and they're on the list behind to my family a family welcome to my kitchen tonight this is a reader request someone had asked for tuna noodle casserole so that's what I'm giving you is a peléan of tuna noodle casserole and Emily I think I'm going to add a little cheese so it will technically be primal which is the same thing as paleo but it includes dairy and in my life alright so this is a request from Shannon Wagner who responded to my facebook request I guess to see if any of you who had a recipe you wanted me to remake and she says like anything with pasta mac and cheese which I had done the instant pot spaghetti squash mac and cheese so because she asked for mac and cheese I'm assuming she's okay with theory so I'm going to put a little cheese in this for Shannon Shannon this is for you but it just reminded me how much I love tuna noodle casserole not as a kid but actually you see what I'm doing I have my skillet here and I put about two tablespoons of avocado oil in there you can use butter I just use avocado oil because was on the counter so that was easy and I have one organic Vidalia onion about medium size here so when I was in grad school I did some house-sitting dog-sitting housecleaning kind of anything to get me through financially for this one family and it was a couple that their children had over and they have this dog so we gonna take her there dog Holly and she it would cook for me some time and said this I think the first time I ended up staying there that was the order of a teaspoon of salt she made me tuna tuna casserole but I left it in I don't know what was different about it than what my mom made other than it had bell peppers in it and I mean I didn't know I even really likes bell peppers but it just totally changed I don't know it made a huge difference I loved it so tuna casserole is not something we have very much in my house or have pre paleo no it's more like tuna I to use that sort of thing so this is going to be my video Thank You Shannon for requesting and it just reminded me of this and so you've probably noticed a theme to what I've been posting lately there's been a lot of squash I love is zucchini recipes because I have a lot of them in my garden right now so I was just made the noodles that would actually be a really good starting point for the community cats rule so you know it's tuna noodle casserole would have you know a couple cans of tuna probably a can of cream of mushroom soup which is why including mushroom in mine you know other than for the nutritional aspect this is an 8 ounce package of cremini mushrooms actually it's slightly less than 8 ounces because there were to sit in your noodles usually it was egg noodles and crackers so we're gonna use squash for the noodles cooking my onions and my bell pepper and then I'm gonna add my squash you could use spaghetti squash it happens to be June and spaghetti squash say we see them in the fall I know here in North Carolina you can grow them now but for some reason we really only see them in the stores in the fall so I couldn't give a spaghetti squash but you always get yellow squash or zucchini so that's what we're gonna use and I'm just gonna use half of this phone number because it's really big so we'll say the other half my kids would love to eat that that's my oven on 375 I would love it if you have a rest like Shannon it feels something that you're kind of craving let me demo it's not fun to try to recreate something and I am always just thinking of it off the top of my head so if you actually give me a nice detail that helps me out makes me really happy so and I'd like to be helpful and I'll be honest so I have made this squash casserole which is my starting point for this recipe but this the video I had originally planned to be like an inside look at how I create a recipe cuz I thought you might think that was fun to see how I create a recipe so I just kind of think through and hopefully this will help you if you love to cook if you have to get in the kitchen you know how can you take an old favorite that's not as healthy and make it something healthier first of all I always start with a lot of money how can I get veggies in there and of course not only is this nutrition but it's a lot of flavor I mean the onion the peppers mushrooms it smells really good but then I think okay what was in that original how am I gonna make a paleo version is out alright so you can use a spiralizer and actually make noodles out of your squash I have a couple different ones I can show you but it's really gonna taste the same so why not make your life so now that those guys cooks a little bit and the point of cooking the squash ahead of time is to get some of the water out to you have a watery that's roll that was one yellow squash a miss big zucchini I want six cups of squash I know that's a lot but we want to make a lot of casserole at three cans of tuna I can eat fish left over because the histamine I can't eat a lot of proteins whatever but I can't eat fish actually have leftovers of this squash casserole for breakfast today so there's no cooking right along makes you cut measuring cup do another reason not to actually viralize justice Frankie is when you render splices spiralizer machine it makes it super it's like one big long noodle and so you're going to either have to cut that or you know everybody's kind of excited when they're eating it just easier to go ahead and slice it alright so I added a quarter of a teaspoon salt before I'm going to add another quarter it will help draw the moisture out it's not pretty so pretty it smells so good I have my burner on medium high I just wanted to cook ice we've had four cups of squash remember this all right so that's like five and a half cups and I'm not going to cut another one so I'm gonna say five to six wash okay it's one of those things that you can be really flexible it doesn't happen together we're all set amount you could add extra tuna if you wanted you can do this with like hands chicken my big fan scams chicken but I know some people love it so it's fine you could use salmon but salmon definitely has a different taste this is tuna noodle casserole so we just want this to cook get some of that water out I'm gonna grease my pan paper chefs juggler pans and because it's old it's pretty well seasoned like cast iron so it's fairly nonstick but just took