feet in 5 years because if for any one of those years of the 4 that it was slacking on growth we just gave up walked away and neglected the plant we wouldn't have gotten that 2 year 40 feet growth spurt in year number 5 so I think for us with anything in life guys but especially for health wellness weight loss exercise whatever treat that as your bamboo tree treat that as the crop that you go in maybe don't see the results for the first 4 years but on that fifth one as long as you're learning trying things being as honest as you can you're providing the air soil water for an optimal environment for growth that's all you do that's all you can do that's all you can do you can hire a trainer you can try do everything right you can follow through but sometimes it just takes that extra level of consistency of doing that and showing up over and over and over again and so I guess the moral of this tying it in with the whole podcast we just heard of drew tying it up that story about my friend who didn't see any results until the last a couple weeks tying it in with the bamboo tree is just to keep at it I know it can be somewhat frustrating with weight loss it's a very personal emotional struggle as we heard with drew but you got to keep at it and we don't know when that two-week growth spurts going to come and all we can do is be consistent is show up put in the work and water our bamboo tree all right off the soapbox I hope that was an inspiring story I know it always gives me a of strength and a lot of encouragement to keep going if you want some more old man stories like that I put together a course with about two or three hours of them um that teaches you how to go deeper into yourself how to journal the ultimate guide to keeping at your own you find out more about that either one of two ways you can email me Clark at Clark danger com or you can sign up at my best journal dot-com that is my best journal com I'm happy to share more info with that course alright guys thanks for listening paler hacks com get on the newsletter blog recipes articles and archives of all our previous shows next week on the podcasts um I do not know who's coming on so exciting we haven't recorded that yet it'll surprise us both and we'll be back here on next Thursday thanks so much for listening I'll see you then .
Video Description:
For more Paleohacks Podcast episodes, make sure to check out
Could you gain, then lose, 76 pounds over the course of a year? How about on national TV? That’s what personal trainer Drew Manning, of Fit2Fat2Fit fame, did just a few years ago. Beyond weight, he gained empathy for his clients who battled lifelong weight loss struggles and picked up some important health insights along the way.
As Manning demonstrates, willpower and accountability can carry you a long way on your own weight loss journey. Learn the value of nutrition and just how big a role it plays in the weight loss equation—from the pitfalls of so-called “healthy” American food to the role of exercise. Get tips on making huge lifestyle shifts and maintaining weight loss. Finally, learn why self-worth and confidence might be the most important factor in a healthy lifestyle.
4:00: “I’ve never felt that way in my entire life:” Manning’s Fit to Fat journey.
7:00: When Manning worried he wouldn’t lose the weight.
8:30: Everyday American foods: How low-fat foods make you fat.
12:00: “It was a false sense of freedom:” The first month of eating according to cravings.
15:00: “Holding your breath while clipping your toenails:” The surprising struggles of weight gain.
17:00: The power of nutrition: Why Manning skipped exercise the first month of trying to lose weight.
20:00: Manning’s low carb, high protein nutrition plan for weight loss.
24:00: The lifestyle change struggle: Why it’s so important to hold yourself accountable.
26:00: Should you schedule your cheat meals?
29:30: “You’re worthy of living a healthy life:” The health mindset.
For more Paleohacks Podcast episodes, make sure to check out
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November 23, 2020
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Drew Manning interview
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Great interview! He is so inspiring.
Reply DeleteAnother great interview, Clark asks the right questions and gets the best and most useful info from his guests.
Reply DeleteI'm coming out with the book fat to fit to fat to fit to fat to obese to half decent and back to fat again. Look out for it.
Reply DeleteThis is so awesome he did this and experienced being fat and how depressing and dehabilitating it is. The only thing is they have now found that the longer someone is “stuck” at a weight the harder it gets to lose it (I’ve experienced this myself) since the hypothalamus resets and tries so hard to keep you there. I don’t believe his body was “set” only being there for 6 months and being fit the rest of the time. That’s why so many times older people find it nearly impossible to lose weight (and happened to me over the last two years). The only thing that changed my metabolism was diet phasing with Keto, Intermittent fasting, calorie restriction and extended fasts.
Reply DeleteThank you. Very inspiring!
Reply DeleteJust unbelievable how he got his strength back so quickly to get that body back. inspired me to start training after a lay off
Reply DeleteGood interview bro
Reply DeleteHi, i'm brazilliam! How are you?
Reply DeleteTem o programa em português?
Reply Deletewow, this was so inspiring! I have to lose 20kg, got high blodpressure, and poosible diabetes sympthons....I really loved this. Life change is gonna happend now, and i WILL make it.
Reply Deletewhat's his name please
Reply Delete