Stella got her (Paleo) groove back! - All Paleo Diet Recipes

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


Stella got her (Paleo) groove back!

all right so check this out I am outside and how cool is that that I can be outside in January and my office has this big sliding glass door or sized window that I can climb through and it's already getting to be dim outside so it's not gonna be enough light but I just wanted to check and see if I could do a video over here and this is kind of awesome because now I get to stand up and just put the camera on a little tripod thing but anyway I am not just here to show you the beautiful hillside that I have outside of my office which will soon be planted with lots of bird seeds for flowers that my mom gave me last year so I'm gonna dig little ditches and put those seeds in there because the grounds nice and moist so hopefully I'll get some beautiful flowers growing this spring and summer but I wanted to give you those of you following on my holistic journey a little check-in on the Paleo diet that I've been doing and I am so excited right now cuz I feel like I finally like nailed it okay I feel like I finally got to a place of it took a couple of weeks man of struggle and I think I always it's you know I think I'm so healthy and that I'm this is why I do this stuff okay I feel like oh I'm a holistic health practitioner I eat healthy I've been eating gluten-free for seven years I am you know primarily organic I only eat grass fed meat and I don't eat factory farms stuff and trashy you know burgers and fast food like I don't eat fast food I haven't eaten McDonald's in 20 years I I feel like I'm a healthy person I feel like I'm so healthy and that I do a lot of like things for my health and I feel and think in my brain that like yeah I'm a healthy person and I eat healthy and most of the time when I'm not at a festival partying my brains out I'm pretty much taking really good care of myself and but then when I give up sugar or when I give up sweeteners and sugar-free gum and I'm not allowed to eat my gummy fiber supplements or my gummy heap multivitamins or I'm choosing not to eat any grains at all as in no corn no rice no quinoa like no starchy something to you know put your saucy stuff on and nothing to like no rice with your curry it's it's weird it's like I definitely I definitely struggled and you'll have you already saw in my video when I was really struggling but what was interesting was my partner and I decided to let go of the whole 30 we we were like mostly paleo but we had a little bit of cheese left and a little bit of gluten-free bread left and he just stopped eating it and I was like I have to eat this last piece of gluten-free bread and I need to eat this last log of honey sure a goat cheese oh my god I can't let that go to waste I definitely am a person who doesn't everyone anything go to waste and feels a tremendous amount of guilt if I waste food especially I even have like people specifically friends of mine who I'm like are you hungry come eat this massive pot of chili that I made if my partner doesn't want to eat it for example cuz it's not vegetarian I will call someone to come over and eat it and I've also learned to like when I make a big batch of something to freeze some of it and put it in the freezer and then it's always awesome when you're like oh man I'm hungry what should I eat oh I've got that thing in the freezer and then you just unthought and you know heat it back up and it's always delicious but anyway I'm digressing the point is I hate to waste things and we started in January we had a bunch of sugary sweets and treats on New Year's Eve but we didn't eat them I mean I ate some but my partner was like no I'm not gonna eat that stuff and I was like you're not you know it's like this is our last night I'm the kind of person who's like if I'm not gonna eat sugar I'm gonna eat a shitload sugar right now every chance I have I'm gonna eat all the things because I know I'm not gonna be eating them but it's totally true like have you guys heard of the Gretchen Rubin the four tendencies holder obligor questioner and rebel well she also talks about being an abstainer or a moderator so some people are like I'm an abstainer I don't drink nope or they're like I don't eat carbs okay and I'm a moderator where I like to eat a little bit I like to go I can drink a couple times a month but that's it I honestly I really don't like it that much so I'm not drinking I don't drink at this point I don't drink and I'm hoping to keep it that way but I don't have an alcohol problem so I feel like why can't I drink sometimes it's not gonna get wasted and go get a DUI but anyway that's another topic the point is I like to give myself a little bit like you get to have some gummy vitamin C because you like to eat gummies but you don't get to eat sour patch kids and you don't get to eat gummy candy but you can have sugar-free CBD gummies and gummy vitamins C chewable huh so I have this way of like giving myself a little bit or like if I want chocolate I shook her free chocolate from Trader Joe's it's really good by the way they have a mint milk one and a regular dark chocolate I will buy the sugar-free chocolate and then I'll say you get to have a little bit of this chocolate like you can have two or three pieces but I don't let myself have more than three pieces at a time but I'm moderate you know like I have a little bit but um but what's funny was prior leading up to the whole xxx diet I was just giving myself whatever I wanted you know as I was like I'm gonna eat like 20 of these things so umm yes that was hard to just I probably shot myself in the foot and made it harder for myself to deal with the cravings for that first week but um so for the first you know week and a half of January we weren't 100% whole thirty yet