How to Make Sheet Pan Teriyaki Salmon (Whole30, Paleo, GF) LIVE From My Kitchen! | Nom Nom Paleo - All Paleo Diet Recipes

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


How to Make Sheet Pan Teriyaki Salmon (Whole30, Paleo, GF) LIVE From My Kitchen! | Nom Nom Paleo

hey guys it's michelle cam with nom nom paleo and it's Wednesday so come on live show you how to cook something today I'm cooking a recipe from blogs my cauliflower chicken fried rice which is a tasty whole very friendly low-carb version of your favorite takeout chicken fried rice and I actually don't think there's a big difference sometimes all in the children Cohen and I'm the children they are like Omar but really I think it's a pretty good pass for rice and I actually like it cuz I don't get all I don't feel all weighed down afterwards and so today just like every Wednesday Ali's in front of the camera helping me out Owen is manning the camera and who will be reading questions out whatever you guys have some guys have any questions while we're cooking this dish just hop on and make a comment to say hello Angelina our operations manager is behind the scenes typing answers to all your questions so lover this is a very easy question so the only thing the original recipe that on the nom nom Gala blog and the iOS app it is not totally a whole dirty because I use um green peas in it and I think technically it's not whole sorry friendly but the way to make it whole thirty family is I actually got some French free beans you can get regular green beans or snap peas and then you just cut them up really small like this and it's a perfect substitute and this will make it pull through because all the other seasonings are whole 30 we use my pop from stir-fry sauce as the sauce so it's hole 30 compliance and so the first thing that we're gonna do is we're going to scramble eggs because one of the ways that we like really um fried rice has always been a leftover makeover and so you know Chinese mom's and grandmas Napoleon's used it as a way to stretch whatever leftovers they have so there's always the leftover rice and then normally whatever leftover protein or some vegetables and it's all seasoned elicit a flavorful but a lot of times they don't have enough meat to kind of make it a full meal so you always supplement it with scrambled eggs so what I do is I have three eggs in here and then had a little bit of fish sauce which is my way of making families taste really yummy and in fact all I eat scrambled eggs every day and I always season them with fish sauce and if I don't be doin fish sauce and I just your salt huh Wow Wow good job ollie so everybody's saying that your hair looks really pretty today cuz narrow down which is something that my parents are down here you've done I have to go get my hair colored okay so I have Frank in here I'm gonna put in some high well I'm kind of my preferred cooking oil for eating food because there's no flavor and a good fatty acid profile and it has high smoke point I don't really like my eggs super super hard scrambled for you know cauliflower five eighths or fried rice some people even will make their fried rice and then push you know it all over and then crack the eggs in there and you can do that sometimes I do that when I'm trying to like I don't want to dirty like another container because usually when you're making fried rice you don't make it exactly to the recipe right it's just mostly improvisational I I did I did write up this recipe because people are like how did you do it and I'm like it always changes it all depends on whatever left everybody happy he didn't know that nice yeah yeah that's why I finally like maybe keep a breakfast every day it's fast healthy and super so if your pan is not super dirty many videos like if the egg is really sticking you can kind of wipe it out Oh excellent why did you do I'm going so I have here about a pound or 3/4 pounds of chicken thighs you can also use chicken breasts that I've diced up into like a quarter inch dice you can also totally use cooked protein if it is put protein then you don't need to see that because it's you know supposedly already seasoned when you originally made it and you would add it at the end just and heat it up but because this is raw we are gonna have to cook this but we're not gonna cook it just yet all I'm doing is I just added a little bit of salt and just a smidge a little bit keep it from sticking to each other well you know what I need to get I need to get some sesame oil in the fridge you go get me some Holly should be in the door set a little it's like a little bread change so if you're making far grace with real race would you use day-old race for sure you should definitely use a old refrigerated right yes number one that has resistant starch to it which is better for it helps feed your gut and it doesn't stick together so it's always best to not use fresh rice okay trying to see if I doing anything different in this recipe no look it's that toasted sesame oil wait so I'm eating it up i seasoned the chicken with a little bit of salt and a little bit of oil which I will throw in after I throw in I can't I need to fix camera sorry we're all right yeah I'm gonna sprinkle a little bit softer they just make even a little bit sure I'm not too crazy not worth incorporating there's nobody can find to put this new oil yeah I don't know if we have any where see this is Oliver pal cooking show Wow and find everything you like shoved your arm way in there in the door if you cut them small and uniform you generally take a few minutes to kind of get them a little bit soft and I throw in grand is a hard vegetables to cook together okay like a carrot I don't really like them to be super crunchy in this I like them to be a kind of tender and if you wanted to make it easy you can just get the pre chopped frozen peas and carrots and you just saw it before you so could you use a plastic no I'll find things like in you know baked goods you can't eat regular eggs but I wouldn't just eat it just to eat it like if you can't eat eggs in fried rice you add more protein like from like more chicken like you know you don't have a black thing um also could you tell us what brands of pans that you have I don't know the exact ran but it's on the link that Angelina will put up and but I like the only way that I'm use the Sun gears because it works on the induction cooktop it's okay I don't know that it's my favorite pan ever I have some other band they like better but if I'm demoing it for you guys here is what everyone if you have raw chicken if you have cooked chicken and throw it in again so um someone asked or actually a lot of people this question when using sesame oil do you always keep it in the fridge you just cook this until the chicken is no longer pink but again if you already have two protein you don't need to worry about this part it's already cooked you just so someone said that cauliflower rice tastes bitter to them is that something that they're doing or is that just something that can happen I mean that's it shouldn't and a lot of people have said that they've tricked their veggie hating family members until liking it like though say hey is this fried rice and then they're like okay I'm gonna buy it which I'm not I'm not quite convinced but that is what people tell me and maybe some of you guys can jump in and say if that's true so and the reason why I'm not wrong in the cauliflower in here is because you know you there's no room so um are you using chicken legs or chicken thighs and usually you'd make fried rice in like a bigger pan right lieutenant like most people don't have like dying at 12 inch or 14 inch I even if I got a 12 inch I probably would still take it off cause it's not it's just a small thing yeah lego star you guys I mean guy is part of the chicken leg I mean you can buy chicken legs but then you have a lot of self adrene for yourself to do that kind of wrap and mulch like cubes so it's easier for something bit if you have boneless skinless chicken thighs they're gonna skinles
