Paleo Butternut Squash Soup - All Paleo Diet Recipes

Monday, November 30, 2020


Paleo Butternut Squash Soup

hi everybody I'm Elizabeth Hines from our paleo family and today we're making butternut squash tip it's Super Bowl Sunday so know this is coming to you too late for this particular Super Bowl but I know a lot of people have pizza and wings and that kind of stuff for Super Bowl and other people play up the soup part of the name and my son actually requested this for Super Bowl Sunday usually butternut squash soup it's our Thanksgiving Day lunch because I can make it the day before and it's just a little bit of a light lunch on the big day while we're waiting for our big meal and the evening but anyway it's cold and dreary and it's a perfect day for soup Super Bowl Thanksgiving whatever day it is so there are quite a few ways you can start working with a butternut squash you can buy it frozen in chunks which will be peeled chunks and that would be a great time-saving way for you to work with butternut squash but I can't find it in my local stores a lot of grocery stores are now starting to carry carry it in their produce section fresh again cubed and peeled and everything or even spiralized into noodles which I think would be delicious they charge a premium for those products and also some vitamins are very volatile and when you cut up the vegetable you lose some of them and vitamin C is one of those and so if you care about keeping as many vitamins as possible in your fruits and vegetables then working with them in their most whole state is ideal so there's just that do with that information which you will I like this method working with a whole squash one for the nutrient value but also it's less expensive I don't mind doing it so you have several choices then what you're going to do with this some people put it in the microwave some people cook it in the oven some people peel it and chop it so you have lots of choices and I'm going to tell you the way I work with a butternut squash because I think it's the easiest and that is I watch this and have a label on it so we take the label off and we scrubbed it and I'm just going to take I would not normally use this big of a minds but I have it here so just take a knife and poke a few holes in it so steam can escape I have my oven on 375 and I'm gonna bake it like this for probably 20 minutes to a half an hour until it's soft enough that I can cut it in half without hurting myself this is basically the same thing I do with a spaghetti squash and then I got an instant pot and I cook my spaghetti squash in the instant pot now but I always start with that hole because they're so hard to work with and it took me almost an hour to break down a butternut squash from this raw state but it is just not worth it so clean it poke a few holes in it and stick it in the oven and just bake it until you can cut it in half so that is step one my ovens on 375 because that's my desired temperature for this I'm not making anything else if you have something else in the oven they need to go in at 350 or 400 it's all fine I just choose a moderate temperature I want it to roast or bake slowly so I'm gonna set that aside for just a second while my oven is coming up to temperature and the other thing I'm gonna get started on my caramelized onions so I just have one sort of medium-sized sweet onions I'm just gonna peel that and chop it and you can caramelize this in whatever cookie exactly like so if I were not doing a whole 30 I would use some grass-fed butter but I'm doing a whole 30 right now which means no dairy so I'm going to use some clarified butter that I have made myself and ghee and clarified butter are very similar they are prepared and of a different fashion and both of them are essentially the butter is cooked and the milk solids are removed so you're left with just the butter oil which is generally considered to be free of the parts of the dairy that are irritating to a lot of people and I don't like the taste of ghee nobody in my family likes the taste of ghee so when I read out of it I decided to make clear of my butter and see if I like that better and here's my little empty jar one stick of grass-fed butter processed into clarified butter and it lasted us about a week it was very yummy I could mags and it all week I cooked vegetables in it it was delicious and we're going to cook our onions in it as well so my recipe calls for three tablespoons and I I don't have three tablespoons I might have a tablespoon and a half but I have another stick of butter on the stove so I'll be able to add to this once that's done so I'm just gonna start my phone west onions and again there are lots of ways of doing this there are lots of shortcuts google how to make caramelized onions and you'll find lots and lots of recipes but I'm going to give you the way I like to do it best and it is not a shortcut it is a very long and slow and you just put your burner on as low as it goes and you probably need to use a less powerful burner so you don't want to use your most powerful because even the low will be too high and let them cook so I just made mine into little sort of half moons here because at the end of this soup making process we're going to blend everything up so you don't have to worry about a real fine chop so just throw your onions in there with your ghee or your avocado oil whatever kind of cooking that you want to use bacon