we were pretty much let's say we were paleo and gluten-free but we weren't 100% grain free okay and then there was one night when I told my partner I said it's a full moon this will be the the completion of our eating up the food that the you know I needed to eat the pieces of gluten-free bread and I wanted to eat the last of that cheese or I bought like a gluten-free pizza and I wanted to finish my leftover pizza right that had grain in it so of course anything with a dough is gonna have grain but there is grain free dough you can make it out of cassava and coconut and almond coconut and almond or both nuts and cassava is like a root like a potato technically so technically if you make yourself a pizza oh I just thought of idea what about shredding sweet potato and shredding carrot and then making a little like shredded patty with egg and making that your pizza crust see this is how people that do paleo get so freakin like go crazy and write a cookbook I already have a paleo sweets cookbook and I recently made a coconut cake or like a coconut pie so good it's basically like coconut creme brulee in a pie shell the pie shell wasn't technically paleo though but it was gluten-free so anyway I love food can you tell I love food I really do and I love to beef it like I don't want it like just eat and just get fat you know that's why I went gluten-free in the first place I'm gonna do a video soon about why I went gluten-free and how I did it cuz it was freakin hard I did it like eight years ago when there was no gluten free food that was anything resembling deliciousness at all whatsoever there was no bread there was no pasta there was no substitutions so you literally had your spaghetti sauce on rice or you didn't have anything yours being sauce on nothing but hey in a way maybe that's what primed me for doing paleo because when you are keto because when you do paleo and keto you have your spaghetti sauce on nothing or a bed of arugula and honestly a bed of arugula with some meat sauce on top will pine nuts maybe a little parmesan freakin delicious you don't need no pasta anyway what am I talking about umm oh I wanted to tell you about this sweet spot that I got to recently where I'm feeling awesome that is the goal right when you're like you're feeling bad it's hard and then you you get to a place of like I'm feeling strong I feel energetic I'm oh so good this is why I do this because when I get off my routine and I get my healthy diet I end up suffering with insomnia sleeping in way too late and always feeling tired fatigue lack of energy same difference just I end up dealing with other problems and bloating digestive problems basically IBS and it sucks and when I get myself back onto a gluten-free or sorry-sorry sorry-sorry gluten-free that's a given ok if I'm talking about food gluten-free for almost eight years now ah but yes its life is way better without it oh my god I don't miss it honestly I used to miss it I used to cry I used to go oh my god you made those muffins that looks so good oh and now when someone goes I made these muffins you know I do I go oh they smell so good but no thanks I I can't have gluten I'm allergic and most people because it's been around for a while are they used to be assholes about it and say oh that's fine you're fine you can eat this it's a fad can you believe that somebody said it's a fad yeah friend of mine who said that gluten free is a fad I was like dude that's like saying that lactose intolerance is a fad because if someone eats a food and they have problems after eating it whether they break out in hives or they can't for three days or they're 500 times or they you know you name the symptom there's lots of symptoms look it up but anyway I mean I have a friend recently who told me that she never had any digestive problems with her guts and going to the bathroom none of those issues at all but she quit eating gluten recently I guess she wanted to try it or maybe she just felt like something was off or whatever whatever whatever her reason I'll have to ask her and she said that she's now free from pain and had joint pain in her body her whole life this woman is 40 years old I went to her 40th birthday so I know she's 40 and she's effluent gorgeous and beautiful and thin and you know sexy and has a great body so she wasn't overweight or having any of the other like common problems that you'd read about for example in Wheat Belly but she said that she had chronic joint pain her whole life and now that she quit the gluten she doesn't have the joint pain isn't that mind-blowing so anyway it's not a fad it's 100% real and it's way more real than people want to admit because so many people are allergic to it and just don't know but that's another topic so here's the sweet spot this is the good stuff okay so Oh for me gluten-free has been a given for a long time and I feel so much better with that and I'm able to maintain my weight I don't fluctuate between 10 pounds heavier and then working my ass like out at the gym like crazy just to lose that 10 pounds anymore I used to hang weight and then lose it and then gain weight and then lose it but it's like I would have to work really hard to lose it and then I could gain it pretty easily once I gave up the gluten I maintain my weight really easily it's pretty easy anyway I wouldn't you know what I mean I'd fluctuate like a few pounds but it's like I never get heavy because I'm not eating all that starchy but the trick yeah okay now there's a lot of gluten-free stuff so now you can get gluten-free shortbread cookies and gluten-free bread and gluten-free pasta so now you can still binge on a bunch of carbohydrates even without the gluten which is definitely the major factor I think in the weight gain side of it but the inflammatory gut problem is another huge issue so if your colon is all jacked