Tuesday, February 2, 2021



hi I'm Vivica from the nourish caveman also the creator of the healing foods method in this video we're gonna look at what a typical day of keto paleo meals look like in this case my meals as I was eating then I'm filming them for you I'm also gonna give you a rough nutritional breakdown about calories and carbs and macros of what I'm eating and I'm gonna give more detail in the post so please do look at the blog post for complete information on what I was eating that day probably no recipes for today because a lot of days I've just eat very simple meals and these are kind of my favorite thing to keep you in ketosis and healthy when you're doing keto paleo simple healthy meals so I hope you enjoyed this video and if you have any questions you're welcome to comment underneath or to start a discussion on my page the nourish caveman or you're welcome to join my keto paleo group on Facebook where we have great discussions going on all the time as I do intermittent fasting in the morning when I first get up pretty early to do my chores this is what I first take I take 1500 milligrams of acetyl l-carnitine and then I drink a dandelion tea which is helping with my detoxing and keeping my liver happy and this is around 7:30 a.m. okay this is my breakfast at about 9:30 10 o'clock and it's smoked salmon with avocado coconut cream and hemp hearts the specific plate has about 400 calories has 30 grams of fat 25 grams of protein and only 2 grams of net carbs it's about 5 grams of whole carbs as you can see I put the hemp seeds on top and when I'm eating I'm gonna mix it all together like a salad and this is a great keto paleo breakfast to keep me from being hungry until I will eat the next meal I will probably just eat lunch and a my skip dinner if I'm doing intermittent fasting which is not going to be today so I will have breakfast lunch and dinner today today I'm having lunch in town is I'm running errands and as you can see I'm having a beautiful burger and a salad of course no bun I got avocado and bacon on top of it and it's a buffalo burger and I got a salad with some vinaigrette on it which is the best thing they had and actually no they don't put gluten in them by the way always make sure you check your burgers for hidden gluten because a lot of restaurants they think that you know meat is too expensive so they do put all kinds of fillers in their meats so I'm now gonna dig into this baby and I will let you know later how many calories and fat it will contain ballpark roughly as I put that in my fitness pal all right okay so today's meal is a large pork chop with bitter greens sauteed with garlic and a little bit of coconut oil and then my usual sauerkraut and this is for people that say that a ketogenic diet is low in nutrients and will lead to nutritional deficiencies of course there are many different ways to do a ketogenic diet this is the kind of food that will prevent that from happening we are talking high nutrients high quality foods here by the way the pork shop comes from our local farm which is organic and free-range they have great pork and also the greens they come from the farmers market and they are a strange kind of bitter greens that the local farmers see a girl I don't even know what they're called but anything this green and bitter is good for you today's family member is meetcha meetcha is my oldest cat and is my favorite one is a bit camera shy and he doesn't like to be picked up and abused but say hello Mitra is the cutest you .

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