fat would be delicious it would add that bacony flavor a little salt and pepper get it on low and let this cook I'm going to turn that on and I'm going to show you the clarified butter too mine has just started so I can't demonstrate a lot but basically you put your butter in the pot on low as low as it'll go and don't stir it just let it sit better and it will start to bubble a little bit and simmer and the milk solids which are way will rise to the top and you just skim them off and discard them and so you skim them off and it will bubble a little bit more and you will keep skimming it off until you'll see you can see how this is cloudy right now it will be clear will look like oil and then you have your desired product and then just for like an extra level of insurance that you've got no the milk solids out you can strain it through some cheesecloth and that will get any little bits that you didn't get out with your spoon so again this is a little bit of a lengthy process it took me about 30 minutes maybe 45 minutes before because again it's slow you can't rush it and you'll have your own homemade clarified butter that will taste delicious okay so my butternut squash is going in the oven I'm making my ghee I've cut my onions caramelizing and I'm actually making broth because we need growth for our shape and I was out so that all the parts going and I will be back when we're ready for the next up thanks and let me just show you what I mean with the clarified butter that white which you think oh that's just you know bubbles or foam that's actually the milk solids and you can carefully just skim along the top don't get your face down in there because it will pop and whenever you move it like this it will pop a pan with lower sides is ideal makes it easier to do just skimming however if the butter pops like you can see what that's doing you're more likely to have it pop on you so the higher sides are a little less convenient but safer so already at this point you can tell a big difference and how cloudy it was when we started and how it's mostly clear now you can still see some of those milk solids are on the bottom they'll just continue to come to the top and we'll keep going through this process until it's completely clear and I'll show you that and let's just look at the caramelized onions too so have these on love it smells great we're getting some color but they're not burning I've not added sugar to make them caramelize there's plenty of sugar in them naturally and they will get nice and soft and dark bro
wn if given time okay so just let me show you the finished product of my purified butter and there's a little bit of milk solid still in the bottom that have browned I can see because I was sharing my kitchen you couldn't get back in here exactly what I wanted but that's totally fine I hope you can see a difference between what this looked like at the beginning and what it looks like now I'm just going to skim this last little bit off the top not worry too much about it fine mesh strainer and a piece of cheesecloth I'm actually gonna double that over in the tent to just pour this directly down over that center spot so then you simply remove this is weird there's just a little bit of fun right there on top nice nice to get that off that's just bubbles that's actually all right one nice thing about this since you have removed the milk solids you don't have to refrigerate your clarified butter and then into the darkness and I will use this later in my cooking today for my wings we're finishing up butternut squash okay great get this out of Manny okay my squash has been in the oven for about a half an hour and I forgot to tell you this that I took notice I just have this large rimmed baking sheet and lined it with a piece of parchment and now that my squash has been baking I can actually cut it so this fatter end is the end where the seeds over which means it's effective little hollow in the middle I'm going to take it off here so it's always easier to cut through that batter side and this is the dense fully squash side but even cutting through this stemming much much easier than it was before we baked it for a little while so cut all the way through and then I'm going to take the seeds out at this point you don't have to but I just choose to and you just want to be able to hold your squash still it's hot and I feel like if I don't squash all that fiber stuff scoops out a light-years and say yeah put a butternut squash just kind of run right around that fibrous stringy stuff you get into a little bit of the flush it's okay but you wouldn't get that out and at this point we're just going to cook we're going to bake it until it's done and you can see how if you can tell on the camera this sort of darker color it's more cooked than in the center if you can tell me how it looks it'll cook on this this section where the seeds were faster than the other section obviously is a thinner but it's fine just leave the whole thing in the oven just like that and so this will probably take about 30 more minutes so my recipe I'm going to give a lot of ranges in terms of the times and the amounts because for example the broth how much brought that taste one is depending on do you when your soup really thick or you want it a little bit thinner and also how big is your butternut squash there's some huge ones and there are tiny ones so you have to use your own judgment okay and the