up and you're in you know not absorbing nutrients correctly you're not going to function correctly so I read in the whole 30 or in my paleo book or one of the two that thirty days that's why they do the whole yeah their whole thirty the reason they do it for 30 days is because 30 days is how long it takes to reset the gut meaning no grains no inflammatory foods no dairy products because dairy products are also extremely inflammatory to lots of people not everybody but lots so when you clear the dairy clear all the grains you are now soothing and calming and just putting food in your stomach that your body knows how to digest everyone knows how to digest vegetables nuts and healthy natural meats for the most part okay for the most part but anyway yeah so we started the whole 30 or you know started the Paleo and then I was finishing off the little bits of gluten-free stuff that wasn't that was made out of rice and whatever corn or whatever and then yeah I remember this there was one night and I said we got to get rid of this and it was one of those shove ray honey cheese logs right goat cheese oh my god guess what goat cheese is not there's no hormones in goat milk because they're not putting hormones and goats yet let's hope it stays that way so at least you know that it's not full of freaking and nasty hormones like all the milk products are but anyway it's still not paleo so we had this goat cheese and we had some apricot jam that's definitely got sugar and I was like oh I love that apricot jam toast man toast are you kidding me like I couldn't live without toast once they started coming out with good gluten-free bread game-changer if I can have some toast I'll be all right so anyway I'm not gonna be hard percent paleo forever but I want to be 90 percent 75% 80% so anyway here's where we're at we had this amazing spread we had like dip we had like garlic spread we had this like cauliflower hummus that mostly just tasted like . cauliflower but it's still delicious and we had a little bowl with like tangerines and like we had the the goat cheese and then these like amazing like seed crackers but the crackers had oats so that's also not paleo but anyway my partner said let's just get rid of it and I go no we can't throw it away that's it let's eat it all right now it was my uterus talking not just me okay but anyways so we go and we have this smorgasbord of like snacks for dinner right it's like cheese and crackers and dip and and bell peppers and carrots and a little fruit you know and oh my god goat cheese on those gluten-free seed crackers from Trader Joe's and then apricot jam on top of the goat cheese magnifique so we eat all this yummy crunchy snacky you know chips and stuff and all the stuff that's made out of potatoes and corn and oats and different kinds of flour and it was delicious and we enjoyed that meal tremendously and it was like a dinner it was really good so that was our last day and that was the day before the full moon so I was on the 10th of January so anyway starting on January 10th the full moon we were whole we made it about seven days I don't know a few days in we were really struggling with not adding sweetener to our tea and coffee we were like why can't we have some stevia man cuz black coffee or even coffee with cream but no sugar it doesn't not taste very good it's bitter so we were kind of like uh and I like tea but I was still kind of like yeah I miss my sweeteners yeah you're right I drink a lot of tea I might drink like hot tea at night hot seeing them two cups in the morning and and some like relaxing tea at night and I drink this like raspberry tea every month to help with the girls stuff and I drink tea a lot probably 2 to 3 cups of tea a day and it was a bummer or not having that sweetened coffee mate garbage that we've grown accustomed to drinking this sugar free stuff so we were really struggling with that and what I used to do in the past and what I've done in the past when I did paleo was when I was having a sugar craving and I was like I want sugar I want sugar I want sweet I want sweet I would eat a piece of sugar-free gum and I would chew on like a fruity gum my favorite is the trident tropical one with the mango flavor anyway the gum would work I would chew the gum ah get the sweet taste and then I'd be chewing the gum for the next hour two hours and I would forget about eating and it'd be fine because you're not actually hungry you just want the sweet so not having gum not having stevia nothing to give you the sweetness satiation that you're looking for it was we were having a hard time with it we were feeling frustrated by it we were annoyed at how much we desired it and how much we were craving it so you probably saw that my last video where I was like I'm freaking out well anyway I talked to my partner and I said why don't we just say we're gonna do the whole 30 strict for just seven days let's just give it a week that's better than nothing it's better than one day it's better than two days it's seven whole days we did it for a week and then let's relax on the strictness of the whole 30 and let's go to just paleo and what was really interesting that I noticed was that when we said yes let's just okay we agree let's just do that we can have stevia again we're still not gonna have soy we're still not gonna have coffee mate with hydrogenated oil but we're gonna have Truvia and erythritol sweetened baked goods and things like that because I make some bomb-ass baked goods and I was like no baked goods at all for thirty days what am I gonna eat just like bacon and cashews and salad like that's boring man it's wintertime I want some hot food I want some warm food I want something to go with my tea in the morning but again this is this is the struggle you know it's like you like what you like so anyway I we relaxed on that and I