s chicken breast personally I don't like chicken breast a bit and fried rice like this where it's cooked really fast and doesn't get it you know overcooked and dried I don't mind it um so somebody um okay so I have a pound of rice flour you can use fresh or frozen if you know frozen we do it straight from the freezer you don't buy it and you kind of cook it off until all of the excess moisture it's kind of a creative bit you can also use the fresh stuff so someone says that they see that you're using a frying pan instead of a walk so is it worth it to purchase a walk it doesn't make a difference or just a good quality frying pan is fine I have never know that's not true we had a wok station in our kitchen that was slipping everybody previous owners we lived there 10 years and I never used it like exactly very complicated thing like you have to season your wok it isn't not that complicated but for me it was just too much work to figure out how to even but even my mom Jesus a walk sometimes yes she has a walk yeah yeah yes yeah use it don't they at her house fine I see we're doing this thing okay oh great all he made a face a little bit they just do it my way I want to make you that I'm fine the way I do it and someone said walk gait and that is what this is we're officially at war I don't know how to use that or maybe it's just walk station and not just like all clad like European yeah I mean that counts that know that not know it's not a one if it's called Oh walk then it's so walk okay uh someone says am i correct by saying that this would be low-carb using white ready but you know my offer mr. McConnell fired like for this recipe I am using a quarter packages four tablespoons so the whole cards for that is 14 grams of carbs for the whole dish the 14 divided for about 3 grams great um let's see someone says how do you keep it from getting mushy and I gave from the recipe on blogs cuz I use them dice French green beans or instead of you know you know 30 days and then you figure out what you tolerate and that is the really sweet okay so I see even from getting super bitchy by taking off the pepper and then just kind of prying it open I'm gonna put a quarter cup of all-purpose trip I thought I know you guys thought it was like a bottle of it they dont sell it anymore but being sold as a whole food on the west coast and the Rocky Mountain region but it was only a one-time thing and so I ordered it myself and I bought all of these you can leave yourself the recipe is on the blood in our you know are everywhere all right so I'm going to stir this around you want this to get absorbed into the cauliflower Wow so it's actually okay to have it's a little bit al dente before you add the all-purpose stir-fry sauce you all prefer summarize if you make it the way I tell you - yes 4:35 okay so this is the point I'm gonna add these green beans because they probably do need to get cooked a little bit these mother I don't care if they're crunchy like a carrot I don't love it they're printing here a little bit you can see that most of the liquid has already been absorbed right that's when I'm pushing it away you can see that it's just a little bit on the side that's pretty quick the other ingredients back in and it's okay put in here I put it all in and yeah it'll get all soggy you in you know kind of cook off any extra liquid but it just seems good I don't know and it's imagine people are just wage I mean obviously I shouldn't say that because I am very picky about my food taste but sometimes I think people use the whole excuse that something's not perfect and that's why they won't do it and that's not how you should poke cook it you just you just practice practice practice and then eventually you'll get better at it just like every other you can't just you know think that you're gonna just do it one time it happen alright so and once you put it in like the eggs and the chicken I don't I turn off the heat because the eggs are already cooked chickens already cooked you just kind of want to make sure everything is hot this is the point when you would taste the seasoning a little bit toasted sesame oil and um what is the shelf life of this in the fridge for leftovers yes yes you can add a little bit of fish sauce you can add some salt whatever just try it make sure and because tested sesame oil is very empowering I always do it very slowly on to my spatula so that if I accidentally add too much throwing into think alright um someone asked if you would change the recipe at all if you had trip sure I think so or for um both I mean you would just you cook it really quickly just like this raw chicken yeah you'd add a little bit of salt you might not even need to add salt and you strip on its own and actually pretty salty just cuz it's like you know been in salt water its whole life but you would cook it and then set it aside and then you throw it back in at the end and it I bet it would taste delicious alright see home with that that was a really fast rate and so the only thing the only advice I've asked you guys if you're making this at home is to do like I did and prep it ahead of time so if everything is prepped and ready you can just go boom boom boom and then fry it all together but if you're like chopping and frying like things will burn they'll be fresh grated they'll be a big mess how we made this on Facebook life because I feel like we have let's see it's very high a popular the way that I used to find ices kidding whether I buy oh yes that is good it's like the Japanese thing right where they yeah yeah so but it is a very Chinese American thing like how is it see even my feet then okay all right so here is the final dish I take if I write even faster if you have leftover protein like leftover roast chicken or steak or anything kalua pig makes an excellent fried rice there are lots of fried rice variations on my site kimchi fried rice I have an Asian aisle I prouder of my rice with bacon and then this one right here that's it thanks for tuning in and we will be back next week hi guys .

Video Description:

This Whole30-friendly Cauliflower Chicken Fried Rice is a simple, delicious, and low carb replica of the one-pan dish my mom used to make for me when I was a tiny, rice-lovin’ fiend!
I go live on Facebook every Wednesday at 5pm PST/8pm EST to show you some of my favorite recipes.
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I eat them and they’re Whole30 approved. Some old school Paleo folks don’t consider them paleo, but if you tolerate and like them—you should eat them!

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