Paleo vs Keto: What's the Difference? - All Paleo Diet Recipes

Friday, March 19, 2021


Paleo vs Keto: What's the Difference?

Hey guys, alright so if you've landed here,
you're probably curious about the difference between the ketogenic diet and the paleo diet. Um, you're probably interested in losing weight,
which is why most people go on a diet specifically, but also lifestyle change. What's the difference between the Paleo Diet
and the Ketogenic Diet?

Which one is more effective in terms of losing
weight. I'm going to talk about this and I'm just
going to go quickly over the history of the paleo diet and the history of the ketogenic
diet and why they were developed. The Paleo Diet was originally brought to mainstream
media by a guy named Dr.

Loren Cordain. He wrote book, back in 2002, it didn't become
well know until 2009 when the Paleo Diet became like this cult diet that people were following
in order to lose weight fast. And now it's insanely popular though mainstream,
all kinds of media, whether it be blogs, podcasts, people talking about it on mainstream news. So, in general, the Paleo Diet is an all meat,
vegetables, nuts, seeds and berries, is the general guidelines for that diet. Why those things?

Because those were the things, 10,000 years
ago plus, in the Paleolithic era, we were able to have at our finger tips.

We would hunt and gather and that's the foods
that we'd be able to eat. Foods like potatoes would be eating in moderation
and the same thing for rice or grains, because they were really hard to harvest and they
were really hard to cook. Imagine trying to eat grains without a pot
and being able to boil it. So those are some of the reasons behind, the
whole strategy behind the Paleolithic Diet. Now, the Ketogenic Diet is completely different.

The Ketogenic Diet was developed in the 1920's
for people with epilepsy and it was used as the main source of treatment for people with
epilepsy from the 20's into the 30's. And then what happened was we developed a
drug to help with epilepsy and basically the drug took the place of the Ketogenic Diet,
which sidelined it for a really long time. Now, the problem is the Ketogenic Diet was
a much healthier version or way to help people with epilepsy, but there was also a side effect
that came with that. People would have insane fat loss. It wasn't viewed as a weight loss or fat loss

It was viewed as a diet that helped people
with epilepsy. But it didn't take off as a "DIET" until much,
much later. Actually until Dr. Atkins made it a little
bit more famous in the 80's. Or actually I think it was the 70's.

So, here's the deal. The Paleo Diet and the Ketogenic Diet are
quite different in terms of macronutrients. Now, the Paleo Diet doesn't really have a
macronutrient profile. However, Dr. Loren Cordain, the author of
"The Paleo Diet," says that the Paleo Diet is a high protein diet.

But that has been over the last 6-7 years,
there's a lot of paleo people out there, Robb Wolf being one of them, people I've interviewed
on my podcast that talk about the Paleo Diet and they kind of take what Cordain has talked
about and they've molded it to a somewhat more modern, some would say bastardized version
of the original. And they've created a Paleo Diet that's a
little more user friendly. So, you might see less of a high protein diet
and more of a balanced diet where people are having, they're staying within the guidelines
of the nuts, seeds, berries, vegetables and meats. But they're broadening the spectrum on the
macronutrients. So it's not necessarilly one or the other.

In terms of weight lose, you can skew some
of you macros to get the results, but that's a whole other video. Now, with the Ketogenic Diet, that is a HIGH
FAT diet, specifically. There is no debate about that. You're talking about a high fat diet that
strictly talks about having at lease 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbohydrates. That might sound really delicious to think
about being able to have 70% of your calories coming in from fat, but I'll tell you this
right now, it's not an easy thing to do.

It actually takes a lot of work, a lot of
planning. But the benefits can be significant for people
that need to lose a significant amount of weight. Body fat specifically. Now, those ratios. That 70%, 25%, and 5%, those ratios are not
necessarily set in stone, but they're really good markers, guidelines for achieving ketosis.

Which is the process in which the body is
burning fat a source of energy as apposed to burning glucose as a source of energy. We think of glucose or glucose is what we
get from our carbohydrates. Our body naturally converts the carbohydrates
into glucose as a source of energy. But when we eliminate the carbohydrates, we
drive them down to 5% or below, which generally is around 20 grams of carbohydrates per day. Our body starts to then utilize the fats that
we're bringing in and our body goes through this state called "ketosis" or transitions
into a state called "ketosis." Where we're burning FAT as a source of energy.

Now, again if your goal is to lose extreme
amount of wait through fat lose, why wouldn't you want to turn your body in to a fat burning

There're certain caveats that have to mentioned
when doing the ketogenic diet. The body doesn't easily transition from burning
glucose to burning ketones as source of energy. There is something called the "keto flu,"
and that's where you're going to have really low energy, you're gonna have brain fog. You might have extreme fatigue, to the point
where, literally getting out of bed, it's going to feel like you're depressed and sometimes
people feel like got hit by a truck the day before, where their bodies are just done. And that's without doing any physical activity.

So you're going to go through this phase called
the "keto flu." Once you're on the other side of that. The process of you're body converting glucose
burning to ketone burning, once you're through that, you are now in this "ketosis" state. Which means your body's burning ketones. And once you're in that state, your energy
levels jump. You have all these benefits.