a little insurance policy you can line with parchment paper a bit spread around again you could use butter some I'll write that butter would be delicious instead of the oil just add another extra layer of flavor okay so while that is cooking I'm going to mix up the rest like the thick creamy soupy part of our recipe so we're going to start with three large eggs so the eggs I was looking at a bunch of squash casserole recipes and somehow eggs and some did not and infirm for me for my purposes I'm going to use eggs because I want to use eggs because if it's like a binder that will help with all of our liquid so if you were using actual pasta noodles which you could you eat pasta you could use pasta or you can do a completely free pasta but frankly I love to use the vegetables obviously I have plenty and so they're wet there's more moisture in them even though I'm cooking to get some of that moisture out there still more moisture than if you used a noodle that's made out of rice or wheat or something like that that would actually serve to absorb the moisture my noodles that are going to reduce moisture so the eggs really help deal with that okay so all these things are clean I just cut out stuff that I thought I would need half a cup of mayonnaise so I've made my own of mayonnaise please use a good quality mayonnaise cuz all it is is oil and eggs so you want to make sure you're using good eggs and then good non-inflammatory and then I also need 1/2 a cup thing another cup yeah a half a c
up of coconut milk so use happiness the other day and as always this is my favorite native forest the class thing the class has a little bit of four of them in it which is fine they have little simple that doesn't have work done that is it's really different the textures different so because I use half of this it's been in the fridge so the cream part at the top is really solid and I want about I really kind of want it mixed and I don't want all the water and I don't want all the cream I want about half and half let me just sort of stir this around for a minute don't be real particular person if any about it just you want some of the cream and some of the water and so the coconut milk is for me here is a sour cream substitute so like every good southern creamy casserole you would start with us to a cream of something soup and probably add sour cream I just lost at home see it in there this with the speediest women you know some of them like don't have any seeds and others have a zillion this one has a whole bunch so one about a teaspoon of lemon juice because that's making our sour cream substitute just adds that Tang I use this in my beef stroganoff if you haven't made the beef stroganoff make that it's really good but this I use that same technique we keep stirring this around and this moisture to cook out again and I said this repeatedly this tabletop burner is not as powerful as my regular stove so it probably would take half the amount of time to do this on my stove 10 to 15 minutes as opposed to 20 to 30 you don't really have to mix this in if you want to catch that seed okay my have the 3 eggs 1/2 a cup of mayonnaise 1/2 a cup of coconut milk heavy coconut both backs of hunted up and the teaspoon of lemon juice I'm going to add a quarter to ten spoon of salt for this and just a sprinkle more pepper I don't know what it is about squash squash really it's like spicy with pepper I don't know what that is so I really hold back on the pepper when I'm working with wash we're some sort of match that it will melt when I fight in my hot vegetables so that's like the custard a soupy part I'm going to add my tuna to this as well and then we're gonna add some cheese you can totally leave out the cheese is fine cheese I think is not really customary in a tuna casserole but I have this grass-fed this yummy grass-fed cheddar that's from all the actually and it's really different it's a really good price to play to carry gold okay so I'm going to put a little bit of that in that's a 7 ounce package so but it's not half of that - about three and a half ounces see about a half a cup shredded and then course are gonna have potato chips on top I'm going to crunch the potato chips mix in some parmesan and that's going to be our topping okay press three five ounce hands of sustainably caught up chunk light tuna there's nothing in here about tuna and water set right there this one has vegetable broth this one again is from Aldi so it's really affordable didn't bring that one very well so just mix that up break up your tuna as you whisk it in send the keys I'm gonna be done with my liver I can tell by looking at my zucchini there's still a lot of there's still very firm so they need some more cooking you cook some more that water out I'm going to taste my vegetable serve and see how they are seizing the tuna will be a little bit salty okay and then the last thing I have to make is the topping so we want about a cup they pay two tips and that's what goes on Puccini liberal passed away that I loved these are the kettle brand avocado will so you don't have to be real particularly just brush everything in there we'll just use the rice so that it's up to start and then don't get ready Parmesan cheese so you know this thing I'm not measuring just it doesn't really matter and then I'm gonna melt a tablespoon of butter and mix i vinegar so at this point all the waiting for is the vegetables that you are the vegetables to be ready there's a really strong my name well I think it's about five minutes okay so you see the slots are starting to become translucent which is what I want I really want a decent amount of them waster cooked out the egg in there is going to make up for a lot that I really first of all I can put more then what they would be if I just ate this for 20 minutes you can easily press this ahead and just bake it then I dug if if some of these it's going to be really good leftover I'm sure everything like this typically is let me show you my spiralizer while we wait for this cook okay so here are two different spiralizer options so this one is a brand oil on a branch if this biggest in which means cut like a fettuccine style noodle or cut like a skinny spaghetti noodle and all you do these is you take your squash and just by hand and it's actually really fast and pretty easy we couldn't do it with a great big zucchini