remember noticing that we were so much more we really relieved it was like such a relief to be like hey we're still eating really healthy we're still not eating dairy we're not eating grains but we're allowing ourselves to have some sweetener in our tea like big effing deal so it's kind of interesting to see how how much of a like relaxation we gained from letting that go and letting go of this like strict miss of this particular diet so that was kind of cool to see like wow what a relief and we're still eating super good we didn't just go let's go get pizza it you know but then the other thing that happened was um you know as I've done this before and I've embraced eating more animal proteins because of my blood type O+ by the way um I know that if I eat like beef jerky or you know a tuna and plantain chips plantain chips are my new favorite cracker if I have something like that rather than having like a bar that has a sweet flavor I am so much more satisfied and it lasts so much longer so I know that I got to increase the protein and gotta increase the fats to stay satisfied and satiated so it was really awesome cuz I had a day where I had to go do like four massages and I had to drive and you know I was gonna be at work for like six or seven hours and I was like okay I got a plan for this I got to make sure I have some stuff that I can eat I don't want to go I'm hungry and I didn't bring any food so let me go to let me just go to 7-eleven and buy potato chips it's like yeah potato chips are made out of plants but they're still not good for you and they're still full of oil and they're not they're still full of carbs so anyway I brought food with me I brought I bought some beef jerky sticks that were sugar-free found some sugar-free stuff I started with researching if you follow the holistic journey facebook page I'll share these resources like I found a 20 hole 30 fruit snacks you can buy an Amazon I was like yes there we go I need as a massage therapist on the go I need some packaged bars or ready to eat snacks that are non-perishable that I can carry around in a purse and eat between clients because I need a fuel myself so anyway started finding some things that would work hmm and also like making a really hearty breakfast and stuff so I remember going to work to work and coming home ready to cook dinner and excited to eat but I wasn't starving I wasn't hangry I was very satisfied from what I had eaten before and I didn't have that like craving crazy binge eating feeling I'm just like I just want to keep shoving in my mouth I felt I felt calm and cool with it and I had had a decadent piece of grape flavored chewing gum that tasted so sugary when I ate it but the point is I got to this place of like I got it I feel calm I feel comfortable I feel satiated I feel happy at my body my stomach is happy I'm not having any stomach problems I'm not feeling any digestive discomfort and I'm not hungry and I'm not craving and I'm not upset about what I don't get to eat that's winning that's that's like you made it like you figured it out so it only took two weeks all right so let's say a week of the whole 30 and then another week of paleo so within two weeks of being paleo I felt awesome and I felt like okay okay I feel great and I'm waking up before the alarm goes off I went to the gym today today's a Saturday I was in the gym at like 9:30 or well maybe yeah I wasn't yeah then the gym like 9:00 something that is miraculous for me so I hope this inspires you to give it a try yourself if you want some coaching on this please give me a call I'd be happy to help you out I do offer coaching and it's been fun I'm excited to keep going we're gonna go until you know February 10th to do a full 30-day paleo and then I'm planning on doing the whole juice cleanse thing for a week after that and then moving forward with eating healthy and taking care of myself so we'll see but I just wanted to say I made it and I made it through this tough so it is possible to get to a point where you're like oh I just woke up at 7 a.m. and I want to go do yoga and oh I'm sore from the Pilates I did yesterday but I still feel great like that's amazing talk about more energy like awesome so I'm doing good and I hope you're doing good love you like share subscribe follow along at our whole district journey Facebook group you can look for it our holistic journey or you can send me an email with your contact information and I will invite you to it on Facebook but anyway thanks for watching and have a great rest of your day it's getting really dark so time to end can you see my hillside yeah I see this is my building that's my treatment room and this is my sneaky little garden I think I'll do some more videos here in the future I'll grow me some flowers alright y'all bye .

Video Description:

I'm on a 30+ day Paleo diet journey, and finally feeling super strong and healthy! It feels good to be back in the saddle! If you need help in this area of your life, I offer Holistic Coaching, and will be teaching Wellness Workshops in San Diego once monthly or more, in 2020!
Join this FB group here: to be updated about workshops coming up, or follow me on

I've successfully wrangled my partner John (check him out on his Youtube channel: Hugnation) into this paleo plan, too! (Much better to do things like this as a team.) If you'd like to see what we're up to, find out about the next workshop, as well as get links to resources & lots more info like TedTalks and Podcasts about health, diet, habit change and maybe even try some of my favorite delicious Paleo recipes, join my group: Our Holistic Journey on Facebook, here:

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(click the schedule tab to set up an appointment) @Getlifeenergy or my personal Insta: @Beccademoulin
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