same goes with the cooking time I can say bacon first 20 minutes but yours might not be done in 20 minutes okay so you just have to cook it until it's done and I'll show you how to tell when it's done but for now not give me any toes and while we're at it I'll just give you a shot of my carmelized onions so these have been going for the whole time that the squash has been in the oven and they smell great but I want them all nice and brown and talked to their so they'll just go back on the stove and they'll keep cooking the whole time pine nuts watch is baking okay see you in a few for the next step hey there everybody so it took um in total about an hour and 15 minutes to bake this squash and I'm I can't touch it because it's been sitting on my counter for a little while which I've had the time today it's a lazy Sunday afternoon which is the kind of day I would like to make this kind of thing so I'm I feel rushed but I'm waiting on my instant pot to finish my chicken broth so I had time to live at City York so I can handle this pretty easily but see how easily my knife gets through here that's how I know my squash is done now remember this fat end is where the seeds were so the flesh wasn't quite as thick down here the more meaty part it's done too so if you are in a little bit of a hurry you don't have to you want to use my baking method you're gonna start with the whole squash and you're going to bake it like I've done you do not have to bake it until it's completely cooked all the way through like this you can get it to just to the point where you can handle it and then you can cut it up now when it's completely baked it'll the skin will come away pretty easily when it's not yet finished it'll be a little bit harder to get the skin off so just bear that in mind but if it's not completely baked from your time in the oven just let it simmer in the pot with your I've got my caramelized onions in there and I'm gonna add broth in just a few minutes you can just let it simmer and it will finish cooking so this point my squash is cooked and I could blend it at any time I'm gonna get everything in this pot I'm going to put in some salt and pepper but I went away until I taste my broth because I don't want to over season my soup I just have two simple little extra spices besides salt and pepper that I'm going to add to this they are cinnamon and age and again the amount just depends on your taste really and how big your watch is like we talked about before this it's kind of like if you ever baked a bunch of sweet potatoes or yams for Thanksgiving then the flesh will just sort of peel right away it's actually it's teeny bit easier if you do it before it cools quite as much as mine have it does I don't know why but the skin kind of gets stuck back to the flesh so just go through this process of getting all the skin off a little bit and gonna be tough so I'll just leave that butternut squash tastes a lot like pumpkin so in actually acorn squash and a similar flavor as well so if you wanted to make this soup and you wanted to avoid all of this work of dealing with the butternut squash you could just open yourself up a couple cans of pumpkin caramelize your onions you may have to start the same way there but then add your canned pumpkin your your really good-quality tasty chicken broth you know any kind of soup any recipe really where broth is a fairly large component the flavor of your soup depends on the flavor of your broth so you really need good broth this particular week we go through a lot of broth and I ran out and so I usually keep a carton of some store-bought broth in my pantry and I had to use it this way you can hand I really miss my homemade broth I actually bought a rotisserie chicken yesterday just so I could make some broth real quick so we haven't been I hadn't cooked bone-in chicken for a while I didn't have any parts they usually just keep all that stuff in the breather second save save up on my bends and things and then make broth when I have enough anywho have some good bro speaking of lineage figures my instant pot now when I make broth in the instant pot which is the only way I make it these days I let the pressure come down naturally but because it is super full it takes a long time well over an hour and I'm not going to wait for that today I'll give it about a half an hour and then I will manually release the rest of that pressure because we're having a Super Bowl to mine and we've got to get on with our menu so I apologize for the mess in here but we're cooking a bunch of yummy stuff I'm actually doing about thirty right now and I did a post on this and I know today's Super Bowl Sunday so you're hearing this after the Super Bowl but as I was thinking about gosh you know when are we going home for Super Bowl that will be hole 30 compliant a whole bunch of Paleo recipes or Primal but something like the Super Bowl we would we would step outside of our paleo world and ha