From your body being a ketone burning machine,
your blood pressure should go down, you cholesterols transition into a much more favorable cholesterol
ratio. If you guys are interested, there're a couple
of different books that you can read on this. There's one called The Ketogenic Diet by a
good friend of mine, Kristen Mancinelli. You can definitely check that out, that's
on amazon. But generally it's a very strict diet to follow.

Unlike the paleo diet, which has guidelines,
but not necessarily really rigid strict guidelines. If you're gonna do the Paleo Diet, you could
just pick up and do that anytime. You can have a dinner party and have people
over and they don't even know they're eating Paleo. But if you were doing a Ketogenic Diet, it's
going to be much more difficult to go out to dinner, it's going to much more difficult
to have people over for dinner. You're gonna be making food that are slightly
different from "main stream" foods.

Such as high cream, high fat foods that most
people would think are insanely unhealthy. But in reality if you're using the proper
ingredients, they can be extremely beneficial and healthy for your body. Some of the food, and I'm just going to list
off a few. Some of the Paleo food would be meat, poultry,
fish, non-starchy vegetables, you could have sweet vegetables as well, like tubers, healthy
fats: olive oil coconut oil and avocado oil. That holds true the same for the Ketogenic

And moderate amounts of fruit in the paleo
diet. Why moderate amount of fruit?

People always ask that question. Because, think about this, if you live a place
that has seasons, which a lot of places in this world do most of the time, we don't have
access to tons and tons of fruit, all the time. It's seasonal. So we might have a few months out of the year
when berries are in harvest.

And the same thing for apples and bananas
and all that stuff. Unless you grew up in a tropical place. Foods to avoid in the Paleo Diet: grains,
dairy, certain kinds of dairy. Now this again is Dr. Cordain's recommendation,
but since then lots of other Paleo experts have kind of moved away from the "no dairy"

So they've started to incorporate that into
their diets as well. And then the Keto is almost exactly the same
thing, except for Keto, the foods to eat would be the dairy and foods to avoid would be all
of your sweet vegetables and tubers, all grains, avoid basically all high carb dairy, which
is basically fat-free dairy. If you look on the back of any fat-free dairy
product, the carbohydrates are a little bit higher, the sugars are a little bit higher. In order for that food to taste good, they
had to increase the sugar content. If you remove fat, all that's left is the

And fruits are off the table when you're talking
about Ketogenic Diet. They're just off the table, period. So, in summary, they can both be very effective
diets. But if you're goal is to lose like 10 pounds
or 20 pounds, my recommendation would be to do the Paleo Diet. The paleo diet, if you're now at this point
having a standard American diet, which means you're having cereal in the morning maybe
and you're having a sandwich for lunch and then you're having meat and potatoes or pasta
for dinner.

That's a pretty standard American diet. But you transition from there to a Paleo Diet,
which is basically, none of that shit and you're eating ton of meat and vegetables,
well you're gonna start losing weight pretty quick. So, if you have to lose 10 or 20 pounds, you
can lose 2 pounds a week and basically be at your goal within 2 or 3 months. If you have like 30 to 100 pounds to lose,
my recommendation would be doing the Ketogenic Diet. It can take you up to, and for some people
it takes a month to transition from that "keto flu" like I was talking about.

It could take 8 days, it could take a week
for a lot of people, but for some people I've read and have a client where it's taking longer
than that. So that's just a difficult phase to get through,
but once you're on the other side of it and you're really rocking and rolling the weigh
loss can be significant. What you can do is create a strategy around
this. If you have 30 or 40 pounds to lose, you do
more of a ketogenic diet to start out with and after you reach your goal and then you
transition to a Paleo diet. It's all basically the same foods, with the
exception of one or two, but the ratios are completely different.

But your going from a "whole food" diet to
a "whole food" diet, rather than what most people do, which is why we have the yo-yo
dieting, most people go on a diet, like the keto diet, which is an extreme diet and then
they transition right back to the old diet that got them in the same place to start with. So that would be my recommendation. Start with the keto if you have a lot of weight
to lose and then transition into the paleo diet. If you don't have that much weight to lose,
try out the Paleo Diet. And don't look at these as a "diet" guys.

Look at this as a lifestyle. This is the way you should be eating for the
rest of your life. You're not stopping yourself from eating all
these delicious foods. In fact, the Paleo Diet and the Ketogenic
Diet, all of them give you the opportunity to eat really good, healthy, delicious food
all the time. It's just you creating a structure around
all of that in order to create a lifestyle you can maintain for the rest of your life.

So that's it for me. The difference between the Paleo and the Ketogenic
Diet. Thanks for watching. .

Video Description:

Wondering what the difference is between the Paleo Diet and the Ketogenic Diet?

I wrote a blog about it that goes into full detail, but take a listen to this video if you'd like to get started soon.

Paleo vs Keto is not as much a competition as to which is better, but more of a decision of which diet is best for the goals you are setting for yourself.

Do you want and need to lose a lot of weight? Maybe the Ketogenic Diet is better.

Do you want to lose 20 pounds? Maybe the Paleo Diet is better for you in that case.

I'd love to hear your feedback in the comments below.

If you'd like to learn more about the Paleo Diet, check out this book. Dr. Loren Cordain is the Godfather of Paleo. It's the best place to start.

Learn more about the Ketogenic Diet here:

Here's an interesting Keto & Paleo Cookbook:

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