like this it just didn't fit in there but a normal human sized squash it would work just fine and it's pretty easy to clean you might need like a little little brush a little cleaning brush but it's very easy put it in your hand so there's that one I got it at Bed Bath & Beyond and it was maybe 15 dollars this is paderno I will read this from Amazon and it is more maybe $40 it has different ways they store down here and then there's one here and you can see the teeth on it so you put the squash on and it kind of holds in a place but even a regular-sized one like this I cut in half because this is just long and it's going to kind of flop and it's easier if you work with this shorter piece and you just without a hex key that has suction feet stay down there still hold on to this I'm left-handed it's always kind of awkward like these make a right-handed people and it just pushes through and it comes out and what you end up with is this core comes down to the middle so you have all your spaghetti strands and then you have this like little core and a little stub key so you got to chop that up this one more trouble than it's worth unless you're in a way super into spiral eyes that you want to spiral eyes a whole bunch of stuff and maybe something harder like a sweet potato I've seen better nut squash spaghetti you might like something like this is not terribly expensive thirty or forty dollars but if you just want to do squash and see it like regular summer squash this kind of thing is great but my opinion is save your money and spend your spend your gadget dollars on something else like a bench scraper if you don't have one or microplane grater if you don't have that because the taste is the same and you're really not fooling anybody I mean you can put it on a plate with spaghetti sauce on top and it looks nice for a picture but it doesn't taste like spaghetti it's good I really like it we've used squash for our pasta a lot but there's no reason to go to the trouble to make it look like a noodle that's that's my opinion if you love it that's totally fine lots of people do obviously just look on the Internet okay so we've got a decent amount of the water out of here I know I have raw eggs I'm having hot stuff it's fine because it's just gonna go straight in the oven I want the eggs to cook it's gonna be great just toss this together but I want that coconut cream in there to melt there were some little blobs of that sir this together I can smell the tuna now it smells so good again you can leave the cheese out altogether you really don't need the cheese because I've used some good age - cheddar and Parmesan it does have good flavor so I am adding flavour I'm not just going cheese for the sake of adding cheese or fat - Vicky no this is this is a keto recipe no squash has carbs but it's very low lots of fiber your net carbs it's all fine this would be this would fit into a keto diet so you don't need to add the che
ese to make it keto or anything I decided the cheese for the flavor and for Shannon who is asking for macaroni and cheese like oh she would probably like that okay so I just spread it out it's so pretty with with the red peppers in there Doreen saturnine de Lane the lane if for some reason you happen to have found me and are watching this thank you you made an impact on my life in many ways but with your tuna noodle casserole okay so that's gonna go in the oven for about 20 minutes 20 to 25 it just has to get bubbly it has to set and a little bit brown on top okay so our tuna noodle casserole has just come out of the oven remember this is a primal version because I added a little bit of cheese take out that cheese is totally paleo because the creamy soup part is mayonnaise in coconut milk and we use zucchini for yellow squash for our noodles we had a red pepper in there some mushrooms some onion for flavor and of course the tuna and you can see how beautiful and golden brown it is there are little potato chip topping just like tuna noodle casserole is supposed to have was in the oven at 375 for just about 25 minutes see it's not watery it's creamy smells so good this would be a great dish to freeze you can freeze it before you bake it and and then have it ready to go you can bake it and freeze it you can make it in two square pans instead of the rectangular pan if you have a smaller family there's gonna be great to take this somebody who maybe just had a baby or has surgery can't have gluten with something different you know people will love lasagna or a baked ziti but when they get 12 of them they're really ready for something different and this would be something different that you could bring to somebody so paleo or primal tuna noodle casserole again Thank You Shannon for requesting something like this please send me requests I love it let me know what you think in this recipe and thanks for joining me in the kitchen today thank you for watching thanks for subscribing liking sharing forwarding all that great stuff that makes a big difference I really appreciate it so we'll see .
Video Description:
How to make Tuna Noodle Casserole with lots of fresh vegetables, no grains, but tons of great flavor!
Find the recipe here:
A few things I mentioned in the video:
my IP Mac and Cheese recipe: This is the link for the recipe, but the link to the video is within the recipe write-up
Spiralizer: On sale now for $26.90
Similar to the hand-held model I have: Just under $12
Bench Scraper: $10 and worth every single penny
Microplane Grater: $12.95 and again, worth every penny
November 23, 2020
Tags :
Functional medicine
low carb
low sugar
Paleo Diet
Trim Healthy Mama
Tuna Noodle Casserole
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Reply DeleteDid you actually make it? I always appreciate constructive feedback, but not unkind comments.
Reply DeleteI appreciate the time you devote to these videos. Thank you.
Reply DeleteYou're welcome! So glad you're enjoying them, and hopefully learning too!
Reply DeleteI have a cheap blender from a garage sale. I put all my seeds, peels, veggie leftovers in it, blend it up and pour it on your outdoor plants. They LOVE it.... and it's a great use of your garbage bowl stuff.
Reply DeleteI really wish you would have added your ingredients for us. Not everyone can get in the link to get us to the recipe.
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