ve some dairy but I came up with a lot of recipe so I have a whole post about that so I tell you that simply because it's you know when we talk about Super Bowl food we're really just talking about party food and you people have parties all throughout the year so if you're doing a whole thirty or maybe you have a guest who's coming to your party who is doing whole thirty or some other sort of elimination check out my Super Bowl at 4:30 post because I have lots of options for you there that are delicious and will work perfectly fine so here's my squash I'm going to add my spices my cinnamon and sage and just put this on the stove and wait until I can add my breath in hi there so at this point we're just ready to blend our soup and then season it to taste and then let it simmer till you're ready to eat so I have about half of my squash and onions you know I as I peel the squash I put it in here with my caramelized onions so now I want my pot empty because I'm going to blend it and pour that in so I'm taking about half of it and put it in this bowl just so I didn't overfill my blender I have three cups of broth it just came out of my instant pot so I'm just putting enough liquid in to be able to blend this mixture well you can use a food processor you could use an immersion blender I'm simply using a standard blender because I think most people have a blender so I like to show you tools that I think you know are accessible to most people so my broth is really hot I'm just going to make sure I vent that so I can see that slow down I'm gonna add a little bit more broth by all means you can leave this lump in it or you can make it my movement I like it totally smooth I did taste my broth before I put it in here and it is actually very well seasoned so I'm I'm absolutely going to taste this mixture all together before I add any salt and pepper so my sage and my cinnamon are in here but I'm not going to add any salt and pepper until I have the whole shebang in here and contested together so again here's just the rest of my squash and onions I like a contrast in texture with my food so I'm making this soup really smooth but we're going to add a crunchy element by browning some sausage and then it will serve a little sausage on top so it adds kind of a salty it's felt like a counterpoint a salty counterpoint to the sweet squash and also that crunchy element to the smooth and I forgot to put the Broken Arrow simply trying to get my vocabulary words out so probably in it so there is one more ingredient to add that I forgot about and that is some coconut milk and you don't have to add that if you can eat dairy you can certainly I heavy cranium that would be more traditional but to keep this paleo we're going to add coconut milk and I don't really like the flavor of coconut and on your favorite foods and it you can't taste it in this soup at least not with the brand that I'm using which is native forest I'll show it to you in a minute so I'm just wiping this off because I don't like to waste and you can see the little flecks of my common ways to onion in there it doesn't bother me at all okay so as you can see my student is really thick I definitely want to thin that out some and I am gonna use some coconut milk like I said just to use however much you want but here's my native forest original and I used part of the cream and part of the liquid actually for another recipe so want to scoop some of the cream I want about a quarter to a third of a cup total and again this is really just to add some extra richness to our soup it's not going to do a whole lot to thin it out because I'm primarily adding the creamy part and not the watery part let's get a little bit of that okay and then I'm going to just put this on my stove let it simmer and continue to broth and salt and pepper until it tastes the red light and when I'm ready to serve I'm going to brown up my sausage through my spout my wrists right in the pot and if you get the whisk in your bowl then you get the prize and then this can just simmer until we're ready to serve and I'll show that to you I'll show you final product in just a little bit okay soups done once we blend into our soup I just had it simmering on low on my my burner and tasted it periodically I need to add a little bit of salt I didn't want to add too much pepper because I have spicy sausage and then I just browned up a pound of sausage so I have a recipe on my website for just a simple sausage whether you buy ground pork and you add the spices to it or you can find one that you like at the store that's made with good quality meat not a lot of sugar in that kind of stuff so this is how we serve it up this is about how I let my soup it's pretty thick which is typical better nut squash I use three full cups of broth in mine you might like a little more you might like a little less so we just spin that up top it with a little of our browned sausage or if you're my son a lot of the browned sausage and that's it we rotate hmm it's delicious the sweet squash spicy sausage creamy crispy it's perfect great for a cold winter night the fall day you can have it in the summer if you want to I don't care butternut squash full of vitamins and this is totally paleo whole thirty not autoimmune paleo because of all the spices in the sausage but you could leave that out and just go with the soup as it is and have yourself a delicious hearty meal so happy Super Bowl Sunday everybody see you next time .

Video Description:

Elizabeth shows how to make Paleo Butternut Squash Soup.
Recipe found here:
Other recipes used for Super Bowl:

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I make my Ghee in the instant pot on saute mode or slow cooker mode. Depends how lazy I'm feeling. lol

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Elizabeth OurPaleoFamily March 16, 2018 at 2:16 PM

Great idea!

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